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Hoover Whisper upright at Wal-Mart
Original Message Jul 7, 2008 1:05 am |
Has anyone seen this yet? It just hit the shelves a couple of weeks ago at Wal-Mart (not even on the Hoover or WM website at this point), I picked one up around that time after speaking to Tom G. (who was the first one to tell me about it) but had neglected to post about it on here until now. I finished posting a review in the Reviews section, needless to say I am very impressed with the machine now that I have been using it for a couple of weeks and highly encourage everyone to at least head to Wal-Mart and check it out. For those of you who haven't seen it, TTI/Hoover has finally jumped on the multi-cyclone bandwagon after experimenting with dual-cyclone for a couple of years with the Mach series, and only recently getting *that* right with a redesigned shroud for the Mach 3. This Whisper is completely different, it's a copy of a Root Cyclone Dyson and a damn good one at that. At $120 I am blown away by the type of machine it is, very substantial and not cheap-feeling by any means. It's a completely new design, and appears to contain elements of the Mach series, the failed "One" cleaner in the UK, and, oddly enough, the LG/Kenmore Premalite. At first glance it appears to be a dual-cyclone machine, until you either look at the side of the box or separate the two halves of the cyclone assembly. Indeed, there are 6 high-efficiency cyclones hidden above the bin, and they look just like a Dyson's. You will also notice the cyclonic "arrows" on the Hoover logo in front, for added emphasis Carpet performance is good, it handles very nicely (positive weight) and the double-chevron brushroll helps pull the machine along; the bristles are soft but still effective. What sets it apart from the Dyson though is above-floor cleaning convenience. You push a button and the handle wand releases, you do not even have to let go of the handle; you're using the SAME ergonomic handle you just vacuumed the carpet with. The wand is long as well, and does not need to be inverted for use. There are only 2 attachments, and the wand isn't adjustable, but the brush/upholstery tool is, I presume to reach tight spaces. I suppose if worse comes to worse other standard 1 1/4" attachments could work, it appears to be the same though I have not tried it. I'll check that out further and post the findings. The motor is soft-starting (like the Hoover Z), and the brushroll (driven by a separate motor) automatically starts and stops when the handle is lowered or raised, if the brushroll switch is on. There are also 2 indicator lights showing when the brushroll is on, and when the suction is blocked.
This machine is basically a Dyson DC07 or a third of the price. Being a Dyson fan I hate to say it, but Dyson may be facing some competition with this machine as far as regular uprights are concerned, once it is more widely available and more people find out about it. It's no match for the DC17 in terms of performance, obviously, but I can't see any reason why the 7 or 14 would be more desirable, as strange as that sounds. If it was inexpensive and worked well but cheaply made, then it's obvious the Dyson would be the clear winner (as it usually is), but that's the thing...this machine does not seem to be cheaply made at all. Definitely no WindTunnel here and I can't see why it wouldn't last a reasonable length of time. On the other hand, while possibly not-so-good news for Dyson this could be some positive news for Hoover, perhaps the first of many machines to come? It will be interesting to see what the future holds.
Joined: Dec 30, 2007
Points: 5894
Re: Hoover Whisper upright at Wal-Mart
Reply #88 Jul 16, 2008 3:16 am |
MY GOODNESS! All of this (NOT SO) passive aggression reminds me of the forum! About a year ago, the banter started taking a downhill turn and good folks lost their manners. I hope this isn't happening again.............
It only appears that way. From what little I know [I was not a poster there], there were some very intense feelings and emotions involved in the bantering which went off course.
HS is one of my favorites here and tho the banter reaches intense levels of feelings and words, I like and respect him and always have. As I do all the other posters here. We are all adults here and should be able to take as well as we give. If not, then you shouldn't be here. In between the extreme words and lines, there is much to be learned here and a wealth of experience and knowledge among the posters. PS: He plays a horrific game of golf! Despite paying $2000 for new clubs. Carmine D.
This message was modified Jul 16, 2008 by CarmineD
Location: USA
Joined: Jul 30, 2007
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Re: Hoover Whisper upright at Wal-Mart
Reply #91 Jul 17, 2008 12:26 pm |
Guys, James should learn from the lessons TTI and Bissell are giving him. He should spend the time and money (pennies really) to secure as many low w/ high cyclonic filtration layouts as possible. Having only two competitors is a hell of a lot better than having more than two competitors with Dyson-like filtration. Q: How many big named vacuum brands actually own manufacturing and the dirt it sits on (assumed) in 3rd world countries like Chinese owned Hoover? Certainly, this gives them a HUGE pricing advantage over those who farm out their manufacturing. What do you guys think… is Chinese owned Hoover forgoing profits on the manufacturing end or retail end with regards to pricing the Hoover Whisper so to satisfy Walmart and/or otherwise? DIB
Joined: Dec 30, 2007
Points: 5894
Re: Hoover Whisper upright at Wal-Mart
Reply #92 Jul 18, 2008 3:45 am |
Q: is Chinese owned Hoover forgoing profits on the manufacturing end or retail end with regards to pricing the Hoover Whisper so to satisfy Walmart and/or otherwise? DIB Hello DIB:
I think you read too much into the obvious. The HOOVER Whispertone [2008] supersedes the Mach 3 [2007], which superseded the FUSION [2005 with a 2 year tenure]. All are Wal*Mart exclusives, at least initially, and priced at about $120 MSRP. On sale Wal*Mart sells for $99-$109. Recall the HOOVER Fusion was a sourced HOOVER vacuum [with TTI] before the TTI takeover of HOOVER. As posted here by a dyson insider, the HOOVER Fusion was one of Wal*Mart's top selling vacuums [despite all the yearly negative reviews by Consumer Reports on its emissions]. That says alot about the HOOVER-Wal*Mart uprights. Why? Wal*Mart featured the GE vacuum line in 2000, a Wal*Mart exclusive then and still today. It's cann is consistently rated a BEST BUY by Consumer Reports for the money [MSRP is $150]. [BTW, the GE vacuum line is China made too by EUREKA]. The sales success and popularity of the HOOVER bagless uprights are the reasons that Wal*Mart keeps an ongoing business arrangement with HOOVER Maytag, HOOVER Whirlpool, and now HOOVER TTI for an exclusive upright year after year for years. Carmine D.
