Electric blowers
Some quick leaf blower thoughts as you approach spring and summer and neighborhood pressure to keep your yard spic and span.
First don’t be put off by purported difficulty. Most everyone can use a leaf blower…think vacuum or even lawn mower. If you are a woman and on the lighter side, go with an electric blower. They are lighter (about 6 pounds compared to ten for the gas model) and easier to maneuver. All you have to do is press a switch and the fan is blowing debris from your sidewalk or driveway.
With a gas blower you need to mix gas and oil before you flip a switch, press the primer a couple of times and then pull the handle and cord to ignite the fuel and get the fan going. But there is no electrical cord to accidentally cut, you aren’t tethered to the house outlets and you get a bit more power than the electric motor will provide. Maintenance is also an issue. You are looking at a once a year tune up with spark plug and filter replacements.
Cost is on the side of the electric blower…you can acquire one for under thirty dollars. You’ll be blowing away minimum sixty for a cheapie gas model and you could go up to $250 for a top of the line blower.