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"What has dyson invented now?"
Original Message Oct 11, 2009 7:23 pm |
I received this "teaser email today: Anyone know what's up with this??
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Re: "What has dyson invented now?"
Reply #120 Oct 20, 2009 10:41 am |
DIB: More of your usual dyson idiosy and lunacy. Can't you/dyson accept constructive realisitc criticism of dyson's product foibles, fantasies, and fallacies without blaming and condemning the truthsayers, vacuum indies, non-dyson buying consumers, vacuum industry, and vacuum competition? Here's a novel mature approach for you. Take responsibility. Be accountable. Own up to all dyson's product limitations and shortcomings. Perhaps, dare I say, even address them honestly, quickly and professionally. This business like and intelligent approach would actually increase dyson's sales rather than lessen them. Carmine D. The reason I have so much success in life and much “fruit” in my life is because I refuse to listen to the corrupt words of men. Since you're of religious status, I understand the many why’s to your many failures. The Book says to put off the corruptible and put on the incorruptible. I do not get the religious; I see nothing remotely fun or fulfilling about it? DIB
This message was modified Oct 20, 2009 by DysonInventsBig
Joined: Dec 30, 2007
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Re: "What has dyson invented now?"
Reply #121 Oct 20, 2009 11:18 am |
DIB: You proclaim the Book but do so out of context. There is a huge difference between a leap of faith and a leap of foolishness. The Book tells us to beware of false prophets and the unleavened bread of the Pharisees. Even the Divine Master enjoyed the fellowship of the table with scribes, tax collectors, and whores. Recall the 12 he chose as the Apostles, bearer of the good news, were weak men prone to sin, greed, lust, lack of faith, lack of hope, and lack of love and mostly definitely cowardice. One even betrayed Him for money. All whilst they professed to Him otherwise. Fortunately they received the gift of the Holy Spirit. But like all God's graces one must be open to receive it. They're are none so blind as they who will not see. Carmine D.
This message was modified Oct 20, 2009 by CarmineD
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Re: "What has dyson invented now?"
Reply #122 Oct 20, 2009 12:01 pm |
DIB: You proclaim the Book but do so out of context. There is a huge difference between a leap of faith and a leap of foolishness. The Book tells us to beware of false prophets and the unleavened bread of the Pharisees. Even the Divine Master enjoyed the fellowship of the table with scribes, tax collectors, and whores. Recall the 12 he chose as the Apostles, bearer of the good news, were weak men prone to sin, greed, lust, lack of faith, lack of hope, and lack of love and mostly definitely cowardice. One even betrayed Him for money. All whilst they professed to Him otherwise. Fortunately they received the gift of the Holy Spirit. But like all God's graces one must be open to receive it. They're are none so blind as they who will not see. Carmine D. Is there a scripture that supports what you do? Feel free to post chapter, verse and in context, anything that supports the many ways you 1) attack Dyson or 2) hurt the Susan G. Komen Foundation by using the pink Dyson as your personal Dyson-envy platform. Use the Holy and not Catholic Bible please (I'm not Catholic). DIB
This message was modified Oct 20, 2009 by DysonInventsBig
Joined: Dec 30, 2007
Points: 5894
Re: "What has dyson invented now?"
Reply #123 Oct 20, 2009 1:08 pm |
DIB: 10 Commandments and the Beatitudes. With a purchase of a dyson DC07 pink I contributed $45 to the Susan G. Komen foundation. Never returned the unusable dyson in part so not to renege on the contribution. I told you that before here several times. Pay attention. Use any version you of the Bible that you like, they are all knock offs of the Catholic Bible. Recall it was St. Jerome, the crouchy Saint, who compiled the first Bible, a Catholic version, in the 4/5 th Century, if memory serves me correctly. BTW, I read the King James [no pun intended] version in college. Good, but I still prefer the Catholic. How about you? Carmine D.
This message was modified Oct 20, 2009 by CarmineD
If my vacuum can remove even one spec of dirt that yours misses, then mine is better than yours - even if there's no proof that mine would have picked up as much dirt as yours...
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Re: "What has dyson invented now?" (Now, now guys...)
Reply #124 Oct 20, 2009 1:13 pm |
Hey Motorhead, Venson as Severus wants you to believe he’s friendly of Tom and friendly to Dyson. Severus as Venson sits on his hands as his buddies here attack Tom often and with vigor. His Dyson position typically is - Dyson inventions are no good, cost to much, can’t make money, don’t solve problems, he’s not buying a Dyson anything, so why bother (Dyson should close their doors). Although he is a believer that the tired bagged vacuum, in the public domain commodity (vacs his buddies livelihood’s depend on) are exciting, fresh and radically differing amongst the umpteen manufacturers. A brushroll, a suction generator, a collection sack/filter and mounted on 4 wheels... I described just about every bagged vacuum cleaner on the planet and since the 1960’s. *Are you laughing? - I am! Venson as Severus, The stupidity title is yours. Since the forum opened all posters who click the quote link simply write their comments under the quoted text. Why in the world would you post above the quote, which makes for quoting you and the thread organized. Or is this a feeble attempt at making yourself appear not as Venson? Are you laughing? - I am! DIB *I support American mfg big time, if they have integrity, if they employee Americans at a fare wage - regardless of inventiveness. ***************************************** DBI, I always did appreciate Tom's well informed opinions. that doesn't mean I always agreed with him. He's could certainly be stubborn at times, and I don't think it's ethical to buy a new vacuum at Walmart, abuse it and take it back for a refund. He bought UK Dysons and had 220V switches installed in his home to run them. So he certainly had experience with the vacuums he discussed. His experience selling Rainbows is I think what caused his perception of reality to be skewed slightly. But he at least had some common sense - you have none. I could accept Tom's message, because you could find some substance under the Dyson rose tinted glasses and hyperbole. Your contribution is about the size of a dust mite's waste product.. Unlike you, he did successfully run a vacuum cleaner store. He did consulting work on the design of the Airway anniversary canister vacuum. He had a huge vacuum collection, and he was a nationally recognized for his knowledge of vacuums. You DBI, are no Tom Gasko. You read an article on the internet, and suddenly you think you are some kind of expert.
