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The best of vacuums . . . (Read 554 times)
Junior Member
Posts: 29
The best of vacuums . . .
12/21/06 at 6:08pm
By now, modern vacuums have progressed way, way beyond the visions of those who invented and designed cleaning appliances in earlier times. We've traded our brooms for robots, for vacuums with power drive, bagged and bagless models and some with hoses that will get you from here to Tennessee without picking up the machine once. Some now give you the nod for no more than a quick pass over certain areas of less traveled floor in your household or alert you to haul out the big guns because the war on dirt definitely has begun on the path from your front door to the kitchen.
However, despite all the technology and all the features there are for us to avail ourselves of, one rule still applies -- use your vacuum regularly. No matter how powerful, well-designed or well-accoutred a vacuum is you cannot make magic with it. Neglected carpeting and flooring will not become clean or renewed instantly no matter whether you spend ten bucks or ten thousand on a cleaning appliance.
What count's is reasonably frequent use -- at least a couple of times a week. It will keep carpeting and flooring fresh from the store looking good for a long long time. Though it will not remove stains or reverse the results of wear, it will over time bring about marked improvement in the look of carpeting that's been neglected.
No matter the price, the style or brand, the best vacuum still remains the one you're willing to use.
Happy New Year,
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I love YaBB 1G -
Posts: 162
Re: The best of vacuums . . .
Reply #1 -
12/21/06 at 8:36pm
Venson, your message on the evolution of the vacuum cleaner and the need to vacuum regularly is eloquent!
I would loved to have had you as a student in one of my English classes when I taught in high school or in business communications when I taught at the local university.
You're a gem!
Jim Kirby
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I love YaBB 1G -
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Re: The best of vacuums . . .
Reply #2 -
12/22/06 at 8:20am
"A Clean Home is a Healthy Home"
Carmine D.
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Lets all be friends
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Re: The best of vacuums . . .
Reply #3 -
12/22/06 at 1:40pm
"A Clean Home is a Healthy Home"
Carmine D.
I, myself, would agree with you. However, research is beginning to show that the rise in some respitory illness, specifically Asthma may actually be the cause of being too clean; if you can believe that.
Everyone have a Merry Christmas, Festius or Kwanza.
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I love YaBB 1G -
Posts: 5559
Re: The best of vacuums . . .
Reply #4 -
12/22/06 at 7:45pm
I think I read and/or heard something very much the same. Apparently, if I recall the facts correctly, the existence of a low level of dust/dirt in the home helps the human body build up tolerance (immunity) that otherwise it can't if the environment is pristine.
Carmine D.
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Posts: 1318
Re: The best of vacuums . . .
Reply #5 -
12/27/06 at 12:14pm
Quote from just-passing-throu
on 12/22/06 at 1:40pm:
"A Clean Home is a Healthy Home"
Carmine D.
I, myself, would agree with you. However, research is beginning to show that the rise in some respitory illness, specifically Asthma may actually be the cause of being too clean; if you can believe that.
They are finding that it is better for children to be(introduced) around some levels of dust, pollens,etc. They are also finding that children would do better to have pets. In this way, children can build a resistance to allergens than if they were kept from them.
This does not mean that we can live in dirty houses.
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I love YaBB 1G -
Posts: 12
Re: The best of vacuums . . .
Reply #6 -
12/29/06 at 4:13pm
reminds of what my mother always said
"a vacuum is only as good as the person pushing it"
mom always did vac slowly with over lapping strokes, she said " if you dont have time to do it right the first time, when are you going to have time to do it again"
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