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View and/or Vote for the James Dyson Award [2009] entries...
Original Message Jul 17, 2009 3:56 pm |
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Re: View and/or Vote for the James Dyson Award [2009] entries...
Reply #1 Jul 26, 2009 6:28 pm |
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Re: View and/or Vote for the James Dyson Award [2009] entries...
Reply #2 Jul 27, 2009 3:10 am |
Thanks DIB, David was very clever in the choice of his colors for the tool. He's learned well from James. Here's a excerpt about the award which is read worthy: The Dyson Award was set up in 2001 by Avery Robinson, the distributors of Dyson in New Zealand. It is hosted in association with the British Council New Zealand, DINZ, Farry.Co Law and IPONZ to recognise and reward up and coming Kiwi designers with product design ideas that best demonstrate innovative and inspiring solutions to everyday problems. Since this is the 9th DIB, why not post here what the results have been of the previous winners. Good in concept only OR actual innovations that are in use today and affordable. I'm still looking for a ball barrow and can't find one. Carmine D.
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Re: View and/or Vote for the James Dyson Award [2009] entries...
Reply #3 Jul 27, 2009 7:37 am |
Carmine, All inventions begin in concept form. Some questions would be... is it mechanically feasible, is there a market, can a profit/enough profit be made, can strong utility patents be obtained? Reading the article it sounds like the answer is yes. The Ball Barrow was a product people wanted and was indeed a big success in the UK. And since it was a UK success (i.e. money maker) it was stolen by a fellow who said he wanted the U.S. rights (or something). The guy indeed made it and sold it, only he chose to steal it and James Dyson got nothing. He could not afford to go to court (is my understanding). So, when you beat up on the Ball Barrow, you're beating up a successful invention that sold and solved problems. Since when do folks striking out in their careers have mega hits first time at bat or early in their careers… almost never. Was Henry Ford’s Quadricycle a mega hit? DIB
This message was modified Jul 27, 2009 by DysonInventsBig
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Re: View and/or Vote for the James Dyson Award [2009] entries...
Reply #4 Jul 27, 2009 8:40 am |
The Ball Barrow was a product people wanted and was indeed a big success in the UK. And since it was a UK success (i.e. money maker) it was stolen by a fellow who said he wanted the U.S. rights (or something). The guy indeed made it and sold it, only he chose to steal it and James Dyson got nothing. He could not afford to go to court (is my understanding). So, when you beat up on the Ball Barrow, you're beating up a successful invention that sold and solved problems. Since when do folks striking out in their careers have mega hits first time at bat or early in their careers… almost never. Was Henry Ford’s Quadricycle a mega hit?
More sugar coated dyson bull shine. You're living in a dyson fantasy world with false fables. The ball barrow was junked in the USA. Why? With a full load in the ball barrow, it tipped too easily. Couldn't get the darn ball barrow to go where it needed to go. Not marketed here in the USA and hasn't been in years EXCEPT by ONE German company that made several substantial modifications to give it balance. Try to get a price on one and let us know what it costs. The upshot of the failed ball barrow is that thanks to real construction minded people two regular barrow wheels are in front of the wheel barrow now on the better more expensive models. Giving the wheel barrows both the qualities needed for its function: Stability and manueverabilty. BTW, a real business man and philantropist who you like to attack and malign here, Bill Gates [as well as his company Microsoft], was awarded the Indira Gandhi Prize for Peace, Disarmament and Development from India's president. The prize recognizes his work with the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. It is awarded annually to individuals and organizations for CREATIVE efforts that promote peace, development and a new economic order. As of this month, Gates' foundation committed nearly ONE BILLION DOLLARS for health and development projects in India. Most of the money has gone to prevent AIDS and eradicate polio in India. My understanding is that the Gates' Foundation plans to do the same with the toughest health problems faced by some of the largets and poorest countries in the world. Carmine D.
This message was modified Jul 27, 2009 by CarmineD
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Re: View and/or Vote for the James Dyson Award [2009] entries...
Reply #6 Jul 27, 2009 12:05 pm |
My good dyson DIB friend: What you have provided is a still picture with the young lady holding the barrow up off the ground with a half load. Add several more timbers to it and let's see her navigate the terrain, especially the wet sinky one she on. Note the GERMAN company's modifications and new name. Carmine D.
