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Electrolux UltraOne EL7070, Bissell BigGreen Deep Cleaning Machine
Joined: Oct 29, 2007
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Dyson DC22
Original Message Oct 30, 2007 5:38 am |
Joined: May 15, 2009
Points: 358
Re: Dyson DC22
Reply #127 Jul 1, 2009 10:41 am |
Sadly your vacuum judgment is flawed by those rose colored dyson glasses you're still wearing. Take them off. The DC07 is 6 years old now and dead in the water. Never to swim again. All the wealth that James btained from the DC07 has been slowly eroded and undone on all the R&D and unprofitabilty of all the dysons after. I mentioned this to you several years ago [Januray 2007] when you were shopping for the Electrolux Intensity. It has come to pass HS. Carmine D. of corse a proffit was made...$250-300 above its worth...and what was left over after all the previous models, was used to develop a super clean vacuum....highest ratings among its users....but thats until it breaks down and it cant get fixed. ..or they have deal with their no help line... ...once they begin to research and learn about whats out there they soon realize that they can have a better performer at hundreds and hundreds less. with numerous places to service it at that....the public wants a simple hi-power vac and dont care abt a little dirty air to get it ...same quality,more power....hundreds below dyson. ..its been that way for years...and sill is... dysons in a vac shop is' freedom of choice.' .plain and simple. ..more trouble than they are can make double or triple the money putting something else in its place in the showroom....for far less money......a dyson is a collectors item...nothing more...just like that hoover z in our store.. ...wasted space.
Joined: Dec 30, 2007
Points: 5894
Re: Dyson DC22
Reply #128 Jul 1, 2009 1:58 pm |
Please try to follow what I say Carmine. Your reply to my post is as usual. Not related to what I said. I may have asked a question about the Intensity, however it was never a consideration for purchase. Again, if you have to comment stay with what I say please.
Yes, HS I recall your question and I answered you.
I note that you followed my advice on the Electrolux Intensity. I also opined at the time that dyson was spreading his resources too thin by attacking too many non-vacuum related unprofitable ventures at the expense of vacuums. I sais it would eventually do dyson in. As I recall, you agreed with me. One of the few times you were not distracted by dyson colored glasses. Carmine D.
Joined: Dec 30, 2007
Points: 5894
Re: Dyson DC22
Reply #129 Jul 1, 2009 2:00 pm |
PS: I also recall you asked me a question about the desirability of a BISSELL carpet sweeper, age and price. $50 was the price. I answered that question for you too. January 2007. Not bad for an old vacuum man! Carmine D.
Joined: Dec 30, 2007
Points: 5894
Re: Dyson DC22
Reply #130 Jul 1, 2009 2:04 pm |
of corse a proffit was made...$250-300 above its worth...and what was left over after all the previous models, was used to develop a super clean vacuum....highest ratings among its users....but thats until it breaks down and it cant get fixed. ..or they have deal with their no help line... ...once they begin to research and learn about whats out there they soon realize that they can have a better performer at hundreds and hundreds less. with numerous places to service it at that....the public wants a simple hi-power vac and dont care abt a little dirty air to get it ...same quality,more power....hundreds below dyson. ..its been that way for years...and sill is... dysons in a vac shop is' freedom of choice.' .plain and simple. ..more trouble than they are can make double or triple the money putting something else in its place in the showroom....for far less money......a dyson is a collectors item...nothing more...just like that hoover z in our store.. ...wasted space.
Hi turtle1:
But there is a significant difference between dyson and HOOVER collectibles. The HOOVER's actually work well in addition to being a collector's item. Carmine D
Joined: Aug 21, 2007
Points: 1293
Re: Dyson DC22
Reply #131 Jul 1, 2009 5:01 pm |
Hi turtle1: But there is a significant difference between dyson and HOOVER collectibles. The HOOVER's actually work well in addition to being a collector's item. Carmine D As well as when new. Which wasn't as good as Dyson which is excellent.
Joined: Aug 21, 2007
Points: 1293
Re: Dyson DC22
Reply #132 Jul 1, 2009 5:07 pm |
of corse a proffit was made...$250-300 above its worth...and what was left over after all the previous models, was used to develop a super clean vacuum....highest ratings among its users....but thats until it breaks down and it cant get fixed. ..or they have deal with their no help line... ...once they begin to research and learn about whats out there they soon realize that they can have a better performer at hundreds and hundreds less. with numerous places to service it at that....the public wants a simple hi-power vac and dont care abt a little dirty air to get it ...same quality,more power....hundreds below dyson. ..its been that way for years...and sill is... dysons in a vac shop is' freedom of choice.' .plain and simple. ..more trouble than they are can make double or triple the money putting something else in its place in the showroom....for far less money......a dyson is a collectors item...nothing more...just like that hoover z in our store.. ...wasted space. Retard, exactly how did you test the Dyson against those cheap vac to determine that they are better performers?
Please share your experiences in using a Dyson in your home. If all the other brands are so good why is it that the shops make a good living since they do not service Dysons. What the hell do you repair? Do you really think that Oreck should have so many vacs. Really, how much difference in the cheapest and highest priced one. Do you think an Oreck is worth $800?
Joined: May 15, 2009
Points: 358
Re: Dyson DC22
Reply #133 Jul 1, 2009 5:25 pm |
Hi turtle1: But there is a significant difference between dyson and HOOVER collectibles. The HOOVER's actually work well in addition to being a collector's item. Carmine D hi carmine
quite a few differences indeed.....then and now...just ask or listen to the consumer/collector . .and in relation to dyson..i should have said 'a novelty' ive never tried to use the Z as we have only the one....a classic and a collector it is...but i see a spot for something new ..something i can show about...and hopefully sell.....
Joined: Dec 30, 2007
Points: 5894
Re: Dyson DC22
Reply #134 Jul 1, 2009 5:58 pm |
hi carmine quite a few differences indeed.....then and now...just ask or listen to the consumer/collector . .and in relation to dyson..i should have said 'a novelty' ive never tried to use the Z as we have only the one....a classic and a collector it is...but i see a spot for something new ..something i can show about...and hopefully sell.....
Well said turtle1. Dyson was a novelty vacuum [read bagless]. What happens to novelties when they are beat up by the competition. The novelty wears off.
Carmine D.
Joined: May 15, 2009
Points: 358
Re: Dyson DC22
Reply #135 Jul 1, 2009 6:38 pm |
Well said turtle1. Dyson was a novelty vacuum [read bagless]. What happens to novelties when they are beat up by the competition. The novelty wears off. Carmine D. hi carmine
btw.....didnt the TITANIC run out of lifeboats?.....a ton of people left behind on a sinking ship....
Joined: Dec 30, 2007
Points: 5894
Re: Dyson DC22
Reply #136 Jul 2, 2009 2:50 am |
hi carmine btw.....didnt the TITANIC run out of lifeboats?.....a ton of people left behind on a sinking ship.... Yes, indeed. Those that were last in line for the life boats, didn't make it.
They went down with the ship. Carmine D.