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Boycott British products (i.e. Dyson)?
Original Message   Aug 24, 2009 7:58 am
There is talk of a boycott of British goods over the questionable release of the Lockerbie bomber Megrahi.   Since Dysons are at least designed in Britain, I wonder if it will have any effect on them.   Dyson might want to increase the size of the "made in Malaysia" stickers on their vacuums.

Personally, I don't believe in punishing an entire nation for the stupidity of their government officials.  We've certainly had our share of stupid politicians in the US. 

*** Note that I am not implying that Dyson should be boycotted.  I am only saying that a call to boycott British goods could have an effect on Dyson sales in the US.     **

This message was modified Aug 24, 2009 by Severus

The smart tyrant writes his own story to ensure that it is favorable.  The lazy will repeat lines from the book without fact checking. 
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Re: Boycott British products (i.e. Dyson)?
Reply #36   Aug 30, 2009 11:40 am
Two lovely sayings/parables come to mind from the Bible, Venson.  When you give alms, don't let your right hand know what you left is giving.  And of course the workers in the vineyard.  The master of the vineyard goes out to the town at the beginning, middle and end of the day to get workers for the grape harvest.  At the end of the day he asks his chief steward to pay the last a full day's wage.  And so to do the same for those who came at the middle and then the beginning of the day.  The workers who started at the beginning of the day are grumbling!  They expected more.  The master of the vineyard corrects them and says who are you to tell me how to disburse my money?  I gave you a full day's wage, why are you upset?  Because those that came later got the same!  Yes, of course.  But that is not their concern/money to say how it should be given.  It's the master. 

Carmine D.


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Re: Boycott British products (i.e. Dyson)?
Reply #37   Sep 4, 2009 2:49 am
For those who are following the news developments, there is an ongoing war of words between Scottish officials and the Prime Minister Gordon Brown of England.  Each blaming the other for the release of the lockerbie bomber al-Megrahi.  The more news releases the UK issues, the more questions and doubts arise about the real reasons for the release.

Now the real looming threat:  London is the site of the 2012 Olympics.  3 years away.  But time is not the UK's side.  Just the opposite.  Any business deals consummated between the UK and Libya for oil/gas will impugn all the stories released by official UK sources.  Several EU countries not to mention the US and President Obama are irate at the bomber's release.  Will they remember the controversial bomber's release in 2012?  It's already being called a "second Lockerbie outrage."  When Colonel Guadhafi goes on television and thanks his 'friend' Gordon Brown, the Queen of England, and her son Prince Andrew it feels like spitting on Winston Churchill and the heroes of the Battle of Britain.

Carmine D.


Joined: Dec 30, 2007
Points: 5894

Re: Boycott British products (i.e. Dyson)?
Reply #38   Sep 9, 2009 4:50 am
The latest: Scotland's justice minister who released al-Megrahi, Lockerbie bomber, has a brother who has worked for firms that sought oil business/contracts with Libya. 

Carmine D.


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Re: Boycott British products (i.e. Dyson)?
Reply #39   Sep 9, 2009 5:16 am
CarmineD wrote:
The latest: Scotland's justice minister who released al-Megrahi, Lockerbie bomber, has a brother who has worked for firms that sought oil business/contracts with Libya. 

Carmine D.

Interesting.  But if we used your guidelines...  this is not vacuum related.  You’re a walking-talking contradiction.  You flipped out when the Dyson fanless invention patent was posted but your non-vacuum news is perfectly okay?  The tired vacuum and industry has little news and I thought it quite humorous you declaring Dyson’s non-vacuum inventions (paid for by vacuum sales, and perhaps invented by vacuum “design-engineers”) unfit to be posted here.


P.S.  Again, I did find your post interesting and this news could effects/could effect all of us, yet hypocritical by way of your guidelines. 
This message was modified Sep 9, 2009 by DysonInventsBig


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Re: Boycott British products (i.e. Dyson)?
Reply #40   Sep 9, 2009 5:19 am
I didn't start the thread DIB and don't force others to read and post on it.  But while its here and free to post on, I will.  Read it or not.  It's your call not mine. 

This is a story that won't go away.  And in 3 years may result in the boycott of the Olympics in London.  Maybe not?  Are you planning to go!  I'm not.  And have attended other Olympics in other countries.

Carmine D.


Joined: Aug 21, 2007
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Re: Boycott British products (i.e. Dyson)?
Reply #41   Sep 9, 2009 5:38 am
CarmineD wrote:
I didn't start the thread DIB and don't force others to read and post on it.  But while its here and free to post on, I will.  Read it or not.  It's your call not mine. 
Your previous comments in red shows how much BS you spew. If you have not interest in non vac related topics keep quiet.

This is a story that won't go away.  And in 3 years may result in the boycott of the Olympics in London.  Maybe not?  Are you planning to go!  I'm not.  And have attended other Olympics in other countries.

Carmine D.

CarmineD wrote:
Hello M00seUK:

Until the product is sold and I see that it relates to vacuums/floorcare, I for one have no interest in knowing.  Until then, dyson's plans/intentions are all speculation to titilate his fans here free of charge.   

Carmine D


Joined: Dec 30, 2007
Points: 5894

Re: Boycott British products (i.e. Dyson)?
Reply #42   Sep 9, 2009 8:47 am

Since you don't get it let me spell it out for you s-l-o-w-l-y. 

T H E R E   A R E   S O M E T H I N G S   M O R E  

I MP O R T A N T  T H A N  V A C U U M S   A N D 

A  LO  S P E E D  O N  S O M E  O R E C K' S.  

T H I S  I S  O N E.

Carmine D.

This message was modified Sep 9, 2009 by CarmineD

Joined: Dec 30, 2007
Points: 5894

Re: Boycott British products (i.e. Dyson)?
Reply #43   Sep 26, 2009 5:10 am
For an update on this thread subject [albeit not related to vacuums, YET] here's the latest.  Warning: Don't read if you choose, it's your decision.

As long as Gadhafi and al-Megrahi are alive this will not go away.

Carmine D.

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