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Re: View and/or Vote for the James Dyson Award [2009] entries...
Reply #8 Jul 27, 2009 12:30 pm |
Carmine, The problem with the wheelbarrow you prefer is it cannot be dumped and turned simultaneously. Nor can it turn easily or navigate thru a minefield of debris which is all to common at construction sites. I’ve never seen this style on a construction site... ever. You’re preference of products has no relevancy when there are plenty of others who do prefer Dyson inventions. Relax, the Ballbarrow looks/reads like it works great and has a center of gravity not unlike popular wheelbarrows used on many U.S. construction sites. When you post you do sound like you know your topics (the Ballbarrow topic), only you don’t. Good effort though. The German company used the ball only after Sir James proved it worked and proved a market for it. His (this) invention lives on in others products. ...So much for your failing out the Ballbarrow as failure. DIB
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Re: View and/or Vote for the James Dyson Award [2009] entries...
Reply #9 Jul 27, 2009 1:36 pm |
Well DIB, where you stand depends on where you sit and we know you are a dyson pawn here. BTW that picture you posted is B&W. I understand a dyson ballbarrow hasn't been manufactured since the 70's. Can't buy one now new. The two wheel barrow is a staple here in Nevada and the USA. All hardware stores sell them. In fact if you look at the Lowes site it's their most popular seller. Giving better traction and manuverabilty in the sand and gravel. Easy to dump and turn if you have the wherewithal. Note the yoke on the front between the tires for those purposes. Most men working construction do know how and that's how they get the jobs. They don't give those heavy construction jobs to women who may prefer the NuBarro around their home gardens but then again only if half full. Unlike your dyson ball barrow, the Nubarro and two wheel barrows are both currently available right now and have been for quite awhile. Are you sure you know your dyson products well enough to pass judgement on me? Maybe you need a little remedial dyson teaching. Does dyson offer refresher courses on its extinct products: Called ancient product history? Carmine D.
This message was modified Jul 27, 2009 by CarmineD
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Re: View and/or Vote for the James Dyson Award [2009] entries...
Reply #10 Jul 27, 2009 1:56 pm |
Here's a self-help course for you DIB on nubarro wheel barrows. On me. I understand Sir James doen't get any royalties for these sales and NuBarro hasn't paid him a cent in copyright infringement. Why would a smart innovator like James with an in-house cadre of hot shot lawyers and hired guns on call in 3 piece suits and 3 names let this company get away with this. Even uses dyson's name. Carmine D. By Benjamen Johnson

In 1974, James Dyson created the Ballbarrow, a wheelbarrow with a ball in place of the front wheel. It’s no longer manufactured, but a company named NuVations markets a wheelbarrow similar in concept: the NuBarro.
NuVations manufactures the NuBarro in Germany. They start with a polypropylene roller wheel (the NuRoller) that they claim is impossible to puncture, never needs inflation, and resists heat and acid. The wheel rotates about a steel axle on sealed bearings and can support up to 750lbs. The wide ball-like wheel travels easily over soft terrain like mud, snow, gravel, and sand without sinking and makes it easy to lift, turn, and dump the NuBarro. Heavy-duty skid plates on the bottom of the no-rust steel frame protect it from damage and keep it balanced. The tub is also zinc-galvanized to resist corrosion. NuVations currently sells three different models in some limited retail locations: the NuBarro L which retails for $135 and has a 3 cu. ft. capacity, the NuBarro XL that has a 4 cu. ft. capacity for $150, and the NuBarro XL Pro which also has a 4 cu. ft. capacity, but also features a painted tub, for $165. Despite the website’s 2005 copyright and order links that you can’t order from, NuVations is still alive and kicking. I talked with a representative on the phone who told me they’re planning to re-launch their web page with an e-commerce site, and they’re also planning to sell a new version with a frame that can be broken down and shipped easily via UPS. NuBarro [Corporate Site]
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Re: View and/or Vote for the James Dyson Award [2009] entries...
Reply #14 Jul 27, 2009 2:23 pm |
Note too DIB and HS that the 2 wheel barrow from LOWE's for $124 has an 8 cubic foot hopper capacity not 4 like the $165 nubarro. So dyson product experts tell me which one is made for the heavy duty man hand hauls? Carmine D.
