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dyson going bankrupt?
Original Message Sep 21, 2009 9:34 am |
Hello dyson DIB: I heard a rumor today and figure the only way to confirm it is to run it by you. The grapevine is saying dyson is going bankrupt soon? Any truth to it? Carmine D.
This message was modified Sep 21, 2009 by CarmineD
Joined: Dec 30, 2007
Points: 5894
Re: dyson going bankrupt?
Reply #2 Sep 22, 2009 2:50 am |
Oh Carmine, what are you trying to start with a thread like this? LOL
Hello Vacuumfreeeke:
If it's true, and I was hoping to learn more by posting here, sadly another company and its employees have fallen victim on hard times, for whatever reasons and whoever's blame. Carmine D.
This message was modified Sep 22, 2009 by CarmineD
Joined: Jan 15, 2009
Points: 321
Re: dyson going bankrupt?
Reply #3 Oct 21, 2009 7:30 am |
The rumor of Dyson going bankrupt has persisted for years. They are still selling Dysons, for now. The problem is the longevity of the Dysons vs. their cost. For every person who is still waxing eloquent over the performance of their Dyson after 5 years, their are at least three who are outraged that a 500.00 bagless vacuum did not last long enough to pay for itself with savings on dustbags. Dyson is losing ground, but they are not done quite yet. A local vac shop was a Dyson dealer/service center who was cancelled for 'selling too many parts' This guy has three local vac shops and three different internet sites. He was not wholesaling to anyone. Most of his Dyson parts sold at ABOVE msrp and were snatched up by buyers happy to pay. So what was the problem? Dyson wanted new machines to be sold instead of the customer's old one being repaired and continuing to function. What Dyson has done is drive sales of Mieles and Sebos through the roof! The customer is told the cost of the repair and the wait, and is shown a durable, QUIET, powerful true HEPA vacuum, and another Dyson bites the dust and another customer converted to a different brand. The latest chapter in the saga is Dyson USA called the vac shop owner and bought back ta huge quantity of their own parts so they could resell them. If you look at the history of the Fantom, massive initial sales, more model intoductions, loss of warranty centers, lack of available parts, bankruptcy, all but the last item on the list has repeated itself with Dyson. The question is not if, but when will Dyson finally go belly up.
Location: USA
Joined: Jul 30, 2007
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Re: dyson going bankrupt?
Reply #4 Oct 21, 2009 8:53 am |
The rumor of Dyson going bankrupt has persisted for years. They are still selling Dysons, for now. The problem is the longevity of the Dysons vs. their cost. For every person who is still waxing eloquent over the performance of their Dyson after 5 years, their are at least three who are outraged that a 500.00 bagless vacuum did not last long enough to pay for itself with savings on dustbags. Dyson is losing ground, but they are not done quite yet. A local vac shop was a Dyson dealer/service center who was cancelled for 'selling too many parts' This guy has three local vac shops and three different internet sites. He was not wholesaling to anyone. Most of his Dyson parts sold at ABOVE msrp and were snatched up by buyers happy to pay. So what was the problem? Dyson wanted new machines to be sold instead of the customer's old one being repaired and continuing to function. What Dyson has done is drive sales of Mieles and Sebos through the roof! The customer is told the cost of the repair and the wait, and is shown a durable, QUIET, powerful true HEPA vacuum, and another Dyson bites the dust and another customer converted to a different brand. The latest chapter in the saga is Dyson USA called the vac shop owner and bought back ta huge quantity of their own parts so they could resell them. If you look at the history of the Fantom, massive initial sales, more model intoductions, loss of warranty centers, lack of available parts, bankruptcy, all but the last item on the list has repeated itself with Dyson. The question is not if, but when will Dyson finally go belly up. Or… Other UK Dyson Dealers complained to Dyson Corp, so the resulting consequences were Dyson Corp had no choice than to shut down this Dyson Dealer on Dyson Dealer cannibalism. And now this dealer is bad-mouthing Dyson. - What a surprise! I’m sure Carmine, mole and Venson/Peter Pan would consider this Dyson-poacher a consummate professional, although he’s more ambitious and smarter than them, but certainly not smarter than Dyson Corp and the legitimate Dyson Dealers. DIB
This message was modified Oct 21, 2009 by DysonInventsBig
Joined: Jan 15, 2009
Points: 321
Re: dyson going bankrupt?
Reply #6 Oct 22, 2009 7:33 am |
First of all, DIB, it was Dyson US, Second, how is keeping Dysons alive and fucntioning poaching? He was perfectly happy making 100K/year fixing out of warranty Dysons Third, you missed the point, Dyson US bought back 25K of parts at wholesale because THEY NEEDED THEM! The whole Dyson point is moot now anyway. The bag technology has improved so much that dust leakage/loss of suction issue is dead. Dysons are clunky, heavy, hard to maneuver, nearly useless attachments. It was a novel idea put on the market by an engineer with tunnel vision. Have you never seen a vac shop with Dyson trade-ins and abandoned repairs piled to the ceiling? I have, plenty of them. Everybody loves their Dyson until it throws a clutch, and people find out it is not under warranty. Same with the flimsy hose when it rips. Then they turn on that wonderful vacuum like a 49.00 Walmart Bissell baglss when the filter clogs. Sorry, but it is what is. Fantom frantically put out new models right up until the fat lady sang.
