There are Snow throwers and then there are snow throwers…
When the first dusting of snow falls, an older man’s thoughts turn to snow throwers. If you still pull out your shovel at the first sign of snow, it might be time to think 21st century. There are four levels of snow throwers.
If you have a minimum of area to clear, an electric shovel might be the simplest option. An electric snow thrower is a step up, lightweight and fairly inexpensive. This tool can clear a foot wide path, heaving the wet stuff over 20 feet.
If the phrase “more power” is music to your ears, then single or double stage snow throwers should be on your Christmas list. The single stage thrower uses an auger to push the snow up and out the chute and function best on level, paved walkways and driveways.
For the truly tool aficionado, there is the gas powered double stage thrower. The first stage is the auger to pull up the snow; the second is the impeller that heaves the snow out the chute. These tough guys can come stripped down or powered up with all kinds of bells and whistles. The rule of thumb for what is best for you is in the area you need cleared.
Level and small in area, you might just need an electric shovel. Mega driveways and sloping areas, think double stage gas powered throwers.