I would opt for the 2 wheel as I believe it would be better balanced. However, anyone who has to use a light weight vacuum should consider the Ball since they likely could not handle the added load weight in the 2 wheel.
OTH, cu capacity is not necessarily indicative of max weight that either can carry. The 2 wheeler may be less sturdy and can only haul u 8 cu ft of feathers whereas the ball may support 4 cu ft of bricks.
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Re: View and/or Vote for the James Dyson Award [2009] entries...
Reply #16 Jul 27, 2009 2:32 pm |
Carmine, Pass judgment? Too funny. Good luck earning the respect from the hard core construction types with your dual wheeled anti-tip wheelbarrow. Below is standard on construction sites. DIB
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Re: View and/or Vote for the James Dyson Award [2009] entries...
Reply #19 Jul 27, 2009 2:38 pm |
Carmine, So did you do your research... was Henry Fords Quadricycle a big money maker? For a guy who’s invented nothing, you sure criticize those who do. DIB
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Re: View and/or Vote for the James Dyson Award [2009] entries...
Reply #20 Jul 27, 2009 3:00 pm |
So did you do your research... was Henry Fords Quadricycle a big money maker? For a guy who’s invented nothing, you sure criticize those who do.
And for a dyson pawn who pawns off his feeble judgment on others' knowledge of products, you and HS sure don't know your own.
Carmine D. Here's a self-help course for you and HS DIB on nubarro wheel barrows and ballbarows. On me. I understand Sir James doesn't get any royalties for these nubarro sales and NuBarro hasn't paid him a cent in copyright infringement. Now tell me DIB why and how would a smart innovator like James with an in-house cadre of hot shot lawyers and NYC hired guns on call in 3 piece suits with 3 names let this little German company get away with this. Even uses dyson's name. By Benjamen Johnson

In 1974, James Dyson created the Ballbarrow, a wheelbarrow with a ball in place of the front wheel. It’s no longer manufactured, but a company named NuVations markets a wheelbarrow similar in concept: the NuBarro.
NuVations manufactures the NuBarro in Germany. They start with a polypropylene roller wheel (the NuRoller) that they claim is impossible to puncture, never needs inflation, and resists heat and acid. The wheel rotates about a steel axle on sealed bearings and can support up to 750lbs. The wide ball-like wheel travels easily over soft terrain like mud, snow, gravel, and sand without sinking and makes it easy to lift, turn, and dump the NuBarro. Heavy-duty skid plates on the bottom of the no-rust steel frame protect it from damage and keep it balanced. The tub is also zinc-galvanized to resist corrosion. NuVations currently sells three different models in some limited retail locations: the NuBarro L which retails for $135 and has a 3 cu. ft. capacity, the NuBarro XL that has a 4 cu. ft. capacity for $150, and the NuBarro XL Pro which also has a 4 cu. ft. capacity, but also features a painted tub, for $165. Despite the website’s 2005 copyright and order links that you can’t order from, NuVations is still alive and kicking. I talked with a representative on the phone who told me they’re planning to re-launch their web page with an e-commerce site, and they’re also planning to sell a new version with a frame that can be broken down and shipped easily via UPS. NuBarro [Corporate Site]
This message was modified Jul 27, 2009 by CarmineD
Joined: Aug 21, 2007
Points: 1293
Re: View and/or Vote for the James Dyson Award [2009] entries...
Reply #21 Jul 27, 2009 5:19 pm |
And for a dyson pawn who pawns off his feeble judgment on others' knowledge of products, you and HS sure don't know your own. Carmine D. Here's a self-help course for you and HS DIB on nubarro wheel barrows and ballbarows. On me. I understand Sir James doesn't get any royalties for these nubarro sales and NuBarro hasn't paid him a cent in copyright infringement. Now tell me DIB why and how would a smart innovator like James with an in-house cadre of hot shot lawyers and NYC hired guns on call in 3 piece suits with 3 names let this little German company get away with this. Even uses dyson's name. By Benjamen Johnson
In 1974, James Dyson created the Ballbarrow, a wheelbarrow with a ball in place of the front wheel. It’s no longer manufactured, but a company named NuVations markets a wheelbarrow similar in concept: the NuBarro.