Joined: Dec 30, 2007
Points: 5894
Re: dyson going bankrupt?
Reply #7 Oct 22, 2009 9:05 am |
First of all, DIB, it was Dyson US, Second, how is keeping Dysons alive and fucntioning poaching? He was perfectly happy making 100K/year fixing out of warranty Dysons Third, you missed the point, Dyson US bought back 25K of parts at wholesale because THEY NEEDED THEM! The whole Dyson point is moot now anyway. The bag technology has improved so much that dust leakage/loss of suction issue is dead. Dysons are clunky, heavy, hard to maneuver, nearly useless attachments. It was a novel idea put on the market by an engineer with tunnel vision. Have you never seen a vac shop with Dyson trade-ins and abandoned repairs piled to the ceiling? I have, plenty of them. Everybody loves their Dyson until it throws a clutch, and people find out it is not under warranty. Same with the flimsy hose when it rips. Then they turn on that wonderful vacuum like a 49.00 Walmart Bissell baglss when the filter clogs. Sorry, but it is what is. Fantom frantically put out new models right up until the fat lady sang. GM-Saturn was advertising on TV right up until the day Penske said it would renege on the buyout and GM said it would have to end the brand and production.
WRT James and dyson, the bigger they are, the harder they fall. Forbes magazine's wealth editor says the hardest to fall are the billionaires who aren't anymore. They never get over it. Carmine D.
Joined: Dec 30, 2007
Points: 5894
Re: dyson going bankrupt?
Reply #8 Oct 22, 2009 9:17 am |
Trebor: HOOVER USA tried the same stunt: Kill old HOOVER's in order to sell new ones. The scheme failed miserably. Indies, like me at the time, refurbed and rebuilt the old HOOVER's and guaranteed just like new, and sold them to the vacuum buying consumers over the new ones for considerably less than the new ones. It spawned a whole industry of HOOVER rebuilts. If I couldn't get genuine HOOVER parts, I used replacement ones which were in sufficient supply, just as good, and less pricey than HOOVER. HOOVER got smart and scrubbed the terrible idea. Came back a' courtin to get me on board again as a HOOVER new sales and service dealer. Dyson doesn't know the US vacuum history and industry. Hence, it is prone to repeat the same failed practices of the past. Carmine D.
Location: USA
Joined: Jul 30, 2007
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Re: dyson going bankrupt?
Reply #9 Oct 22, 2009 12:04 pm |
First of all, DIB, it was Dyson US, Second, how is keeping Dysons alive and fucntioning poaching? He was perfectly happy making 100K/year fixing out of warranty Dysons Third, you missed the point, Dyson US bought back 25K of parts at wholesale because THEY NEEDED THEM! The whole Dyson point is moot now anyway. The bag technology has improved so much that dust leakage/loss of suction issue is dead. Dysons are clunky, heavy, hard to maneuver, nearly useless attachments. It was a novel idea put on the market by an engineer with tunnel vision. Have you never seen a vac shop with Dyson trade-ins and abandoned repairs piled to the ceiling? I have, plenty of them. Everybody loves their Dyson until it throws a clutch, and people find out it is not under warranty. Same with the flimsy hose when it rips. Then they turn on that wonderful vacuum like a 49.00 Walmart Bissell baglss when the filter clogs. Sorry, but it is what is. Fantom frantically put out new models right up until the fat lady sang. Trebor, I’ll go after the lowest hanging favorite fruit… talking about a backyard inventor that’s told “No” by the big-named companies and genius-suits and then making a small corporation rich… Fact... Iona (from what I’ve learned, the little info that’s available) was NOTHING until they hooked up with James Dyson and his teams technologies and brains. They, not Iona were the (overall) brains behind the Fantom success and making history which are now industry standards worldwide. By comparison... Carmine has never posted his innovation numbers here. That being his - triangulating and pointing out where to drill a hole for the toggle switch on the Hoover Constellation. Mole’s invented nothing. Venson’s worthless. Retardturtle, is looking to score points and make friends with vacuum dealers and then kick-back and watch the money roll in. Youth. Fact… Fantom U.S. sales (Dyson technologies and engineering): 1st year: $50m, 2nd year: $100m, 3rd year: $150m. Pointing out Fantom closing is a sales technique only. A low ball-estimation of Dyson or Dyson-inspired competing vacuums sold - 100m globally. DIB P.S. TTI and Bissell are making lots of money off Dyson’s dual cyclone discoveries. They are junk quality, but they (expired Dyson patents and discoveries) are moneymakers and continue to live well past the Fantom-is-Dyson attempted parallel.
This message was modified Oct 22, 2009 by DysonInventsBig
Joined: Dec 30, 2007
Points: 5894
Re: dyson going bankrupt?
Reply #11 Oct 22, 2009 2:07 pm |
Dyson DIB: More of the usual lunacy and idiosy. When you can't debate the facts and opinions you resort to impugning personalities and professionalism. Never works. Better crying like a baby as Sir James does. At least it gets sympathy from others who can't stand to see grown men cry! Carmine D.
This message was modified Oct 22, 2009 by CarmineD