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View and/or Vote for the James Dyson Award [2009] entries...
Original Message   Jul 17, 2009 3:56 pm
View and/or Vote for the James Dyson Award entries...

Voting closes July 20, 2009.

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This message was modified Jul 17, 2009 by DysonInventsBig

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Re: View and/or Vote for the James Dyson Award [2009] entries...
Reply #23   Jul 28, 2009 9:30 am
CarmineD wrote:

Yes it was a diversion.  But not by me.  By you and your twin dysoner DIB.  Henry Ford has nothing to do with the wheel barrows.  As usual DIB's sugar coated dyson bull shine was to praise dyson for this product to high heavens as a dyson innovation.  As I indicated, he's wrong.  The current ball barrow on the market today is called Nubarro and is not a dyson invention.  It is the invention of a German company that markets these products through the internet.  As I also said, the Nubarro is not a favorite among the heavy duty construction haulers.  Why?  Having half the hopper capacity and more expensive than the competition wheel barrows.  As I also said the upshot of ball barrows is that the latest and greatest in wheel barrows is a two wheeled hopper with twice the hopper capacity for much less money.  Dyson has nothing to do with barrows anymore.  He and his ballbarrow are ancient history.

BTW, DIB no comment on the awarding of the Indira Ghandi Peace Prize to Bill Gates over the weekend.  You know Bill.  The guy you like to attack and malign here as well as his company Microsoft.  Seems Bill Gates' Foundation has spent ONE BILLION DOLLARS to fight AIDS and eradicate polio in India.  Plans to do the same with other larger impoverished countries with health epidemics.  Nice guy.  Philantropist par excellence.

Carmine D.

What does Gates or aids have to do with vacuums?  Stay on the subject as you think others should.

More pro diversions. 

Is Gates donations in India to keep aids from spreading to USA with all the immigrants?  I sure hope it is not contagious by phone since most customer service centers are in India.


Joined: Dec 30, 2007
Points: 5894

Re: View and/or Vote for the James Dyson Award [2009] entries...
Reply #24   Jul 28, 2009 10:49 am
Hey HS:

I didn't post the thread about dyson awards.  Your twin dyson brother did.  Nor did I post the sugar coated dyson bull shine about the ballbarrow.  Again, your dyson twin did.  I just set the record straight on wheel barrows, ballbarrows and nubarros.  I' sick and tired of all the lies and half truths from you and HS about the leaders and standards for wheel barrows in the industry and in the USA.  Just to make your company and boss look good.  Like I said all hype and hawk.  Not fact. 

Carmine D.

DysonInventsBig wrote:


All inventions begin in concept form.  Some questions would be...  is it mechanically feasible, is there a market, can a profit/enough profit be made, can strong utility patents be obtained?  Reading the article it sounds like the answer is yes.

The Ball Barrow was a product people wanted and was indeed a big success in the UK.  And since it was a UK success (i.e. money maker) it was stolen by a fellow who said he wanted the U.S. rights (or something).  The guy indeed made it and sold it, only he chose to steal it and James Dyson got nothing.  He could not afford to go to court (is my understanding).  So, when you beat up on the Ball Barrow, you're beating up a successful invention that sold and solved problems.  Since when do folks striking out in their careers have mega hits first time at bat or early in their careers…  almost never.  Was Henry Ford’s Quadricycle a mega hit?


This message was modified Jul 28, 2009 by CarmineD

Location: USA
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Re: View and/or Vote for the James Dyson Award [2009] entries...
Reply #25   Jul 28, 2009 11:08 am
?????????????????????  What has this to do with H Ford?

Oh, almost forgot.  A misleading pro diversion when you can't answer a question.

CarmineD wrote:

Yes it was a diversion.  But not by me.  By you and your twin dysoner DIB.  Henry Ford has nothing to do with the wheel barrows.  As usual DIB's sugar coated dyson bull shine was to praise dyson for this product to high heavens as a dyson innovation.  As I indicated, he's wrong.  The current ball barrow on the market today is called Nubarro and is not a dyson invention.  It is the invention of a German company that markets these products through the internet.  As I also said, the Nubarro is not a favorite among the heavy duty construction haulers.  Why?  Having half the hopper capacity and more expensive than the competition wheel barrows.  As I also said the upshot of ball barrows is that the latest and greatest in wheel barrows is a two wheeled hopper with twice the hopper capacity for much less money.  Dyson has nothing to do with barrows anymore.  He and his ballbarrow are ancient history.