NuVations manufactures the NuBarro in Germany. They start with a polypropylene roller wheel (the NuRoller) that they claim is impossible to puncture, never needs inflation, and resists heat and acid. The wheel rotates about a steel axle on sealed bearings and can support up to 750lbs. The wide ball-like wheel travels easily over soft terrain like mud, snow, gravel, and sand without sinking and makes it easy to lift, turn, and dump the NuBarro. Heavy-duty skid plates on the bottom of the no-rust steel frame protect it from damage and keep it balanced. The tub is also zinc-galvanized to resist corrosion. NuVations currently sells three different models in some limited retail locations: the NuBarro L which retails for $135 and has a 3 cu. ft. capacity, the NuBarro XL that has a 4 cu. ft. capacity for $150, and the NuBarro XL Pro which also has a 4 cu. ft. capacity, but also features a painted tub, for $165. Despite the website’s 2005 copyright and order links that you can’t order from, NuVations is still alive and kicking. I talked with a representative on the phone who told me they’re planning to re-launch their web page with an e-commerce site, and they’re also planning to sell a new version with a frame that can be broken down and shipped easily via UPS. NuBarro [Corporate Site] ????????????????????? What has this to do with H Ford?
Oh, almost forgot. A misleading pro diversion when you can't answer a question.
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Re: View and/or Vote for the James Dyson Award [2009] entries...
Reply #22 Jul 28, 2009 8:39 am |
????????????????????? What has this to do with H Ford? Oh, almost forgot. A misleading pro diversion when you can't answer a question. Yes it was a diversion. But not by me. By you and your twin dysoner DIB. Henry Ford has nothing to do with the wheel barrows. As usual DIB's sugar coated dyson bull shine was to praise dyson for this product to high heavens as a dyson innovation. As I indicated, he's wrong. The current ball barrow on the market today is called Nubarro and is not a dyson invention. It is the invention of a German company that markets these products through the internet. As I also said, the Nubarro is not a favorite among the heavy duty construction haulers. Why? Having half the hopper capacity and more expensive than the competition wheel barrows. As I also said the upshot of ball barrows is that the latest and greatest in wheel barrows is a two wheeled hopper with twice the hopper capacity for much less money. Dyson has nothing to do with barrows anymore. He and his ballbarrow are ancient history. BTW, DIB no comment on the awarding of the Indira Ghandi Peace Prize to Bill Gates over the weekend. You know Bill. The guy you like to attack and malign here as well as his company Microsoft. Seems Bill Gates' Foundation has spent ONE BILLION DOLLARS to fight AIDS and eradicate polio in India. Plans to do the same with other larger impoverished countries with health epidemics. Nice guy. Philantropist par excellence. Carmine D.
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Re: View and/or Vote for the James Dyson Award [2009] entries...
Reply #23 Jul 28, 2009 9:30 am |
Yes it was a diversion. But not by me. By you and your twin dysoner DIB. Henry Ford has nothing to do with the wheel barrows. As usual DIB's sugar coated dyson bull shine was to praise dyson for this product to high heavens as a dyson innovation. As I indicated, he's wrong. The current ball barrow on the market today is called Nubarro and is not a dyson invention. It is the invention of a German company that markets these products through the internet. As I also said, the Nubarro is not a favorite among the heavy duty construction haulers. Why? Having half the hopper capacity and more expensive than the competition wheel barrows. As I also said the upshot of ball barrows is that the latest and greatest in wheel barrows is a two wheeled hopper with twice the hopper capacity for much less money. Dyson has nothing to do with barrows anymore. He and his ballbarrow are ancient history. BTW, DIB no comment on the awarding of the Indira Ghandi Peace Prize to Bill Gates over the weekend. You know Bill. The guy you like to attack and malign here as well as his company Microsoft. Seems Bill Gates' Foundation has spent ONE BILLION DOLLARS to fight AIDS and eradicate polio in India. Plans to do the same with other larger impoverished countries with health epidemics. Nice guy. Philantropist par excellence. Carmine D.
What does Gates or aids have to do with vacuums? Stay on the subject as you think others should. More pro diversions. Is Gates donations in India to keep aids from spreading to USA with all the immigrants? I sure hope it is not contagious by phone since most customer service centers are in India.
