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If my vacuum can remove even one spec of dirt that yours misses, then mine is better than yours - even if there's no proof that mine would have picked up as much dirt as yours...
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Boycott British products (i.e. Dyson)?
Original Message Aug 24, 2009 7:58 am |
There is talk of a boycott of British goods over the questionable release of the Lockerbie bomber Megrahi. Since Dysons are at least designed in Britain, I wonder if it will have any effect on them. Dyson might want to increase the size of the "made in Malaysia" stickers on their vacuums. Personally, I don't believe in punishing an entire nation for the stupidity of their government officials. We've certainly had our share of stupid politicians in the US. *** Note that I am not implying that Dyson should be boycotted. I am only saying that a call to boycott British goods could have an effect on Dyson sales in the US. **
This message was modified Aug 24, 2009 by Severus
The smart tyrant writes his own story to ensure that it is favorable. The lazy will repeat lines from the book without fact checking.
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Re: Boycott British products (i.e. Dyson)?
Reply #4 Aug 24, 2009 8:51 am |
The reason the UK is threatened with boycott is that it lobbied Scotland [and has been for several years] for the release of the Lockerbie bomber. Why? The Wall Street Journal was the first, I believe, to break the story this week end that the UK is interested in reaching an arms for oil agreement with Gadafi/Libya and this [lobbying Scotland] was a stipulation for the deal. Of course, Gadafi and his son, implicated in the clandestine arrangement, disavow all knowledge of the ulterior motives. As of yesterday [Sunday] morning there were 97 on-line comments on the WSJ story. I haven't checked yet today but I will. On Thursday of this past week after news of the Lockerbie bomber release broke I sided in favor with the compassionate release by Scotland based on religious beliefs and teachings. After the WSJ article this weekend, I've changed my mind. In fact, I'd say boycott is way too lenient for the guilty parties involved, if there is truth in the WSJ article. Carmine D.
This message was modified Aug 24, 2009 by CarmineD
If my vacuum can remove even one spec of dirt that yours misses, then mine is better than yours - even if there's no proof that mine would have picked up as much dirt as yours...
Joined: Jul 30, 2007
Points: 397
Re: Boycott British products (i.e. Dyson)?
Reply #6 Aug 24, 2009 10:24 am |
It comes across like a news story hyping up something that is unlikley to happen in practice. As mentioned, with Dyson it would be a touch misguided as they have a business legally registered in England and Wales, with Scotland having it's own separate administration for businesses and indeed political matters.
S'pose you could boycott exported Scottish goods.. like Whisky, Haggis, Tartan clothing and um, whatever else they make up there. But sounds a bit crazy if you ask me. I agree with you completely. Again, I don't want to encourage anyone to boycott Dysons or any other British product. I saw the headline, and immediately thought of Dyson as being one of the most prominent British products in the US due to the prime time advertising.
The smart tyrant writes his own story to ensure that it is favorable. The lazy will repeat lines from the book without fact checking.
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Re: Boycott British products (i.e. Dyson)?
Reply #9 Aug 25, 2009 10:06 am |
There is discord in Scotland. Safe to say global anger too. The Scotish justice minister Kenny MacAskill is taking full responsibility for Mr. al-Megrahi's release. While the British PM is mum. MacAskill's testimony before a specially convened Scottish Parliament yesterday failed to mollify parliamentarians over the release. No doubt a motion for a vote of no-confidence for MacAskill will follow putting pressure on him to resign. Could bring the Scottish government down. Senator Frank Lautenberg, the point man in Congress on the Lockerbie issue called Monday for the US State Department to put restrictions on the travel visa for Libya's leader Gadhafi during the September UN meetings. Seems like the politicos in this mess failed to heed the advice of St. Louis, King of France. Before you stand before men to ask them to follow you, you better kneel before God. Carmine D.
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Re: Boycott British products (i.e. Dyson)?
Reply #10 Aug 27, 2009 4:32 pm |
Today's [Aug. 27. 2009] Wall Street Journal carries a story from Con Coughlin of the Morning Telegraph in London linking 2 UK high level officials with ties to PM Brown to a letter written to MacAskill requesting release of Megrahi, the Lockerbie bomber. That's the smoking gun. Now pressure mounts on PM Brown to answer some questions about his statement that he had no involvement in the release. Seems a muckety muck at BP [ "SIR" MARK ALLEN] wanted to land some contracts with Libya for the 44 BILLION barrels of oil in the country. Gadhafi's son, heir apparent to the Colonel and a graduate of the London School of economics, brokered the deal with the stipulation that Megrahi be released to clinch the deal. BTW, NJ Senator Corzine and other NJ officials are refusing to allow Colonel Gadhafi entrance to Englewood NJ as part of a planned visit while Colonel Gadhafi is attending the UN meetings in NY in September. Carmine D.
