Quote from old-timer on 10/21/06 at 5:59pm:speaking of hepa filters, what good is hepa filtration on a vacuum when it's only used on average of about a half to one hour per week, Does it really do anything for indoor air pollution?.
IT should be called[ hepa's]
high efficiency particulate arrest scam.
There is great need for high filtration vacuum cleaners, because there are those who have difficulty w/ the particles in the house and what is picked up by the vacuum cleaner. There are those who have respiratory problems that can be irritated by the circulating dust and there are those who have allergic reactions to particles. I know that there has been an increase in number of people who have allergic reactions to dust(incl. dust mite feces) alone.
It is hard to imagine, if you are one who does not have allergic reactions when running the vacuum cleaner, what it is like to have a reaction. There are different levels of reactions. Some have slight difficulty, while others have extreme reaction. Lastly, there are those who do not have allergies.
Because there are varying degrees of people w/ allergies and those who have none, there are different choices to be made when purchasing a vacuum cleaner based on filtration. A person who does not have allergies, does not need to go out and buy the best filtration machine unless he/she wants to. They can settle for a machine that filters adequately and has excellence performance in other areas. You do want some filtration to protect the motor from as much dust as possible.
A person who has a high level of allergies will need alot of filtration or have someone else do the vacuuming. We do not know, because that is up to the individual. It also makes sense that if someone has allergies, they should not be emptying ANY bagless vacuum cleaner. I also do not recommend that the same people change the bag in vacuum cleaners like the Compact/Tristars(and the like). Dust is stirred up in order to remove the open top paper bag.
Personally, I have allergic reactions to the dust. I do not have major problems w/ it though. If The dust is kept down and contained, I am fine. This means that the home should be cleaned regularly. This does mean that the house should be vacuumed before you see that it needs to be. Many say "It does not need to be cleaned, because it does not look like it". Wrong! There is dirt that you cannot see, but it is there.
Air cleaners also help the person w/ allergies to dust.
In conclusion, HEPA filtration can help a person who is highly sensitive to "dust", but it is not necessary for everyone.