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Re: View and/or Vote for the James Dyson Award [2009] entries...
Reply #24 Jul 28, 2009 10:49 am |
Hey HS: I didn't post the thread about dyson awards. Your twin dyson brother did. Nor did I post the sugar coated dyson bull shine about the ballbarrow. Again, your dyson twin did. I just set the record straight on wheel barrows, ballbarrows and nubarros. I' sick and tired of all the lies and half truths from you and HS about the leaders and standards for wheel barrows in the industry and in the USA. Just to make your company and boss look good. Like I said all hype and hawk. Not fact. Carmine D. Carmine,
All inventions begin in concept form. Some questions would be... is it mechanically feasible, is there a market, can a profit/enough profit be made, can strong utility patents be obtained? Reading the article it sounds like the answer is yes.
The Ball Barrow was a product people wanted and was indeed a big success in the UK. And since it was a UK success (i.e. money maker) it was stolen by a fellow who said he wanted the U.S. rights (or something). The guy indeed made it and sold it, only he chose to steal it and James Dyson got nothing. He could not afford to go to court (is my understanding). So, when you beat up on the Ball Barrow, you're beating up a successful invention that sold and solved problems. Since when do folks striking out in their careers have mega hits first time at bat or early in their careers… almost never. Was Henry Ford’s Quadricycle a mega hit?
This message was modified Jul 28, 2009 by CarmineD
Location: USA
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Re: View and/or Vote for the James Dyson Award [2009] entries...
Reply #25 Jul 28, 2009 11:08 am |
????????????????????? What has this to do with H Ford? Oh, almost forgot. A misleading pro diversion when you can't answer a question. Yes it was a diversion. But not by me. By you and your twin dysoner DIB. Henry Ford has nothing to do with the wheel barrows. As usual DIB's sugar coated dyson bull shine was to praise dyson for this product to high heavens as a dyson innovation. As I indicated, he's wrong. The current ball barrow on the market today is called Nubarro and is not a dyson invention. It is the invention of a German company that markets these products through the internet. As I also said, the Nubarro is not a favorite among the heavy duty construction haulers. Why? Having half the hopper capacity and more expensive than the competition wheel barrows. As I also said the upshot of ball barrows is that the latest and greatest in wheel barrows is a two wheeled hopper with twice the hopper capacity for much less money. Dyson has nothing to do with barrows anymore. He and his ballbarrow are ancient history. BTW, DIB no comment on the awarding of the Indira Ghandi Peace Prize to Bill Gates over the weekend. You know Bill. The guy you like to attack and malign here as well as his company Microsoft. Seems Bill Gates' Foundation has spent ONE BILLION DOLLARS to fight AIDS and eradicate polio in India. Plans to do the same with other larger impoverished countries with health epidemics. Nice guy. Philantropist par excellence. Carmine D.
Carmine, You’re on your heals and wobbly. Con’s that sound like they know their topics are not used to being challenged. Remember you are not in your shop talking to a trusting soul (naive customer). You criticize the inventor for not having a mega-winner with his first invention/one of his first inventions. So I asked why not criticize Henry Ford’s first invention/s too. My comparison is related unlike you bringing up a predator monopolist. A wheelbarrow using a spherical pneumatic wheel was a Dyson invention and probably a worlds first. All others got the idea from this Dyson invention. After 20 years all patents become public property. Is Bissell and TTI paying Dyson a royalty for the use of the Dyson dual cyclone? Is anyone paying Dyson for the Fantom-like shroud? All con’s do the rope-a-dope when they get squeezed. Can you share anymore in-house selling con tricks-of-the trade? How do your Dyson dealer buddies or acquaintances do it?... How do they go about nailing their Dyson’s/most of their Dyson’s to the floor? DIB
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Re: View and/or Vote for the James Dyson Award [2009] entries...