This message was modified Aug 28, 2009 by CarmineD
Joined: Dec 30, 2007
Points: 5894
Re: Boycott British products (i.e. Dyson)?
Reply #12 Aug 28, 2009 10:26 am |
That's the smartest thing you've posted here in along time. And probably the best review of dyson you have ever posted too! There's hope for you yet. Carmine D.
Joined: Aug 21, 2007
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Re: Boycott British products (i.e. Dyson)?
Reply #13 Aug 28, 2009 1:33 pm |
HS: That's the smartest thing you've posted here in along time. And probably the best review of dyson you have ever posted too! There's hope for you yet. Carmine D. I thought that it would be very clear to you.
Joined: Aug 21, 2007
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Re: Boycott British products (i.e. Dyson)?
Reply #17 Aug 29, 2009 2:52 am |
HS: I was wondering who would bring the dumb blonds into the conversation, now I know. Dyson advertises -never loses suction and never clogs. Today a customer came in for those reasons. The filter was stopped up, lost suction, the channels were clogged, and it cost the customer $20 -mainly for the time to find all the problems and show them what they were not doing. They traded the Dyson in . One because I outperformed it in suction and cleaning, two because they needed to go to someone that could take care of them and their cleaner, three and most important my reputation of taking care of my customers. Something they said they couldn't find with Dyson. Procare No dumb blonds mentioned on this thread. Nor did I mention Dyson here. Looks like we now have a polock among us.
I am sure there are lots of good stories about ignorant or lazy users. How about the ones who bring in non working vacs with broken belts, over filled bags (if the vacuum will over fill it), foreign objects in the air paths, broken fans, and finally water. Should all those non Dyson makers post warnings of those things happening if you use the vacuum stupidly or is it user responsibility to READ THE MANUAL?
Joined: Dec 30, 2007
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Re: Boycott British products (i.e. Dyson)?
Reply #18 Aug 29, 2009 3:22 am |
HS: I was wondering who would bring the dumb blonds into the conversation, now I know. Dyson advertises -never loses suction and never clogs. Today a customer came in for those reasons. The filter was stopped up, lost suction, the channels were clogged, and it cost the customer $20 -mainly for the time to find all the problems and show them what they were not doing. They traded the Dyson in . One because I outperformed it in suction and cleaning, two because they needed to go to someone that could take care of them and their cleaner, three and most important my reputation of taking care of my customers. Something they said they couldn't find with Dyson. Procare Hello Procare:
Thanks for the advice on troubleshooting the dyson. You probably know, or know of, Tom Gasko. Before dyson launched in the US, there were discussions of the best venue for its sales. He was already familiar with the product and opined that the best sales venue would be the indies because dysons' require training and familiarization by the users. INdies could do this with customers with demoes and answering their questions. After dyson ignored his advice, he then suggested a DVD instructional disk for users. Dyson didn't do that one either. I suspect alot of dysons' refurbs are customers who buy from big box stores and just don't know the product and how best to use it so they return. Read the d-manual like HS says? Takes an egineering degree and most users won't. LAst I counted it was 25 pages. I would say to James that it's not just enough to make a product work properly, but you have to ensure that customers use it properly. Carmine D.
Joined: Aug 21, 2007
Points: 1293
Re: Boycott British products (i.e. Dyson)?
Reply #19 Aug 29, 2009 3:41 am |
Hello Procare: Thanks for the advice on troubleshooting the dyson. You probably know, or know of, Tom Gasko. Before dyson launched in the US, there were discussions of the best venue for its sales. He was already familiar with the product and opined that the best sales venue would be the indies because dysons' require training and familiarization by the users. INdies could do this with customers with demoes and answering their questions. After dyson ignored his advice, he then suggested a DVD instructional disk for users. Dyson didn't do that one either. I suspect alot of dysons' refurbs are customers who buy from big box stores and just don't know the product and how best to use it so they return. Read the d-manual like HS says? Takes an egineering degree and most users won't. LAst I counted it was 25 pages. I would say to James that it's not just enough to make a product work properly, but you have to ensure that customers use it properly. Carmine D.
