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If my vacuum can remove even one spec of dirt that yours misses, then mine is better than yours - even if there's no proof that mine would have picked up as much dirt as yours...
Joined: Jul 30, 2007
Points: 397
Boycott British products (i.e. Dyson)?
Original Message Aug 24, 2009 7:58 am |
There is talk of a boycott of British goods over the questionable release of the Lockerbie bomber Megrahi. Since Dysons are at least designed in Britain, I wonder if it will have any effect on them. Dyson might want to increase the size of the "made in Malaysia" stickers on their vacuums. Personally, I don't believe in punishing an entire nation for the stupidity of their government officials. We've certainly had our share of stupid politicians in the US. *** Note that I am not implying that Dyson should be boycotted. I am only saying that a call to boycott British goods could have an effect on Dyson sales in the US. **
This message was modified Aug 24, 2009 by Severus
The smart tyrant writes his own story to ensure that it is favorable. The lazy will repeat lines from the book without fact checking.
Joined: Dec 30, 2007
Points: 5894
Re: Boycott British products (i.e. Dyson)?
Reply #9 Aug 25, 2009 10:06 am |
There is discord in Scotland. Safe to say global anger too. The Scotish justice minister Kenny MacAskill is taking full responsibility for Mr. al-Megrahi's release. While the British PM is mum. MacAskill's testimony before a specially convened Scottish Parliament yesterday failed to mollify parliamentarians over the release. No doubt a motion for a vote of no-confidence for MacAskill will follow putting pressure on him to resign. Could bring the Scottish government down. Senator Frank Lautenberg, the point man in Congress on the Lockerbie issue called Monday for the US State Department to put restrictions on the travel visa for Libya's leader Gadhafi during the September UN meetings. Seems like the politicos in this mess failed to heed the advice of St. Louis, King of France. Before you stand before men to ask them to follow you, you better kneel before God. Carmine D.
Joined: Dec 30, 2007
Points: 5894
Re: Boycott British products (i.e. Dyson)?
Reply #10 Aug 27, 2009 4:32 pm |
Today's [Aug. 27. 2009] Wall Street Journal carries a story from Con Coughlin of the Morning Telegraph in London linking 2 UK high level officials with ties to PM Brown to a letter written to MacAskill requesting release of Megrahi, the Lockerbie bomber. That's the smoking gun. Now pressure mounts on PM Brown to answer some questions about his statement that he had no involvement in the release. Seems a muckety muck at BP [ "SIR" MARK ALLEN] wanted to land some contracts with Libya for the 44 BILLION barrels of oil in the country. Gadhafi's son, heir apparent to the Colonel and a graduate of the London School of economics, brokered the deal with the stipulation that Megrahi be released to clinch the deal. BTW, NJ Senator Corzine and other NJ officials are refusing to allow Colonel Gadhafi entrance to Englewood NJ as part of a planned visit while Colonel Gadhafi is attending the UN meetings in NY in September. Carmine D.
This message was modified Aug 28, 2009 by CarmineD
Joined: Dec 30, 2007
Points: 5894
Re: Boycott British products (i.e. Dyson)?
Reply #12 Aug 28, 2009 10:26 am |
That's the smartest thing you've posted here in along time. And probably the best review of dyson you have ever posted too! There's hope for you yet. Carmine D.
Joined: Aug 21, 2007
Points: 1293
Re: Boycott British products (i.e. Dyson)?
Reply #13 Aug 28, 2009 1:33 pm |
HS: That's the smartest thing you've posted here in along time. And probably the best review of dyson you have ever posted too! There's hope for you yet. Carmine D. I thought that it would be very clear to you.
Joined: Aug 21, 2007
Points: 1293
Re: Boycott British products (i.e. Dyson)?
Reply #17 Aug 29, 2009 2:52 am |
HS: I was wondering who would bring the dumb blonds into the conversation, now I know. Dyson advertises -never loses suction and never clogs. Today a customer came in for those reasons. The filter was stopped up, lost suction, the channels were clogged, and it cost the customer $20 -mainly for the time to find all the problems and show them what they were not doing. They traded the Dyson in . One because I outperformed it in suction and cleaning, two because they needed to go to someone that could take care of them and their cleaner, three and most important my reputation of taking care of my customers. Something they said they couldn't find with Dyson. Procare No dumb blonds mentioned on this thread. Nor did I mention Dyson here. Looks like we now have a polock among us.
I am sure there are lots of good stories about ignorant or lazy users. How about the ones who bring in non working vacs with broken belts, over filled bags (if the vacuum will over fill it), foreign objects in the air paths, broken fans, and finally water. Should all those non Dyson makers post warnings of those things happening if you use the vacuum stupidly or is it user responsibility to READ THE MANUAL?