I'm getting a mixed message here???? Your asking about a bagless vacuum because you've "had it with bags"...then you say you already HAVE a Dyson which I assume you know is a bagless vacuum. What are you really saying?
What am I really saying? Nothing at all. I've submitted a question to the forum and I'm getting good responses, well except for one.
If you read my message <carefully>
, you'd see that I was inquiring about bagless canisters. The Dyson dc07 is an upright.
Ok, moving forward.
I tried borax in a new bag last week. so far so good. The mechanics of carbon for odor control was explained to me by a good friend of mine who's background is in organic chemistry. According to him, the reason why carbon baking soda and borax have limited effectiveness is because they neutralize the odors by reacting to the offending odor molecules. Upon this reaction with the odor molecules, the carbon molecules become neutralized as well. I do know that ozone molecules also work in this manner in those electronic ozone machine/air purifiers. Maybe someday we'll have a vacuum cleaner with an ozone generator built in.