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Re: How long should a proberly aligned auger belt last.
#1 Feb 22, 2014 11:34 am |
Yup. Part number 72600700
Re: How long should a proberly aligned auger belt last.
#2 Feb 21, 2014 7:45 pm |
Paul7, it's a fact that the Ariens OEM auger belts last many times the life of aftermarket. Belts made after early 2011 are especially good (that would include OEM service belts for your machine). Trust me on this. I would never use aftermarket auger belts on this machine (Aramid/Kevlar belts are not all equal). Also, for a bit more than the cost of a replacement OEM single belt, you can get the dual belt upgrade complete with 2 belts, pulleys, etc. That would be on my Xmas list if I owned your machine. If you do have a new belt on the machine, regardless of origin, make sure you go through the run-in process and readjust the idler.
Re: Hi all! Ariens ST824s Question
#3 Feb 17, 2014 4:44 pm |
What is the model and serial number? Sometimes those shear bolts can corrode in place and be sheared, yet the bolt head and nuts stay intact. Check that first. Try to rotate one with a socket. Second, if the gearbox is not transferring power, either the gear teeth are destroyed, or the groove pin (or key, depending on model) that affixes the gear to the shaft has sheared.
Re: How long should a proberly aligned auger belt last.
#4 Feb 13, 2014 4:50 pm |
I recently picked up a like new four year old Ariens 926LE with around 15 - 20 hours on it. I then used it about three hours this season. As I was finishing up the EOD snow last week the auger stopped working. I checked the belt ans it was so loose that adjustments didn't help. Just got done putting a new belt on it and compared the old one with the new one. The old belt, that was originial to the machine, was stretched out over 1/2 inch more than the new replacement. The new belt was the correctly sized replacement part. Twenty some hours of belt life seems short to me. Just curious what other folks are getting. 10 to 14 inches coming tomorrow in SE Pennsylvnia. It's been a good year for blowing snow. What does "correctly sized replacement part" mean? Is it OEM from Ariens?
Re: Ariens back in the game again, a new single stage snowblower.
#5 Nov 3, 2013 7:55 am |
The control force can be adjusted both at the control (by tightening a nut) and at the chute detent (3 position spring mount). It's possible the detent spring is set in the position for the manual chute control (more resistance at the chute). Easily corrected.