Even your friends with an engineering degree can't figure it out.
No degree or manual would be of value for owners of those bagless Hoovers with the screen filter. I wonder why you never criticized your previous favorite brand.
Joined: Dec 30, 2007
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Re: Boycott British products (i.e. Dyson)?
Reply #21 Aug 29, 2009 4:43 am |
Hard to say enjoy reading this. I didn't enjoy writing it. But truth needs to told. And Severus, thanks to his heads-up here, gives me the opportunity. The OP ED article in the LV Sun got it partly right. NJ leaders are banning Gadhafi from the state. In part, because of Libya's hero welcome of al-Megrahi, the Lockerbie bomber convicted of killing 270 people. He was released from prison in Scotland last week for ill-health. Senator Corzine doesn't want Colonel Gadhafi coming to Englewood, NJ. Senator Lautenberg is seeking s visa from the State Department restricting Gadhafi to the geographic area in and around the UN. Good for the NJ Senators. What's the rest? Stories reported in London and New York over the last week, and not denied/responded to by UK authorities, say the release of al-Megrahi was a brokered business deal [a quid-pro-quo]. Nothing to do with al-Megrahi's illness. Prime Minister Brown, with sanctions from the British royal family, put pressure on Scotland to release al-Megrahi, despite Brown's denial of any involvement. Why? Money, oil, and years of business friendship. A British Petroleum senior exec, Sir Mark Allen, knighted by Queen Elizabeth, wants to arrange commercial contracts with Libya for oil and gas. 44 billion barrels worth. Sir Mark is in cohoots [read friends] with 2 British officials: Lord Peter Mendelson, Britain's business secretary and close ally of Prime Minister Brown and Ivor Lewis, a junior minister at the British Foreign Office and political ally of Brown. Mr. Lewis wrote an August 3, 2009 letter to Mr. MacAskill, Scottish Justice Minister, to release al-Megrahi. Shortly after, MacAskill complied citing al-Megrahi's health. Wrong! All are friends of Gadhafi's son, Seif al-Islam Gadhafi, and the heir apparent to the Colonel. Seif was educated at the London School of Economcs. Seif insisted on the release of al-Megrahi in order to go along with the BP deal. We all know now, and until PM Brown says otherwise, money talks in the UK even louder than the mass murders of 270 innocent people in 1988. Shame on Great Britain. Carmine D.
Joined: Dec 30, 2007
Points: 5894
Re: Boycott British products (i.e. Dyson)?
Reply #23 Aug 29, 2009 9:00 am |
I want to say I was sorry about my remark in the wrong thread but what I said was in reference to ablond that probably couldn't plug in a plug.
Hello Procare: The Man
Surprised HS took umbrage at your post. You were after all defending a dyson buyer and user regardless of her intelligence. By attacking you, he asserted that dysons appeal to dumb blonds. Not very complimentary about dysons. HS may know how to plug a vacuum in, but he doesn't know how to turn it on and move it across the floor and rug. So he is in no position to criticize a poor dyson user. Carmine D. PS: As I recall, and it was Summer 2007, the young lady with the COSTCO Excl. dyson for $500 in tow with her child was also a blond. She told me she was returning her year old plus dyson because it no longer picked up as well as when it was new. I mentioned the filters and routine cleaning and her angry response was: I didn't pay $500 for a vacuum to have to clean its filters. I suspect she was referring to the the dyson mantra, no longer allowed: Doesn't clog, doesn't lose suction. She did get her money back when I inquired about it afterwards.
This message was modified Aug 29, 2009 by CarmineD
Joined: Aug 21, 2007
Points: 1293
Re: Boycott British products (i.e. Dyson)?
Reply #25 Aug 29, 2009 12:31 pm |
Hello Procare: The Man Surprised HS took umbrage at your post. You were after all defending a dyson buyer and user regardless of her intelligence. By attacking you, he asserted that dysons appeal to dumb blonds. Not very complimentary about dysons. HS may know how to plug a vacuum in, but he doesn't know how to turn it on and move it across the floor and rug. So he is in no position to criticize a poor dyson user. Carmine D. PS: As I recall, and it was Summer 2007, the young lady with the COSTCO Excl. dyson for $500 in tow with her child was also a blond. She told me she was returning her year old plus dyson because it no longer picked up as well as when it was new. I mentioned the filters and routine cleaning and her angry response was: I didn't pay $500 for a vacuum to have to clean its filters. I suspect she was referring to the the dyson mantra, no longer allowed: Doesn't clog, doesn't lose suction. She did get her money back when I inquired about it afterwards.
