Abby's Guide to Tooth Whitening
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Abby’s Guide > Tooth Whitening > Guide > Tooth Whitening - The Quick and Painless Visit to the Dentist

The Quick and Painless Visit to the Dentist

If you don't like the taste or feel of the gels and strips, you might want to talk with your dentist about having the whitening done right there in the office. It's called "chairside bleaching". In just thirty to sixty minutes you are on your way to a whiter smile. However, you may need more than one treatment, depending on your response to the treatment and degree of pellicle film on your enamel.

Your dentist will put protective gel on your gums or perhaps a rubber barrier to keep the chemicals from your gums. Then the bleaching solution is applied to your teeth.

Like the over the counter products, the bleaching agent is carbamide peroxide, but, more than likely in a higher concentration. OTC products are generally a 10% concentration while the dentist's brand may be anywhere from 20% to 35% concentration. The dentist may use a special light or even a laser to try and speed up the whitening. Some say the laser is more gimmick than science (the American Dental Association has not given their seal of approval on the whiteners that require lasers), but some claim it helps the process along. It certainly is not harmful. You can get up to six shades whiter teeth from just this one visit that can last less than an hour.

These treatments do not come cheaply and although someone may say your smile is worth a million bucks, you won't come quite that close to have your teeth whitened. $500 is not out of the cosmetic ball park for this type of whitening and if you throw in the laser, you are talking about $1000.

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