BTW, DIB no comment on the awarding of the Indira Ghandi Peace Prize to Bill Gates over the weekend.  You know Bill.  The guy you like to attack and malign here as well as his company Microsoft.  Seems Bill Gates' Foundation has spent ONE BILLION DOLLARS to fight AIDS and eradicate polio in India.  Plans to do the same with other larger impoverished countries with health epidemics.  Nice guy.  Philantropist par excellence.

Carmine D.


You’re on your heals and wobbly.  Con’s that sound like they know their topics are not used to being challenged.  Remember you are not in your shop talking to a trusting soul (naive customer).

You criticize the inventor for not having a mega-winner with his first invention/one of his first inventions.  So I asked why not criticize Henry Ford’s first invention/s too.  My comparison is related unlike you bringing up a predator monopolist.

A wheelbarrow using a spherical pneumatic wheel was a Dyson invention and probably a worlds first.  All others got the idea from this Dyson invention.  After 20 years all patents become public property.  Is Bissell and TTI paying Dyson a royalty for the use of the Dyson dual cyclone?  Is anyone paying Dyson for the Fantom-like shroud?

All con’s do the rope-a-dope when they get squeezed.

Can you share anymore in-house selling con tricks-of-the trade?  How do your Dyson dealer buddies or acquaintances do it?... How do they go about nailing their Dyson’s/most of their Dyson’s to the floor?



Joined: Dec 30, 2007
Points: 5894

Re: View and/or Vote for the James Dyson Award [2009] entries...
Reply #26   Jul 28, 2009 11:14 am
A wheelbarrow using a spherical pneumatic wheel was a Dyson invention and probably a worlds first.  All others got the idea from this Dyson invention.  After 20 years all patents become public property.  Is Bissell and TTI paying Dyson a royalty for the use of the Dyson dual cyclone?  Is anyone paying Dyson for the Fantom-like shroud?


What part of this Nubarro has a spherical wheel.  This current wheel barrow, as limited as it is for heavy duty use, is truly a ball barrow.  Not the 1974 dyson version.  The only thing dyson licensed was the name ballbarrow.  The basic dyson design flunked Construction 101 in the USA and required several years and major modifications by the German company to make it a viable product even with limited applications.  At best the nubarro is a niche product for women/men gardeners in the USA.  Much too expensive and much too small a hopper capacity for real constrruction users.  That has a fmailiar ring.  Sounds true for all the dyson products after too.

Carmine D.


Dyson version in black & white [DIB couln't find a dyson version in current use]

The industry best for construction in the USA today $124 and 8 cu foot capacity.  Cheaper than the nubarro [$165] and twice the hopper capacity of the nubarro. 

This message was modified Jul 28, 2009 by CarmineD

Joined: Dec 30, 2007
Points: 5894

Re: View and/or Vote for the James Dyson Award [2009] entries...
Reply #27   Jul 28, 2009 11:39 am
DysonInventsBig wrote:

How do your Dyson dealer buddies or acquaintances do it?... How do they go about nailing their Dyson’s/most of their Dyson’s to the floor?


You need to get out into the real world of the vacuum cleaner stores and shops.  No need to nail dysons down to the floor.  Dysons do a wonderful job of not moving without the use of nails.  Dysons are called the cream of the crap among vacuums!

Carmine D.


Location: USA
Joined: Jul 30, 2007
Points: 1454

Re: View and/or Vote for the James Dyson Award [2009] entries...
Reply #28   Jul 28, 2009 12:16 pm
DysonInventsBig wrote:

How do your Dyson dealer buddies or acquaintances do it?... How do they go about nailing their Dyson’s/most of their Dyson’s to the floor?


CarmineD wrote:

You need to get out into the real world of the vacuum cleaner stores and shops.  No need to nail dysons down to the floor.  Dysons do a wonderful job of not moving without the use of nails.  Dysons are called the cream of the crap among vacuums!

Carmine D.


Thanks for exposing the con men who call themselves Dyson Dealers out of one side of their mouth and out of the other side of their mouth call their Dyson inventory “cream of the crap among vacuums.”   A “good as it gets” illustration confirming there are [many?] dishonest, two-faced Dyson Dealers who have nailed/mostly nailed their Dyson inventory to the floor.

