So I got my Snapper 1428.
Its my first blower but on the whole pretty pleased with it so far - easy setup, is solid.
Havn't had a big dump to really test it yet but a couple of small, heavy/wet snows have proved too easy and after loosening up the well established ice banks around my mailbox with a shovel it makes short work of moving the debris elsewhere. Need a bit more runtime to get to first oil change.
Couple of concerns however and wondering if others with these Simplicity /Snappers could comment:
First, bucket and frame seems not to be square - i.e. when I weight handles and pick up bucket it rocks a fair bit with left side skid shoe lifting noticeably before right - not sure if this is contributing to tendency to not track straight or if that is uneven gravel or just that i have skid shoes set pretty high to deal with the gravel.
Second the chute rotator control got a bit banged up in transit - the plate with the notch under the dash panel that fits into slots to hold rotation setting was all bent - seemed to bend back into shape ok but the chute rotation goes way further right than left - going right it goes well past 90 degrees to machine while left it is shy of 90 degrees unless I reach over an give chute an extra tug. Also rotation is fairly grabby not really very smooth at all. I pulled apart the geared mechanism and the two cogs mesh in center so thats not it. It is now a bit smoother and can be made to go further left with a seriously fierce tug on the handle but that doesn't seem right. Any suggestions?
Oh - tires don't seem to be that great - not sure what I should expect - I did drop pressure per the manual - they look like Snow Hogs but are labeled Kenda Polar Trac. Probably not an issue if I wasn't trying to rip into week old plowed snow banks.
This message was modified Jan 29, 2009 by dp11