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Re: Riding mower help...
#1   Apr 2, 2005 9:48 am
Re: Conversation with Simplicity
#2   Mar 4, 2005 3:00 pm
Ben07 wrote:
Yeah ford made one  they put it in their ford gt 40 the one that won Lemans in the early 60's   they also used it in production cars,  also of famous note it was the motor in the ford duece coup that had the race in 2 lane blacktop against the 55 454 chevy.  I had in interest as I built a 55 chev post same almost as that car with a 336 chev .. (325 punched .0030 over . whole ten yards bal bulped solids headers  animal bars etc. so it wa an interest when I saw the movie..

I amglad you only have the 435 HP  thought you got hold of an L-88   that was made in 67 also  ... 67 one of Vette's best years.


Re: Conversation with Simplicity
#3   Mar 4, 2005 2:48 pm
mml4 wrote:
Hi Guys

According to the Simplicity brochure the 1060E throws 40' while the 1170E and 1280E throw 45'.Given that the engine is the same  and they all sport the same4 blade 12" impeller perhaps the difference is the wider blower housing. It may also be that the chute on the three larger units is taller or-------?

The 1390E which is powered by a DIFFERENT engine than the other three also is listed at 45'.


Just looked at the footnote on the bottom of page13 in the brochure:

"*Distances and snow stream can be affected greatly by snow conditions.


Hi Marc - but with the same engine, HP, Impeller - wouldn't a narrower housing  with the same power create more "pressure" thus blowing the snow further?

I also don't see a meaningful danger increase in having a 12 horse engine in a unit someone thinks is a 9hp - snowblowers are dangerous animals no matter what the power.

Ben - Ford made a 427?  427/435 in my 67 Vette  hahahah.

Re: Conversation with Simplicity
#4   Mar 4, 2005 9:46 am
mml4 wrote:

"1)All the engines in the large frame line are the same except for the 13hp unit."If you buy the the 9560E,1060DLXE,1170Eor 1280E you get the same engine."

When I asked him why he said it's more cost effective to power everything with the 12hp engine than to buy different engines for each model. He was very specific about saying the engine is the 12. The stickers are different."

#5   Mar 2, 2005 8:57 am
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