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BEST BUY And Sunday Parade (Read 3266 times)
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I love YaBB 1G -

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Re: BEST BUY And Sunday Parade
Reply #270 - 06/29/06 at 8:52pm
"Yes there is Terrorism in that part of the world but the Malaysian government has been praised by many for thier support in the war against terrorists.  Are you proposing we send troops to help them in this..."
If you read the transcript of the Feingold interview, it is the Senate Foreign Relations Committee and General Casey who propose withdrawing the US troops from Iraq to deploy to countries like Malaysia, Indonesia, and Somalia.  Reason: The rising number of terrorists in these countries which are on the "watch list" and known safe havens for terrorists.  
Would you expect that they would propose sending US troops into these countries if the governments were doing a good job to keep the terrorists out.  Wink  To stimulate the economies of these countries?  Like Iraq?
Carmine D.
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Re: BEST BUY And Sunday Parade
Reply #271 - 06/30/06 at 9:45am
" Sen. Russ Feingold (D-WI) Falsely Accuses Army Gen. George Casey Of Supporting Kerry-Feingold “Cut And Run” Plan:
Sen. Russ Feingold (D-WI): “Not only does it make sense, but it sort of shows that all this talk about a timetable being unreasonable or ridiculous is just wrong. Even General Casey is talking about how realistic it is to bring the troops home. And our timetable that we proposed last week had to do with bringing the troops home within one year. I mean, how is this different?” (NBC’s “Meet The Press,” 6/25/06)
Army Gen. George Casey: “I’m confident that we’ll be able to continue to take reductions over the course of this year.” (“U.S. Forces In Iraq To Shrink, Casey Says,” United Press International, 6/23/06)
“But Casey Added He Had Made No Final Decision On Troop Withdrawals. He Said He First Wanted To Discuss The Security Situation With Iraq’s Recently Named Defense And Interior Ministers.” (“U.S. Forces In Iraq To Shrink, Casey Says,” United Press International, 6/23/06)"
"“Russ Feingold's brazen effort to mischaracterize the words of our military's leaders reflects a commitment that is long on campaign politics and short on national security.  
- Tracey Schmitt, RNC Press Secretary"
Not only did Feingold mischarecterize Gen. Casey's position but Carmine as taken it a step further and said Gen. Casey says we should send troops to Malaysia. ???  I think all involved on either side of the arguement on Iraq hopes the troops in Iraq will be able to be pulled out as soon as possible what this has to do with your attacks on Dyson is a quite interesting stretch.  Should recent terror plot arrests in Canada and the US have companies deciding not to produce product there?
Malaysia's government has been praised for supporting the battle against worldwide terror not quite sure why the attack against them and the hoisting of China as preferable.  I dont quite get your hatred of dyson but lets stop short of going after the economy of our allies in the war against terrorism and definetly short of having it effect US troop deployment.  As was said here it looks like Feingold "pulled a Carmine" and decided on his side of the arguement and then tried to bend the facts to fit instead of the other way around.
So we get your point Carmine, don't buy dysons because they are made in Malaysia, Malaysia is about 60% Muslim, and they are still having issues with terrorist groups.  Ignore the fact they have also fought against Chinese backed communist guerilla's, and all hail the Chinese government made Hoovers.  Now that we get your stance can we go back to talking about vacuum quality and news?
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I love YaBB 1G -

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Re: BEST BUY And Sunday Parade
Reply #272 - 06/30/06 at 11:18am
James should mark the boxes clearly with large print so all buyers can readi easily:  Made in Malaysia.  Truth in advertising.  James should label the vacuums too with the place of origin too like all other vacuum makers do. So when people are asked: Where is your dyson made, they know: Malaysia.  
In 1991/2, the US supported Iran against an attack from Iraq with US troops: Desert Shield, Desert Storm.  Today, Iran is on the terrorist watch list (along with Malaysia).  And very likely a country we'll send US troops into after they are withdrawn from Iraq.  Wink  Malaysia too, in time may have that notoriety.
As I mentioned (excuse me for repeating myself until you get it), your news is out of date.  News accounts recently confirm that the Pentagon and the Bush administration have a timetable for troop reduction in Iraq, contrary to your quoted sources, and identical to Feingold's democratic proposal.  The republicans, sadly, are waiting for a politically advantageous time to release the plan (like mid term elections).
Carmine D.
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I love YaBB 1G -

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Re: BEST BUY And Sunday Parade
Reply #273 - 06/30/06 at 12:36pm
Quote from Carmine_Difazio   on 06/30/06 at 11:18am:
 James should label the vacuums too with the place of origin too like all other vacuum makers do. So when people are asked: Where is your dyson made, they know: Malaysia.  

Carmine D.

Dyson are labeled with thier place of origin any claim otherwise is not the truth.
Quote from Carmine_Difazio   on 06/30/06 at 11:18am:

In 1991/2, the US supported Iran against an attack from Iraq with US troops: Desert Shield, Desert Storm.  

Carmine D.

