Abby’s Guide > Outdoor Power Equipment (Lawn Mowers, Snow Blowers, Chain Saws and more) > Discussions > Which Snowblower shoud we get?
Outdoor Power Equipment (Lawn Mowers, Snow Blowers, Chain Saws and more) Discussions |
Joined: Dec 5, 2005
Points: 98
Which Snowblower shoud we get?
Original Message Dec 5, 2005 7:39 pm |
Hi, First let me introduce myself, I am Mike, I am 16, I made this account with a friend for us both to use. I live in New England and found this forum through google because I felt it was neccessary to ask some snowblower experts and people who have various blowers what I should purchase. Basically my mother decided she wants a snow blower so my dad doesnt have a heart attack in the case that I am not home to shovel(he has a valve problem). At first she wanted to go with the Arien 7.5, but I did some research and figured with the thick snow the plows pile up at the edge of our driveway, the 9.25 HP deluxe model would be better. When researching I also came accross an 11.5 HP blower from craftsman with power steering, and a 10.5 HP blower from Yard Tools that had "power steering." First let me mention I have a small, 30 by 20 driveway, and a 50 foot sidewalk. I also want to add that to make money this winter I will be doing neigboring houses so I want something relativly reliable and durable, though none of this is extreme use. I compiled some general info and was hoping for some input on what I should get. The Ariens 7524E Compact: Price: $749 at HD Pros: Compact, Cheap and Kraft Macaroni Colored Cons: No console, small intake, So so power What I would like to know: Is this really practical if I am going to do neigbors driveways and walks too? Will this clear heavy New-England snow, especially stacked by plows? How annoying does the lack of console shute controls get(the ones at HD don't even have the hand crank)?  The Ariens 926LE Deluxe: Price: $999 at HD Pros: Durable(seemingly), Large 4 Bladed impeller, Console mounted controls, Kraft Macaroni Colored Cons: Lack of differential or any type of assisted steering system What I would like to know: Is this really practical if I am going to do neigbors driveways and walks too? Will this clear heavy New-England snow, especially stacked by plows?  Yard Machines 5MLG729: Price: $999 at HD Pros: 10.5 Ponies, "power steering," Seemingly same features as Ariens 926LE, fairly priced, coolest color scheme Cons: Polymer shute, suspicious brand, the cheaper one at my local HD had looked pretty flimsy, didn't seem to "heavy" What I would like to know: Is this really practical if I am going to do neigbors driveways and walks too? Will this clear heavy New-England snow, especially stacked by plows? Is this brand really any good? How reliable is it? How long until the "polymer shute" cracks?  Craftsman 11.5HP Snow Thrower: Price: $1,049 at Local Sears Pros: 11.5 HP, "power steering," Craftsman name, Looks like it might be tough Cons: 12 inch 3 blade impeller(outdone by 926LE), I see some plastic, Not Ariens What I would like to know: Is this really practical if I am going to do neigbors driveways and walks too? Will this clear heavy New-England snow, especially stacked by plows? This has more power, but does it function as well as the Ariens system with the larger 4 bladed impeller?  I am interested in peoples(especially owners and expersts) responses to my question. Are there any other recomended brands for this 1k price that can be purchased locally? Currently I am leaning towards the Ariens as most of my friends have them and one found a 25 year old one at a yard sale and it runs great. Any other info I should be aware of feel free to add. Thanks, Mike of BBgarage
Joined: Nov 24, 2005
Points: 10
Re: Which Snowblower shoud we get?
Reply #23 Dec 10, 2005 5:49 pm |
Jeesh. Tough crowd.
Good luck with your side job. I hope it serves you well.
Nice machine.
Joined: Dec 5, 2005
Points: 98
Re: Which Snowblower shoud we get?
Reply #24 Dec 10, 2005 6:19 pm |
Well I chipped in 200 for the deluxe model instead of the compact. Here is the way I view it:
A. How is cleaning up my neigbors yard for free going to benefit me? Of course I offered to do the old ladies for free, but she said she wouldnt let me do it unless I excepted money. My other neigbors make an offer and I tell them it is really generous and OK(unless its too low, which I havent experienced yet). No one goes down on an offer, once its made(where I live). The one persons who I had time to do today(most people had shoveled out because we got our blower the day after the snow storm) gave me 35 bucks for 15 minutes of work, they were a little worried and kept offering me more, and I thought that 35 was fair, so in a "business" sense made a poor decision in accepting, though I guess I was being a little kind.
