Junior Member

I love YaBB 1G - SP1!
Posts: 28
Hello Just wanted to share thought on my Rainbow and give my opinion based on the good and the bad I have read. I have used this machine once a week and it has not just sat stored in the closet not being used. I will admit it's tempting to leave the rainbow parked and grab the kenmore just to not have to mess with it, but I usaually end up getting it out because although not as convienent as a regular vacuum, it's really alot easier to use and less time consuming than the pre e2 series. I've paid close attention to the hepa filter because alot seem to thing half the dirt skips over the water and ends up in the hepa. The hepa filter still looks brand new! I'm not one of these people who lets the water turn to mud before emptying it. My carpets are very clean and the house smells great, less dusting. There is a product from rainbow called aquawet. If you put a small amount in the water basin if you are going to be vacuuming non wetable dirt, it will make the dirt stick to the water. I have never used it but Rexair does sell it.I love the thing, but sometimes I hate getting it out because I know if I do, I end up cleaning for alot longer than I was planning. I have the mentality "since I have it out ,I might as well". Mark