Got pump shock?
Got pump shock? One way to lower your monthly gas consumption is to go with two wheels instead of four.
With crude oil at flabbergasting levels, why not try a motorcycle for your commute. Now this isn’t going to help mom and the five kids, but if you have a single passenger commute, why not buy a bike? It seems the idea is selling, and gas appears to be a huge reason for the jump in motorcycle sales. Although most cycles have a small gas tank (5 gallons?), you can get forty to fifty mpgs.
And while you are tabulating possible savings, think insurance as well. Due to seasonal driving in some areas of the country, the lower value of cycles and the normal one passenger configuration, insuring a motorcycle could cut your insurance bill by forty percent.
Hmmm, the savings could cover a fringed leather jacket and a nice pair of black leather chaps.