B. No, from here on I keep all the money for myself. I even tricked my parents into covering fuel tank refills(5 gallon tank)!
I do, however, have another question: What is the optimal adjustment hight for those skids? I have mine sticking down about 1 cm, but its definatly leaving a small amount of snow on the ground. What is recomended by you guys?
Location: South Boston, MA
Joined: Mar 9, 2005
Points: 341
Re: Which Snowblower shoud we get?
Reply #25 Dec 11, 2005 1:13 am |
No...I certainly don't work for the IRS. I'm pleased to hear that you've already retained legal counsel. If you haven't already sought his advice, I hope you do so. Every year at this time there is a plethora of wide-eyed idealists who think..."I'm going to make a ton of money plowing-clearing snow".
Shhhhh! I know plenty of guys around here who have convinced their wives their new 4WD pickup truck will pay for itself through proceeds of plowing. Funny thing, some of them never get around to buying a plow. My personal opinion is that in most situations plowing is usually a hobby. Good luck with your new snow machine. I'm glad to hear you are helping out those in your neighborhood who need it. You may even find you feel good about yourself , and gaining new respect from others.
Those who accept self-deception will perish by it. Shakespeare said "to thine own self be true".
Joined: Nov 24, 2004
Points: 189
Re: Which Snowblower shoud we get?
Reply #26 Dec 11, 2005 1:34 am |
So...what's the goal of this 100-200 per storm? Wait...don't tell me...let me guess. A new Xbox perhaps? More video games? Some unnecessarily fancy clothes? That's what I thought. I know what it's NOT for...a savings account. "How is cleaning up my neigbors yard for free going to benefit me? " Kid, if you have to ask this question you are already on the slippery slope. (That's a metaphor...I don't expect you to understand). Helping people who need it without having money as the prime motivation has the effect of forming good relationships with good people who will help you later on. Perhaps even a good personal relationship. "No, from here on I keep all the money for myself. I even tricked my parents into covering fuel tank refills(5 gallon tank)!"'re already practicing your deception skills on Moo and Duh? That bodes well for the future...not. I hope you're not headed for a career in law or government. "As I am in highschool I currently only have after school jobs on my street". I hope the parental units are demanding schoolwork take precedence over making money, but I suspect you've already "tricked them out" on at score too. Don't get into this habit with your customers, kid. Customers tend to have long memories....especially when they find out they've been tricked. Am I being too harsh? Well, too bad. This is really just a cyber-wrist slap compared to the realities that are coming. Which reminds me... MAKE SURE YOUR SNOWBLOWER DOESN'T EAT THE NEIGHBOR'S NEWSPAPER. I'd hate to see someone's New York Times get stuck in your impeller, followed by you LOSING SOME FINGERS by trying to get it unstuck. That tends to really reduce your dating prospects.
Snowblower...Toro Power Max 726te 2004 Lawn tractor...AYP w/ 14.5 Briggs-42in 2000

Life is a journey, enjoy the ride.
Joined: Nov 5, 2005
Points: 27
Re: Which Snowblower shoud we get?
Reply #27 Dec 11, 2005 2:13 am |
Hi Mike, Enjoy your new snow thrower. From our discussion group, you have received good advice. From my experience, and reading what you have posted on this thread, you will take care of the older folks in your neightborhood who can not afford the $35 or less. You never really know how they will repay you, which could be a surprise, when you do something you feel good about. My experience is that it is "better to give than receive" in that when we do give, we may just receive much more than we give. Make some money. If spend it on an X-box, etc. enjoy them. What I like to about you is that you are doing something worthwhile, trying to make a few bucks, not asking your parents for spending money, which are making your folks proud. They want you to be a sucess. You will only be sixteen one time. I have always liked this saying: "Life is a journey, enjoy the ride." Gary
Cleveland,, OH
Location: Boston
Joined: Jun 15, 2004
Points: 252
Re: Which Snowblower shoud we get?
Reply #29 Dec 11, 2005 9:25 am |
mike, the conseunsus on the skid show height is the thickness of a paint stirrer. don t forget to do the 2 hr break in adjustment. it will give u a chance to tighten anything that hd didn t and u will also see the various internal components. if u r buying gas in 5 gal slugd make sure u get some stabil into the jug. If the old ladies ae living in newton they can affford the 35$. and unlike a plow u will not eat up their lawn.
2004-2005 Ariens 11528LE Jacobsen snow-burst