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Re: "Green" Vacuum Cleaners . . .
Reply #50 Aug 25, 2009 3:08 am |
DIB proof and more of a hunch....or my theories on it anyway. Why seperate them from the rest ? ... gotta be a reason....what better way to control whose hands or shelves they end up on...then to buy them up and control that small end of things.....thats what i would do. And how its done.....seperate / pick-up /pay-up......take to place where the scrap rebuilding and salvage takes place....then on to the refurb market. when money is involved ...anythings poss......dont see where dyson or anyone else is above this.....its actually a smart idea/move...seems like it anyway. turtle1 Hello 'turtle1'
You know how business works. Your reasons are as good if not better than the ones that DIB proposes for his righteous dyson. DIB avoids the truth and the facts. The facts, as you know them in the vacuum business, allow the 'refurb' market to be manipulated [to use DIB's trekie terminology] and controlled by the brand maker, at least in the USA. You also know that that there are laws governing the makers which regulate labelling, selling, and recording of all "refurbs." In direct competition with the refurbs are dysons that are sold as 'used', 'reconditioned,' 'rebuilt' and 'demoes/displays.' If these are in the hands of dyson franchised dealers, their sales are probably monitored and manipulated by dyson, at the risk of the dealer who doesn't obey. If they are indies, with no ties to dyson, it's a sales war with no holds barred between dyson and them on prices and sales in the after market. We all know how much DIB admires the indies! I wonder the reason. See DIB, I told you I'd assist if need be. Carmine D.
Location: USA
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Re: "Green" Vacuum Cleaners . . .
Reply #51 Aug 25, 2009 12:11 pm |
Hello 'turtle1' You know how business works. Your reasons are as good if not better than the ones that DIB proposes for his righteous dyson. DIB avoids the truth and the facts. The facts, as you know them in the vacuum business, allow the 'refurb' market to be manipulated [to use DIB's trekie terminology] and controlled by the brand maker, at least in the USA. You also know that that there are laws governing the makers which regulate labelling, selling, and recording of all "refurbs." In direct competition with the refurbs are dysons that are sold as 'used', 'reconditioned,' 'rebuilt' and 'demoes/displays.' If these are in the hands of dyson franchised dealers, their sales are probably monitored and manipulated by dyson, at the risk of the dealer who doesn't obey. If they are indies, with no ties to dyson, it's a sales war with no holds barred between dyson and them on prices and sales in the after market. We all know how much DIB admires the indies! I wonder the reason. See DIB, I told you I'd assist if need be. Carmine D. Carmine, You sound like Jim Garrison with all your far fetched conspiracies and/or lame attempts to link Dyson to this or that, perhaps you should give Oliver Stone a call. I’m sure Dyson Corp’s behavior is in line with the industry, I’ve never heard even one negative comment otherwise. These so-called Dyson dealers (dishonest dealers) have a perfect “racket” going for them. Customers come in asking questions of Dyson or Dyson repairs and eventually walk out with a Miele or other higher profit margin (for the dealer himself/herself, not the manufacturer) vacuum. The topic or the topic you created was Dyson manipulating the UK market via junkyards and junk Dyson’s. Is it common place as you describe or allude to, to throw away near new Dyson’s? I’ve heard of the wealthy giving away new products they do not want to hassle returning and instead giving away to a charity. If a new/near new Dyson was put out on curbside to be throw away (junked) a passerby would simply snatch it up. So how exactly is Dyson manipulating the UK market by controlling discontinued and/or badly beaten up/used up Dyson’s? DIB
This message was modified Aug 25, 2009 by DysonInventsBig
Joined: Dec 30, 2007
Points: 5894
Re: "Green" Vacuum Cleaners . . .
Reply #52 Aug 25, 2009 1:19 pm |
DIB: As usual you miss the salient point. I answered for you about the refurbs. These are in dyson's jurisdiction. Dyson sets the prices. All other dysons are fair game to highest bidder. Since all second hand dysons [includng refurbs] compete for the same target market and sales share, dyson has a vested interest in eliminated the "indy" competition. Now, here's another question for you DIB. How do suppose dyson would do this if they were so inclined? Before you give me your holier than thou dyson spiel, remember the entire Brit royalty plus PM Brown are in bed with Colonel Guadafi for oil and gas contracts. Money talks DIB. That's the point if you miss all the rest. The highest bidder is getting those junked dysons. Who do you think the highest bidder is? Carmine D.
Location: USA
Joined: Jul 30, 2007
Points: 1454
Re: "Green" Vacuum Cleaners . . .
Reply #54 Aug 25, 2009 11:40 pm |
M00seUK: Not quite [back at you]. Salvage and junk yards are in the used car parts business for the profit motive. Dumps/disposals are not in the business to resell garbage for profit. They charge recycling/dumping fees to defray the expenses of operation which are funded by local taxing authorities. I agree with you that there is something more done with dysons. You opine that independent vacuum dealers/persons are buying up the dumped dysons and reselling either in whole or for parts. You may well be right. I opine that dyson may be doing the very same. More than likely both may be in competition and bidding the prices up. I stated that this is not uncommon. Several very successful vacuum companies, in their infancy and before recycling was an issue, did this in the USA with huge success in reselling the old vacuums as reconditioned to factory specs. And set the prices. The dumps are indifferent to who buys the dysons and why. They will sell most likely to the highest bidder. Who has the most to gain as the highest bidder. Independents acting willy nilly at the whim of after market buyers and/or dyson with the ability to write off the expenses as business related? Carmine D.