Lighten up. I was not attacking.
If you think I am pushing a $500 vacuum you are not as intelligent as I thought. For that much money it should push/pull itself. How about stopped up bags. Really, should one have to replace bags and belts on a $700 to over $1000 Oreck or Meile? The dealer should make house calls to perform this service. How about those $100,000 cars that require new oil and filters. Or how about having to spend $40 for nitrogen in tires when air is free. What is this world coming to. BTW, the Dyson warranty at BB in 2002 was $19 and not $40 as you stated. Get your facts first.
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Re: Boycott British products (i.e. Dyson)?
Reply #28 Aug 29, 2009 2:09 pm |
HS: Dyson pulled the same bull shine BWM did. Telling customers no maintenance costs after purchase. Same same. You criticize BMW for this, give dyson a pass. BMW: you say is brake your wallet. Dyson you say: you get what you pay for. Which is it? You can't have it both ways. I know: Where you stand depends on where you sit! About the same number of women told me if they buy a BMW it doesn't ever need maintenance as told me that they bought dysons for the same reason. BMW sales staff lie, dyson sales staff just didn't know any better. They bought into the dyson hawking and hype: Doesn't clog, doesn't lose suction. Lifetime filters and belts. Dyson bull shine to justify outrageous prices for mediocre performance.. Carmine D.
Joined: Jul 15, 2009
Points: 192
Re: Boycott British products (i.e. Dyson)?
Reply #32 Aug 29, 2009 8:00 pm |
HS, I wasn't sorry for what I said but only the thread it was in. Dyson should be boycotted ,not because of the Scottish but the Malaysians that are for the most part Muslim and hate us. At least that is what is written. Why spend money there that may be used against us. The same goes for Bissell. I do not hate Muslim but the radicals that want to kill democracy and destroy the Christian faith. If the Dyson was built in England it would provide jobs to their own countrymen. Dyson must have problems in England or he would. Right? Procare
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Re: Boycott British products (i.e. Dyson)?
Reply #33 Aug 30, 2009 5:17 am |
HS, I wasn't sorry for what I said but only the thread it was in. Dyson should be boycotted ,not because of the Scottish but the Malaysians that are for the most part Muslim and hate us. At least that is what is written. Why spend money there that may be used against us. The same goes for Bissell. I do not hate Muslim but the radicals that want to kill democracy and destroy the Christian faith. If the Dyson was built in England it would provide jobs to their own countrymen. Dyson must have problems in England or he would. Right? Procare
Hello Procare:
The USA and world are on track to do just that [impose huge economic sanctions] with an Islamic country and leader [disfiguring the Muslim religion for their own self-interests] with Iran and President Ahmadinejad. President Obama gave Iran a deadline to the end of September to engage with the USA in talks to curb/freeze Iran's nuclear ambitions. If Ahmadinejad refuses, Obama will likely make international overtures to enforce big time economic sanctions against Iran and will prevail. Several meetings [G5/G20] are in place for September and then the UN meeting at the end of the month. The door will be open to Iran to walk through and/or suffer worldwide economic sanctions. Libya quit its nuclear ambitions some years ago, thanks in huge part to Guadafi's son Seif, the heir apparent. Let's see what Iran does this month. No vacuums come out of Iran, but the collateral Muslim country damage, if Iran doesn't go along, where vacuums do come, are uncertain. Carmine D.
Joined: Jul 22, 2007
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Re: Boycott British products (i.e. Dyson)?
Reply #34 Aug 30, 2009 8:40 am |
It's always strange how we are prepared to overlook things that others do that may not be our idea of correct or perfect as long as we can get something we want out of the deal. However, when they cease to "put out" or properly flatter us, we suddenly consider them the lowest of low.
To me the real issue is that American business and consumers are still not saying no to buying cheap and selling high no matter what the cost. Consumers are still buying without standards save for wanting the best bang for their dollar -- wherever the product comes from. AND no one's looking to share the wealth. Just like the boss who won't give you a raise but is always free-handed when it comes to an advance on your pay or a loan, we are more interested in their indebtedness to us and their advancement.
