I probably cannot say anything different from what I have already mentioned. The bags are really small. It takes me back to the day of the GE SVseries. Those bags were really small. The bags for the Intensity are meltblown, HEPA style bags. This means that alot of dirt can be collected before it needs to be changed compared to regular paper bags. The bags will be expensive though. The machine will clean carpeting well, because it uses stiffer bristles and has alot of power for a little machine. The telescopic handle is an added plus. The Electrolux Intensity is an expensive "liteweight" upright. I see it being used for small areas like a family room, but not a full house. I can see someone, who has a studio apt. using the vacuum cleaner. When they are finished vacuuming, they could even fold it up and store it in a linen closet if they had to. I believe that it would have been possible for AB Electrolux to design an above the floor system for this machine. A system where a hose could be connected when cleaning w/the tools.