Joined: Nov 1, 2014
Points: 3
Vacuflo Central Vacuum - Bagless
Original Message Mar 21, 2015 7:40 am |
I put in the vacuflo bagless system a few years ago. Although the suction is good I do not like the bagless system. It is very messy to clean up the canister and the unit whenever the you have to maintain it. Its ok if you only have to empty the bottom "tank" but you have to clean the upper part too. There really is no good way to clean it without getting up there with your hands and brushing the screen and pull out all the gunk. Dust all over. You better be wearing a mask. Terrible. If I knew this prior I would have gladly gone with the bag system. I brought this up to Vacuflo early on but they were not receptive to doing anything. I really wanted to switch to a bag system. I thought I would be saving from buying bags but I would rather do that than put up with the bagless maintenance.