If indeed wealth is built on the backs of the poor -- and probably maintained by keeping the poor as poor as possible -- then if indeed Malaysians and Asians in general dislike us, I think they've every right to. The rest of the world isn't stupid you know. The folks who get paid dribs and drabs for making product later sold for hundreds, even thousands of American dollars are probably well aware of it and have every right to be resentful.
That said, we have long invested in tantalizing nations with opportunities to lay hands on American dollars and then found ourselves walking around later with dropped jaws when we learn that there really are some things money just won't buy.
Despite all the propagandizing I've been inundated by over the years, the one thing I fortunately had opportunity is that when you cross a border two things exist -- government and the people living under its domain. Nonetheless, the two may well not necessarily be aligned.
What I have learned is that no matter whether you're in New York or Moscow, Munich or Beograd, Istanbul or Tehran, ever-day citizens basically want the same things. Work that provides not great wealth but alleviates fear of lack in regard to the health and welfare of their families. Government lends to a secure sense that they may work, live by their own faith, impart their sense of right to their children and have peace.
We've long made a big thing out of shows of charity -- the delivery of aid and armies all over the world. Sadly, I have yet to hear much about our public insisting on pay hikes for those who daily spend many hours but receive little in profit for making of goods we easily spend big money on and we have no such intentions in mind.
Yet, it's always "them" that are found at fault. There are and have been no long discussions here as to our own culpability. No one makes much remark as to how we love technology so much that we won't insist on not buying American-made TVs, appliances and electronics or holding out until at least a significant part of the market here is composed of American-made goods.
Americans just like Malays and others seemingly not synched-up with our so-called Christian way of life are equally ready to believe that the source of our troubles always stems from somewhere else. We accept its direction from wherever the finger of government is pointing.
Location: USA
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Re: Boycott British products (i.e. Dyson)?
Reply #39 Sep 9, 2009 5:16 am |
The latest: Scotland's justice minister who released al-Megrahi, Lockerbie bomber, has a brother who has worked for firms that sought oil business/contracts with Libya. Carmine D. Interesting. But if we used your guidelines... this is not vacuum related. You’re a walking-talking contradiction. You flipped out when the Dyson fanless invention patent was posted but your non-vacuum news is perfectly okay? The tired vacuum and industry has little news and I thought it quite humorous you declaring Dyson’s non-vacuum inventions (paid for by vacuum sales, and perhaps invented by vacuum “design-engineers”) unfit to be posted here. DIB P.S. Again, I did find your post interesting and this news could effects/could effect all of us, yet hypocritical by way of your guidelines. 
This message was modified Sep 9, 2009 by DysonInventsBig
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Re: Boycott British products (i.e. Dyson)?
Reply #41 Sep 9, 2009 5:38 am |
I didn't start the thread DIB and don't force others to read and post on it. But while its here and free to post on, I will. Read it or not. It's your call not mine. Your previous comments in red shows how much BS you spew. If you have not interest in non vac related topics keep quiet. This is a story that won't go away. And in 3 years may result in the boycott of the Olympics in London. Maybe not? Are you planning to go! I'm not. And have attended other Olympics in other countries. Carmine D. Hello M00seUK: Until the product is sold and I see that it relates to vacuums/floorcare, I for one have no interest in knowing. Until then, dyson's plans/intentions are all speculation to titilate his fans here free of charge. Carmine D
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Re: Boycott British products (i.e. Dyson)?
Reply #42 Sep 9, 2009 8:47 am |
HS: Since you don't get it let me spell it out for you s-l-o-w-l-y. T H E R E A R E S O M E T H I N G S M O R E I MP O R T A N T T H A N V A C U U M S A N D A LO S P E E D O N S O M E O R E C K' S. T H I S I S O N E. Carmine D.
This message was modified Sep 9, 2009 by CarmineD
Joined: Dec 30, 2007
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Re: Boycott British products (i.e. Dyson)?
Reply #43 Sep 26, 2009 5:10 am |
For an update on this thread subject [albeit not related to vacuums, YET] here's the latest. Warning: Don't read if you choose, it's your decision. As long as Gadhafi and al-Megrahi are alive this will not go away. Carmine D.