Senior Member
Just call me Chris
Posts: 396
I'm surprized nobody here has mentioned dust collectors. If yall are really into vacuums dust collectors are the ultimate. Dust collectors are basically really huge central vacuums for woodshops, or any place where u have large machines that produce lots of debris. So for instance in your wood shop you'd have your Table saw, and your power planer, and your outer table, and your jointer all hooked up to a central dust collection system because they make so much sawdust and shavings. When you turn on your planer the dust collector would comes on, and suck up all the shaving and collects them in a central location. I remember I used to have a little woodshop in our basement when I was a kid, and I had a router, man that thing would make so much sawdust everywhere, then I clean it all up You really couldn't have a serious woodshop with serious machines without one, the place would have have so much sawdust everywhere, and it would be too difficult to manage without a dustcollector. You'd really be spending most of your time cleaning up. There's two types of dust collectors, single stage and two stage, single stage all the dust goes through the fan and is blown into a bag, as where in a two stage the large heavy particle are spun out before the fine dust is blown into a bag or a cartridge or out the side of the building. two stage units are better because the fan is protected and thereofre they can have a more efficient fan, because the filter doesn't clog up as quickly, and apperently if a screw get's suck in it can create a spark when it hit the fan and if there lots of saw dust and lots of air the conditions could result in a super efficient combustion, and this doesn;t happen in two stage units. Conversely never suck up a cigerette in your vacuum. I mean I've always wanted to walk up to a smoker and suck the cigerette right out of their hands, but my vacuum would catch on fire and burn up in a matter of seconds. oh well, certainly Delta makes a great dust collecter. Yall might pick up this month fine wood working magazine, they have a article on dust collection system. KEwl stuff.