This message was modified Jul 18, 2008 by CarmineD
Location: USA
Joined: Jul 30, 2007
Points: 1454
Re: Hoover Whisper upright at Wal-Mart
Reply #93 Jul 18, 2008 8:37 am |
Hello DIB: I think you read too much into the obvious. The HOOVER Whispertone [2008] supersedes the Mach 3 [2007], which superseded the FUSION [2005 with a 2 year tenure]. All are Wal*Mart exclusives, at least initially, and priced at about $120 MSRP. On sale Wal*Mart sells for $99-$109. Recall the HOOVER Fusion was a sourced HOOVER vacuum [with TTI] before the TTI takeover of HOOVER. As posted here by a dyson insider, the HOOVER Fusion was one of Wal*Mart's top selling vacuums [despite all the yearly negative reviews by Consumer Reports on its emissions]. That says alot about the HOOVER-Wal*Mart uprights. Why? Wal*Mart featured the GE vacuum line in 2000, a Wal*Mart exclusive then and still today. It's cann is consistently rated a BEST BUY by Consumer Reports for the money [MSRP is $150]. [BTW, the GE vacuum line is China made too by EUREKA]. The sales success and popularity of the HOOVER bagless uprights are the reasons that Wal*Mart keeps an ongoing business arrangement with HOOVER Maytag, HOOVER Whirlpool, and now HOOVER TTI for an exclusive upright year after year for years. Carmine D. Carmine, Did Maytag Hoover and now the 3rd world Chinese manufacturer and owner of the Hoover brand (TTI) build the Fusion/s, Mach/s and Whisper (and assumed future rebrands) on hard work and integrity? DIB
Joined: Nov 1, 2007
Points: 409
Re: Hoover Whisper upright at Wal-Mart
Reply #94 Jul 18, 2008 8:46 am |
Hello DIB: I think you read too much into the obvious. The HOOVER Whispertone [2008] supersedes the Mach 3 [2007], which superseded the FUSION [2005 with a 2 year tenure]. All are Wal*Mart exclusives, at least initially, and priced at about $120 MSRP. On sale Wal*Mart sells for $99-$109. Recall the HOOVER Fusion was a sourced HOOVER vacuum [with TTI] before the TTI takeover of HOOVER. As posted here by a dyson insider, the HOOVER Fusion was one of Wal*Mart's top selling vacuums [despite all the yearly negative reviews by Consumer Reports on its emissions]. That says alot about the HOOVER-Wal*Mart uprights. Why? Wal*Mart featured the GE vacuum line in 2000, a Wal*Mart exclusive then and still today. It's cann is consistently rated a BEST BUY by Consumer Reports for the money [MSRP is $150]. [BTW, the GE vacuum line is China made too by EUREKA]. The sales success and popularity of the HOOVER bagless uprights are the reasons that Wal*Mart keeps an ongoing business arrangement with HOOVER Maytag, HOOVER Whirlpool, and now HOOVER TTI for an exclusive upright year after year for years. Carmine D. Carmine, interesting you mention that, there has been another price cut on the Mach 3 (closer to $90 now). If all of those Fusions/Mach series cleaners sold even *with* potential emissions problems due to an improperly designed shroud, imagine what the correctly-designed Whisper will do. It won't be able to fly off the shelves fast enough. Everyone who buys one will love it, regardless of it's someone looking for an inexpensive bagless upright (and could just as easily purchase a bin-filter model) or someone smart enough to realize what it really is (overlooking the deceptively low price) and purchases that over a more expensive cleaner. Wal-Mart has not offered any vacuums under the GE label for a while, at least in the past year. None are listed on the website, and I haven't seen the canister at any store in ages, nor was it tested in the latest (March '08) vacuum report in CR. Last summer WM introduced a $60 GE-branded lightweight upright, not sure of the manufacturer but it definitely wasn't Eureka. Decent dual-cyclone bagless cleaner (I picked one up to try and liked it) but lasted only a few months; was recalled later in the year for possible lead paint fumes due to overheating. Most likely from users not knowing of the foam filter underneath the bin that needed to be cleaned periodically. -MH
Joined: Nov 1, 2007
Points: 409
Re: Hoover Whisper upright at Wal-Mart
Reply #95 Jul 18, 2008 9:00 am |
Carmine, Did Maytag Hoover and now the 3rd world Chinese manufacturer and owner of the Hoover brand (TTI) build the Fusion/s, Mach/s and Whisper (and assumed future rebrands) on hard work and integrity? DIB Hi DIB, Carmine may have a different opinion but to me that would be questionable. The Fusion/Legacy/Mach series appear to be well built structurally (good metal telescoping handle, etc.), yet at the same time I've heard of many problems surrounding the brushroll and clutch on those, namely the bearings in the brushroll seizing up. I'm inclined to believe this was/is more of a user-created problem than anything else (due to improper use/neglect/etc.), especially since I never learned the exact circumstances of those problems. No doubt something caused by large amounts of hair becoming entangled in the brushroll, and left there. As I mentioned earlier, the jury is still out as to the longevity of the Whisper since it is a new model, but I don't see why it *wouldn't* last a good 6-7 years (at the very least) if properly maintained. -MH