I remember about a 1 1/2 yrs. ago or so you posted most vacuums that come in for repair come in with height adjustments set to the lowest position. THANKS.
To be fair, Carmine also pointed out that as performance drops customers will tend to lower the height thinking it will work better which I have no doubt is also true. I do believe the majority however, and this is from watching customers as they try vacuums in the store, have a tendency to drop the height to it's lowest assuming that it's the best setting. In store, I can correct them but unfortunately if they are buying from a big box they will never be told...but that's why we sell belts :-)
You never fail to prove/reprove what I have know about you for years here: You have a complete lack of getting it/forgetting the crux of the matters during the thread discussions. Thank goodness Dusty suffers fools more easily than me. Thank you Dusty.
Carmine D.
This message was modified Aug 7, 2009 by CarmineD