Hi Carmine I talks and CASH is king......and dyson as i see it has the most to lose by not buying them up. this would be a way to control the market on used/refurb parts...allowing him to keep all dyson prices high......overpriced. ....all is fair in war......and im suprised all dont do it. Cant say i blame dyson for it tho..... id do it also in all honesty. .youll try anything when your in a sinking ship....desperate times call for desperate measures.turtle1 RetardT, I have [mostly] no problems with an opinion. I do have a problem when you’re posting derogatorily and insinuating or stating something has happened or is happening when it is not. DIB P.S. P.S. In all fairness, others too, go after Dyson in a derogatory and unprovable way. And that's the challenge... to disprove (if and when I want).
This message was modified Aug 26, 2009 by DysonInventsBig
Joined: Dec 30, 2007
Points: 5894
Re: "Green" Vacuum Cleaners . . .
Reply #55 Aug 26, 2009 2:24 am |
Who controls all those Oreck refurbs. HS: I answred that question several times already when DIB did not. Stay focused. Carmine D.
Joined: Dec 30, 2007
Points: 5894
Re: "Green" Vacuum Cleaners . . .
Reply #56 Aug 26, 2009 2:48 am |
DIB: Your latest post on impugning others' opinions goes right back to you. I have a DC07 pink. After rebates and discounts, it cost me $250. This price is currently the dyson refurb price for a DC07 pink with a 6 month warranty. I bought it new September 2006. It's 3 years old AND has a 5 year warranty. Still under warranty. It has about 20 hours of use at most. For all intents and purposes its brand spanking new. With the box and users guide. I can easily sell for less than $250 and/or trade into an indy and the indy sell for less than $250. Or junk it. What's to stop me? Most of the dyson refurbs sold by retailers today are DC07, DC14, and DC15 models for $230-$270. Tons of these on the internet and in vacuum stores [visit some indies and see for yourself]. These are also being sold new at retailers at new dyson prices at approximately $100 more than the refurb prices depending on sales and discounts. I'd OPINE that these refurbs are no longer under their original 2 year warranty. But no one knows for sure. These may even still have had their 5 year warranty like mine. Who's to say that these [DC07, 14 and 15] are not also in the junk piles and dumps being bidded on by indies and dyson for resale? You know for sure? Or just giving us your opinions like evryone else? Carmine D.
Joined: Aug 21, 2007
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Re: "Green" Vacuum Cleaners . . .
Reply #57 Aug 26, 2009 4:36 am |
HS: I answred that question several times already when DIB did not. Stay focused. Carmine D. Somehow I missed the answer. Would you please tell me?
Joined: Dec 30, 2007
Points: 5894
Re: "Green" Vacuum Cleaners . . .
Reply #58 Aug 26, 2009 4:46 am |
Somehow I missed the answer. Would you please tell me? Sure HS. Here is the post again.
Hello 'turtle1' You know how business works. Your reasons are as good if not better than the ones that DIB proposes for his righteous dyson. DIB avoids the truth and the facts. The facts, as you know them in the vacuum business, allow the 'refurb' market to be manipulated [to use DIB's trekie terminology] and controlled by the brand maker, at least in the USA. You also know that that there are laws governing the makers which regulate labelling, selling, and recording of all "refurbs." In direct competition with the refurbs are dysons that are sold as 'used', 'reconditioned,' 'rebuilt' and 'demoes/displays.' If these are in the hands of dyson franchised dealers, their sales are probably monitored and manipulated by dyson, at the risk of the dealer who doesn't obey. If they are indies, with no ties to dyson, it's a sales war with no holds barred between dyson and them on prices and sales in the after market. We all know how much DIB admires the indies! I wonder the reason. See DIB, I told you I'd assist if need be. Carmine D. If you note HS, there are alot fewer ORECK refurbs than dyson. One of the best ORECK refurb sellers is the HEPA upright for $550 which is all sold out currently. If you have any questions about refurbs, remanufactured, reconditioned, used rebuilt, demoes/displays, please ask. I'll be happy to answer or tell you I don't know. Carmine D.
This message was modified Aug 26, 2009 by CarmineD
Joined: Dec 30, 2007
Points: 5894
Re: "Green" Vacuum Cleaners . . .
Reply #59 Aug 26, 2009 4:55 am |
For the record HS, and FWIW, while I don't make it a practice to visit dumps and disposals, I have on many occasions for just reasons. I have never EVER seen ORECK's. As I have never ever seen an ORECK in the neighborhood trash pick up. EVER! That's saying something since I am rather old in the tooth. I can say the same about MIELE's too never at dumps or trash pick up. And I notice those things after being in the business for many years. I can't about your fave brand which have not been sold in the USA and are not nearly as old as ORECK and MIELE. I've seen dyson S in the neighborhood trash here and elsewhere and I always let them stay there for pick up. On occasion, even with the dyson cartons. Carmine D.
This message was modified Aug 26, 2009 by CarmineD