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dyson going bankrupt?
Original Message Sep 21, 2009 9:34 am |
Hello dyson DIB: I heard a rumor today and figure the only way to confirm it is to run it by you. The grapevine is saying dyson is going bankrupt soon? Any truth to it? Carmine D.
This message was modified Sep 21, 2009 by CarmineD
Joined: Dec 30, 2007
Points: 5894
Re: dyson going bankrupt?
Reply #8 Oct 22, 2009 9:17 am |
Trebor: HOOVER USA tried the same stunt: Kill old HOOVER's in order to sell new ones. The scheme failed miserably. Indies, like me at the time, refurbed and rebuilt the old HOOVER's and guaranteed just like new, and sold them to the vacuum buying consumers over the new ones for considerably less than the new ones. It spawned a whole industry of HOOVER rebuilts. If I couldn't get genuine HOOVER parts, I used replacement ones which were in sufficient supply, just as good, and less pricey than HOOVER. HOOVER got smart and scrubbed the terrible idea. Came back a' courtin to get me on board again as a HOOVER new sales and service dealer. Dyson doesn't know the US vacuum history and industry. Hence, it is prone to repeat the same failed practices of the past. Carmine D.
Location: USA
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Re: dyson going bankrupt?
Reply #9 Oct 22, 2009 12:04 pm |
First of all, DIB, it was Dyson US, Second, how is keeping Dysons alive and fucntioning poaching? He was perfectly happy making 100K/year fixing out of warranty Dysons Third, you missed the point, Dyson US bought back 25K of parts at wholesale because THEY NEEDED THEM! The whole Dyson point is moot now anyway. The bag technology has improved so much that dust leakage/loss of suction issue is dead. Dysons are clunky, heavy, hard to maneuver, nearly useless attachments. It was a novel idea put on the market by an engineer with tunnel vision. Have you never seen a vac shop with Dyson trade-ins and abandoned repairs piled to the ceiling? I have, plenty of them. Everybody loves their Dyson until it throws a clutch, and people find out it is not under warranty. Same with the flimsy hose when it rips. Then they turn on that wonderful vacuum like a 49.00 Walmart Bissell baglss when the filter clogs. Sorry, but it is what is. Fantom frantically put out new models right up until the fat lady sang. Trebor, I’ll go after the lowest hanging favorite fruit… talking about a backyard inventor that’s told “No” by the big-named companies and genius-suits and then making a small corporation rich… Fact... Iona (from what I’ve learned, the little info that’s available) was NOTHING until they hooked up with James Dyson and his teams technologies and brains. They, not Iona were the (overall) brains behind the Fantom success and making history which are now industry standards worldwide. By comparison... Carmine has never posted his innovation numbers here. That being his - triangulating and pointing out where to drill a hole for the toggle switch on the Hoover Constellation. Mole’s invented nothing. Venson’s worthless. Retardturtle, is looking to score points and make friends with vacuum dealers and then kick-back and watch the money roll in. Youth. Fact… Fantom U.S. sales (Dyson technologies and engineering): 1st year: $50m, 2nd year: $100m, 3rd year: $150m. Pointing out Fantom closing is a sales technique only. A low ball-estimation of Dyson or Dyson-inspired competing vacuums sold - 100m globally. DIB P.S. TTI and Bissell are making lots of money off Dyson’s dual cyclone discoveries. They are junk quality, but they (expired Dyson patents and discoveries) are moneymakers and continue to live well past the Fantom-is-Dyson attempted parallel.
This message was modified Oct 22, 2009 by DysonInventsBig
Joined: Dec 30, 2007
Points: 5894
Re: dyson going bankrupt?
Reply #11 Oct 22, 2009 2:07 pm |
Dyson DIB: More of the usual lunacy and idiosy. When you can't debate the facts and opinions you resort to impugning personalities and professionalism. Never works. Better crying like a baby as Sir James does. At least it gets sympathy from others who can't stand to see grown men cry! Carmine D.
This message was modified Oct 22, 2009 by CarmineD
Joined: Dec 30, 2007
Points: 5894
Re: dyson going bankrupt?
Reply #12 Oct 22, 2009 2:29 pm |
By comparison... Carmine has never posted his innovation numbers here. That being his - triangulating and pointing out where to drill a hole for the toggle switch on the Hoover Constellation.
Here they are again for you dyson DIB. Self-employed for 42 years in the vacuum cleaner sales and service business as an independent store owner and operator in the same location. 1949-1992 I sold the business to another vacuum cleaner independent and professional who is still in the same location.
15 years as a self-employed vacuum industry consultant. 1992 to 2006. Now retired. In the last 3 years I turned down 3 offers of employment in the industry. Tell me dyson DIB, have you ever run a business and been self-employed? Or do you slave to bosses? Carmine D.
Joined: Dec 30, 2007
Points: 5894
Re: dyson going bankrupt?
Reply #13 Oct 22, 2009 3:44 pm |
I’ll go after the lowest hanging favorite fruit… talking about a backyard inventor that’s told “No” by the big-named companies and genius-suits and then making a small corporation rich…
P.S. TTI and Bissell are making lots of money off Dyson’s dual cyclone discoveries. They are junk quality, but they (expired Dyson patents and discoveries) are moneymakers and continue to live well past the Fantom-is-Dyson attempted parallel.