"United Nations Security Council Resolution 660
2 August 1990
The Security Council,
Alarmed by the invasion of Kuwait on 2 August 1990 by the military forces of Iraq,
Determining that there exists a breach of international peace and security as regards the Iraqi invasion
of Kuwait,
Acting under Articles 39 and 40 of the Charter of the United Nations,
1. Condemns the Iraqi invasion of Kuwait;
2. Demands that Iraq withdraw immediately and unconditionally all its forces to the positions in
which they were located on 1 Augusst 1990;
3. Calls upon Iraq and Kuwait to begin immediately intensive negotiations for the resolution of
their differences and supports all efforts in this regard, and especially those of the League of
Arab States.
4. Decides to meet again as necessary to consider further steps to ensure compliance with the
present resolution.
Adopted by 14 votes to none, with one abstention(Yemen)
Of the 15 Security members five are permanent: China, France, Soviet Union, United Kingdom, and the
United States. In 1990, the remaining members, elected by the General Assembly to serve two-year
terms, were: Canada, Colombia, Cuba, Ethiopia, Finland, Ivory Coast, Malaysia, Romania, Yemen, and
Excuse my frankness but your dishonest claim Desert Storm was the US defending Iran is downright insulting.  If you want to continue that debate lets do it via PM as a Desert Storm/Desert Shield veteran I find that blatant mischaracterization deeply insulting.  Please also note as Malaysia was a member at the time of the UN security council please note Malaysia's stance on the issue.
Sorry Comrade in current world conditions I will take the democraticly elected supporter of the global war on terror Malaysia as a business partner any day over China.
Now can we please get back to Vacuums?
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I love YaBB 1G -

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Re: BEST BUY And Sunday Parade
Reply #274 - 06/30/06 at 3:03pm
Yes, the box is marked on the smallest add on sticker allowed in the US in the smallest lettering allowed.  I think if James is so proud, he should make the place of origin clearly visible and legible for buyers to read.  ANd he should add the place of production to the vacuum like other makers do.  He doesn't.
Iran and US were allies in Desert Storm and Desert Shield and US troops staged its attack against Iraq from Iran.
Carmine D.
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I love YaBB 1G -

Posts: 391
Re: BEST BUY And Sunday Parade
Reply #275 - 06/30/06 at 4:08pm
Quote from Carmine_Difazio   on 06/30/06 at 3:03pm:
Yes, the box is marked on the smallest add on sticker allowed in the US in the smallest lettering allowed.  I think if James is so proud, he should make the place of origin clearly visible and legible for buyers to read.  ANd he should add the place of production to the vacuum like other makers do.  He doesn't.

Carmine D.

Alright this is just getting silly.  Dyson's do have their place of production on the machine right next to the serial number.  A quote otherwise is not the truth.
Quote from Carmine_Difazio   on 06/30/06 at 3:03pm:

Iran and US were allies in Desert Storm and Desert Shield and US troops staged its attack against Iraq from Iran.

Carmine D.

Simply delusional.  Lets get back to vacuums and debate foreign policy when you have some grasp of the facts.
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I love YaBB 1G -

Posts: 5559
Re: BEST BUY And Sunday Parade
Reply #276 - 06/30/06 at 5:35pm
Gee that's funny.  I've never seen Malaysia on the vacuum label.  Is it in English?
Delusional, allies with Iran?  I was on duty too in the States during Desert Storm and Desert Shield.  The US sent daily and weekly photos of bomb targets before and after to Iran for distribution to the local field commanders.   Wink
It's nice to know that you have developed a newly acquired penchant for truthfulness on Forums.  Now you may feel ready to quickly respond with an answer whether dyson dealers, like yourself, sign a non-disclosure agreement wrt dyson products and their flaws.   Smiley
Carmine D.
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I love YaBB 1G -

Posts: 391
Re: BEST BUY And Sunday Parade
Reply #277 - 06/30/06 at 9:17pm
Quote from Carmine_Difazio   on 06/30/06 at 5:35pm:
Gee that's funny.  I've never seen Malaysia on the vacuum label.  Is it in English?

Carmine D.

Yes it is for all to see.  A simple fact you can not change with false claims.
Quote from Carmine_Difazio   on 06/30/06 at 5:35pm:

Delusional, allies with Iran?

Carmine D.

Yes quite delusional.  For one to say "Iran and US were allies in Desert Storm and Desert Shield and US troops staged its attack against Iraq from Iran." is quite frankly delusional.  Once again no need for debate, you and I disagree on these facts and I am quite comfortable with others checking the dyson label as well as where the desert storm/desert shield coalation staged its liberation of Kuwait and if Iran was a US ally in the early 1990's.  
As for those who are big fans of the close US/Iran alliance also know that you will get better customer service and Walmart than your local vacuum shop and the Chinese made Hoover Fusion never looses suction.
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I love YaBB 1G -

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Re: BEST BUY And Sunday Parade
Reply #278 - 06/30/06 at 9:39pm
Quote from JimB   on 06/30/06 at 9:17pm:

As for those who are big fans of the close US/Iran alliance also know that you will get better customer service and Walmart than your local vacuum shop and the Chinese made Hoover Fusion never looses suction.

And to think that Wallmart always claimed "Made In The USA.  Profits must be great on those Chinese made Hoovers to make Wallmart drop its allegiance to the USA.
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I love YaBB 1G -

Posts: 5559
Re: BEST BUY And Sunday Parade
Reply #279 - 07/01/06 at 3:37am
As usual, you didn't answer my question about dyson dealers and non-disclosure agreements?   Wink
Thank you for the answer.  By your negligence once more to answer, you conspicuously have provided the response.  Wink
Carmine D.
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