This message was modified Jul 28, 2009 by DysonInventsBig


Joined: Dec 30, 2007
Points: 5894

Re: View and/or Vote for the James Dyson Award [2009] entries...
Reply #29   Jul 28, 2009 12:54 pm

Do you actually read what it is you post here and/or do you believe that the readers here can't read?  For years you've been calling the dyson ballbarrow a UK success and praising its inventor with cries of woe that it was stolen by a guy to market the US rights and is a huge success in the USA.  I've never seen one in a store!  All sugar coated dyson bull shine.  

In less than a few hours and posts, after presented with the facts here in the USA about the wheel barrow industry,  you then post that all inventors don't have a mega win on their first try.  Excuse me DIB.  It wasn't a win period.  It is a dud pure and simple.  It never made it to the market in the USA except by a GERMAN company Nubarro after substantial modifications.  Its a niche seller at best to little old ladies who garden.  Make up your mind, please DIB and say what you mean.  You do have a mind don't you?  Or does James make you leave that at the door when you enter his super secret laboratory?

Carmine D.


This message was modified Jul 28, 2009 by CarmineD

Joined: Dec 30, 2007
Points: 5894

Re: View and/or Vote for the James Dyson Award [2009] entries...
Reply #30   Jul 28, 2009 1:03 pm
DysonInventsBig wrote:

Thanks for exposing the con men who call themselves Dyson Dealers out of one side of their mouth and out of the other side of their mouth call their Dyson inventory “cream of the crap among vacuums.”   A “good as it gets” illustration confirming there are [many?] dishonest, two-faced Dyson Dealers who have nailed/mostly nailed their Dyson inventory to the floor.


The indies call them like they see them.  If it works like crap, it is crap!  The price doesn't change the form and function and performance, tho you would have us believe otherwise.  Where you stand depends on where you sit. 

BTW has dyson gotten it right yet with the $500 ball motor wiring harness?  Is it true these new dysons are failing within months of purchase? 

Carmine D.


Joined: Dec 30, 2007
Points: 5894

Re: View and/or Vote for the James Dyson Award [2009] entries...
Reply #31   Jul 28, 2009 1:13 pm
Since you posted this topic and thread, which of the past 9 dyson award winners have made it to the big time?  As in big prize winners in the market place.  As a reader gauging the relevance of this award it gives credibility to know what the results of the these products have been.  Does the dyson award really mean anything?  If so, let us know what are the results of the previous winners?  What do you have to say?  You do have something to say, don't you?  Or does James cut out your tongue too when you go to work for him and put a little voice box in your throat with a pull string that gives the dyson party line when asked to speak?

Carmine D.


Joined: May 15, 2009
Points: 358

Re: View and/or Vote for the James Dyson Award [2009] entries...
Reply #32   Jul 28, 2009 1:25 pm
DysonInventsBig wrote:
You need to get out into the real world of the vacuum cleaner stores and shops.  No need to nail dysons down to the floor.  Dysons do a wonderful job of not moving without the use of nails.  Dysons are called the cream of the crap among vacuums!

Carmine D.


Thanks for exposing the con men who call themselves Dyson Dealers out of one side of their mouth and out of the other side of their mouth, they call their Dyson inventory “cream of the crap among vacuums.”   A “good as it gets” illustration confirming there are dishonest dealers/two-faced Dyson Dealers who have nailed/mostly nailed their Dyson inventory to the floor.  No doubt to bait (advertise Dyson sales and service) and then switch them into higher margin, frequent bag and belt replacement vacuums.  I find this life pathetic, but I'm sure you types call it...  "it's just business."


The decision not to carry a certain brand is freedom of matter what the reason.  the owner of the shop can do that,

 thats why hes the is what it is. if a dyson product isnt part of the owners grand plan ...thats life.., then dyson can open up lots

of his own dyson only stores ..[like oreck].. and service only dysons.....create a dyson  friends  network.. [but you gotta own a dyson to join]  a dyson call his own.

put one in every mall in america......that will solve all  the problems  with dishonest sales/dealers / need to wait.

bottom line....when you cast your vote for who you feel has you/your family  best intrests in mind ..that will be of benefit to you/your family. ..and you can do that

because its your right to choose. ..fredom of choice to not vote for the other  man/woman ....dyson was/has been voted out by the shop owners...get over it .

This message was modified Jul 28, 2009 by retardturtle1
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