Dyson DIB:
Once again the facts seem always to escape you. 2 successful dyson lawsuits helped. Both netted Sir James over $8 MILLION US. With the royalties [$2 M] from the first lawsuit, Sir James built the plant in Malmesbury. With the proceeds from the second [$6.4 M] Sir James moved production to Malaysia. Pocketed the rest of the mula. Mr. d went from $2 BILLION in 2006 to $1.6 BILLION in 2007 and then to $1.2 BILLION in 2008. What are your predictions for Mr. d in 2009? Higher/lower? Carmine D.
Joined: Jan 15, 2009
Points: 321
Re: dyson going bankrupt?
Reply #14 Oct 22, 2009 6:54 pm |
Fantom benefited from the licensing of Dyson technology, but so did Dyson, with millions in royalties collected. Why did he do this? HE NEEDED THE MONEY! I know James was a backyard inventor who created a company and a product with his name. Just because it is different doesn't automatically make it better, and just because it was better then doesn't make it better now because the competition continues to improve. A Model T and a Crown Victoria are both Ford cars, and have a lot of similarities, that does not mean they have the same performance levels and features. The disposable bag technology has improved in three distinct ways 1) better filtration 2) much better performance as the bag fills, and 3) increased usable bag capacity. The Mieles of today are quieter and more powerful than their predecesors, many of which are still running well and cleaning after 20 years. How many Dysons, other than those in collections and museums, are still working after that long? The value for the money just isn't there with Dyson, as evidenced by the many of them in repair shops all over the US and Great Britain.
Location: USA
Joined: Jul 30, 2007
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Re: dyson going bankrupt?
Reply #15 Oct 22, 2009 8:18 pm |
Fantom benefited from the licensing of Dyson technology, but so did Dyson, with millions in royalties collected. Why did he do this? HE NEEDED THE MONEY! I know James was a backyard inventor who created a company and a product with his name. Just because it is different doesn't automatically make it better, and just because it was better then doesn't make it better now because the competition continues to improve. A Model T and a Crown Victoria are both Ford cars, and have a lot of similarities, that does not mean they have the same performance levels and features. The disposable bag technology has improved in three distinct ways 1) better filtration 2) much better performance as the bag fills, and 3) increased usable bag capacity. The Mieles of today are quieter and more powerful than their predecesors, many of which are still running well and cleaning after 20 years. How many Dysons, other than those in collections and museums, are still working after that long? The value for the money just isn't there with Dyson, as evidenced by the many of them in repair shops all over the US and Great Britain.
This message was modified Oct 23, 2009 by DysonInventsBig
Joined: Dec 30, 2007
Points: 5894
Re: dyson going bankrupt?
Reply #16 Oct 23, 2009 3:39 am |
Fantom benefited from the licensing of Dyson technology, but so did Dyson, with millions in royalties collected. Why did he do this? HE NEEDED THE MONEY! I know James was a backyard inventor who created a company and a product with his name. Just because it is different doesn't automatically make it better, and just because it was better then doesn't make it better now because the competition continues to improve. A Model T and a Crown Victoria are both Ford cars, and have a lot of similarities, that does not mean they have the same performance levels and features. The disposable bag technology has improved in three distinct ways 1) better filtration 2) much better performance as the bag fills, and 3) increased usable bag capacity. The Mieles of today are quieter and more powerful than their predecesors, many of which are still running well and cleaning after 20 years. How many Dysons, other than those in collections and museums, are still working after that long? The value for the money just isn't there with Dyson, as evidenced by the many of them in repair shops all over the US and Great Britain. Trebor: Sir James is one of the luckiest business men in the industry that I know. Success with 2 lawsuits provided him the "seed" money to grow his brand/products that their sales never did. First, the royalties on another brand's sales allowed him to build the plant in Malmesbury. By doing so, dyson expanded vacuum production to 30,000 units a month in the UK. Then, the HOOVER money to move production to Malaysia and go global. The plant in the UK was too small for global production. He should have known that when he built it. As the business gurus will tell you, making money is the easy part, especially in Sir James' case. Sustaining it year over year is the hard part. I wish him luck. He going to need it. Carmine D.
Joined: Aug 17, 2007
Points: 295
Re: dyson going bankrupt?
Reply #17 Oct 23, 2009 5:43 am |
Trebor: Sir James is one of the luckiest business men in the industry that I know. Success with 2 lawsuits provided him the "seed" money to grow his brand/products that their sales never did. First, the royalties on another brand's sales allowed him to build the plant in Malmesbury. By doing so, dyson expanded vacuum production to 30,000 units a month in the UK. Then, the HOOVER money to move production to Malaysia and go global. The plant in the UK was too small for global production. He should have known that when he built it. As the business gurus will tell you, making money is the easy part, especially in Sir James' case. Sustaining it year over year is the hard part. I wish him luck. He going to need it. Carmine D. Hi Carmine - an objective series of points there that I agree with 100%. Perhaps to add that Dyson was a touch naive in presuming that he'd be able to get planning permission to extend the UK production if needed. The irony being that if he'd simply set up production overseas from day 1, he'd have avoided being labelled as a some type of national traitor, by an often cynical British media. Still, you could argue that the desire to claw back some respect with innovative new products, help drives him further than it otherwise might have. Such is business life.