The smart tyrant writes his own story to ensure that it is favorable. The lazy will repeat lines from the book without fact checking.
Joined: Dec 30, 2007
Points: 5894
Re: "What has dyson invented now?" (Now, now guys...)
Reply #125 Oct 20, 2009 1:27 pm |
I always did appreciate Tom's well informed opinions. that doesn't mean I always agreed with him. He's could certainly be stubborn at times, and I don't think it's ethical to buy a new vacuum at Walmart, abuse it and take it back for a refund. He bought UK Dysons and had 220V switches installed in his home to run them. So he certainly had experience with the vacuums he discussed. His experience selling Rainbows is I think what caused his perception of reality to be skewed slightly. But he at least had some common sense - you have none. I could accept Tom's message, because you could find some substance under the Dyson rose tinted glasses and hyperbole. Your contribution is about the size of a dust mite's waste product..
Unlike you, he did successfully run a vacuum cleaner store. He did consulting work on the design of the Airway anniversary canister vacuum. He had a huge vacuum collection, and he was a nationally recognized for his knowledge of vacuums. You DBI, are no Tom Gasko. You read an article on the internet, and suddenly you think you are some kind of expert.
SEVERUS, you may recall that Tom boasted about a Kirby salesman who unknowingly plugged his demo vacuum into the 220 electrical outlet, while Tom looked on silently. It "fried the Kirby motor" to quote Tom's exact words.
Carmine D.
This message was modified Oct 20, 2009 by CarmineD
Joined: Jul 22, 2007
Points: 1900
Re: "What has dyson invented now?"
Reply #128 Oct 20, 2009 4:34 pm |
"...A vacuum with "power steering" would probably be great for you or me but a disaster on the larger market. There's too much to go wrong, especially in the hands of careless users and those impatient persons who never read user guides. Unfortunately, it is generally accepted that all you need do is plug in your machine and go. To make a vacuum with an electrified steering system could be done I'm sure but to make an appliance that's impervious to it's greatest threat, being in the hands of humans, probably can never be executed in a cost-effective manner. These ideas are probably best left to the robot makers..."<BR><BR>Sorry Venson but you've totally lost me on this rather large statement. Power steering you say? Like the geared mechanism self drive formula on Kirby vacuums or mostly self driven others that seem to only be high sellers in the U.S? About the only thing that has a similar drive mechanism in most of Europe and UK is of course, the Sebo X uprights or Sebo's commercial uprights - and these have been on sale, in large numbers on the commercial market since the 1970s. Or power steering of another nature?
Hi vacumanuk, I was referring to Motorhead's mention of a vacuum being developed with servo motors to enhance it ability to be turned left or right. Kirby and some Hoover vacuums do not have a steering capacity but are indeed self-propelled in that their transmissions move them forward and backward. Venson
Location: USA
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Re: "What has dyson invented now?"
Reply #129 Oct 21, 2009 10:11 am |
Darn it DIB, why won't you please share some of that stuff you're on? It's so selfish to fire up the pipe and not pass it around! A toot or two of whatever it is that's got you flying might do us all some good too.
Speaking for myself, Tom Gasko is someone I also have high respect for. When it gets down to vacuums, he knows his stuff. He's the only vacuum person I know who can quote a Rexair's place in time just by way of a serial number
In general the cloth of this forum is composed of persons who sell and repair vacuums or have had long involvement in taking note of their history and progression developmentally OR have used them at least long enough to tell one end from the other.
I don't always agree with Tom or MOLE or Carmine or Procare or Mike W. or Dusty or any number of members in this forum but I see no particular reason for prolonged debate on most issues. Why? Because we have had real talks about real vacuums for a number of years at this forum and others before it. I have the greatest trust that their opinions are solidly founded on their experience and knowledge -- not just whimsical fancy.
Venson as Venson I have a lot to say about you goofs dumping on Tom. I've learned more from Tom in 20 minutes than the 2 years from visiting and reading vacuum cleaner forums. Are there any bad-mouthed, big-mouthed want-a-be’s here or elsewhere who prove bigger (close to the pulse) than Tom?... Anyone here have the top-brass backing from a $200m corporation and the top-brass trust of a $1b dollar corporation? Like I said, many of you guys are... Goofs. DIB P.S. I have not talked to the man in a few years, although I enjoy Motorhead’s posts.
This message was modified Oct 21, 2009 by DysonInventsBig