Reply #26 Jul 28, 2009 11:14 am |
A wheelbarrow using a spherical pneumatic wheel was a Dyson invention and probably a worlds first. All others got the idea from this Dyson invention. After 20 years all patents become public property. Is Bissell and TTI paying Dyson a royalty for the use of the Dyson dual cyclone? Is anyone paying Dyson for the Fantom-like shroud? DIB
What part of this Nubarro has a spherical wheel. This current wheel barrow, as limited as it is for heavy duty use, is truly a ball barrow. Not the 1974 dyson version. The only thing dyson licensed was the name ballbarrow. The basic dyson design flunked Construction 101 in the USA and required several years and major modifications by the German company to make it a viable product even with limited applications. At best the nubarro is a niche product for women/men gardeners in the USA. Much too expensive and much too small a hopper capacity for real constrruction users. That has a fmailiar ring. Sounds true for all the dyson products after too. Carmine D. NuBarro

Dyson version in black & white [DIB couln't find a dyson version in current use]

The industry best for construction in the USA today $124 and 8 cu foot capacity. Cheaper than the nubarro [$165] and twice the hopper capacity of the nubarro. 
This message was modified Jul 28, 2009 by CarmineD
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Re: View and/or Vote for the James Dyson Award [2009] entries...
Reply #27 Jul 28, 2009 11:39 am |
How do your Dyson dealer buddies or acquaintances do it?... How do they go about nailing their Dyson’s/most of their Dyson’s to the floor?
DIB You need to get out into the real world of the vacuum cleaner stores and shops. No need to nail dysons down to the floor. Dysons do a wonderful job of not moving without the use of nails. Dysons are called the cream of the crap among vacuums!
Carmine D.
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Re: View and/or Vote for the James Dyson Award [2009] entries...
Reply #28 Jul 28, 2009 12:16 pm |
How do your Dyson dealer buddies or acquaintances do it?... How do they go about nailing their Dyson’s/most of their Dyson’s to the floor?
DIB You need to get out into the real world of the vacuum cleaner stores and shops. No need to nail dysons down to the floor. Dysons do a wonderful job of not moving without the use of nails. Dysons are called the cream of the crap among vacuums!
Carmine D. Carmine, Thanks for exposing the con men who call themselves Dyson Dealers out of one side of their mouth and out of the other side of their mouth call their Dyson inventory “cream of the crap among vacuums.” A “good as it gets” illustration confirming there are [many?] dishonest, two-faced Dyson Dealers who have nailed/mostly nailed their Dyson inventory to the floor. DIB
This message was modified Jul 28, 2009 by DysonInventsBig
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Re: View and/or Vote for the James Dyson Award [2009] entries...
Reply #29 Jul 28, 2009 12:54 pm |
DiB: Do you actually read what it is you post here and/or do you believe that the readers here can't read? For years you've been calling the dyson ballbarrow a UK success and praising its inventor with cries of woe that it was stolen by a guy to market the US rights and is a huge success in the USA. I've never seen one in a store! All sugar coated dyson bull shine. In less than a few hours and posts, after presented with the facts here in the USA about the wheel barrow industry, you then post that all inventors don't have a mega win on their first try. Excuse me DIB. It wasn't a win period. It is a dud pure and simple. It never made it to the market in the USA except by a GERMAN company Nubarro after substantial modifications. Its a niche seller at best to little old ladies who garden. Make up your mind, please DIB and say what you mean. You do have a mind don't you? Or does James make you leave that at the door when you enter his super secret laboratory? Carmine D.
This message was modified Jul 28, 2009 by CarmineD
Joined: Dec 30, 2007
Points: 5894
Re: View and/or Vote for the James Dyson Award [2009] entries...
Reply #30 Jul 28, 2009 1:03 pm |
Carmine, Thanks for exposing the con men who call themselves Dyson Dealers out of one side of their mouth and out of the other side of their mouth call their Dyson inventory “cream of the crap among vacuums.” A “good as it gets” illustration confirming there are [many?] dishonest, two-faced Dyson Dealers who have nailed/mostly nailed their Dyson inventory to the floor. DIB
The indies call them like they see them. If it works like crap, it is crap! The price doesn't change the form and function and performance, tho you would have us believe otherwise. Where you stand depends on where you sit.
BTW has dyson gotten it right yet with the $500 ball motor wiring harness? Is it true these new dysons are failing within months of purchase? Carmine D.
Joined: May 15, 2009
Points: 358
Re: View and/or Vote for the James Dyson Award [2009] entries...
Reply #32 Jul 28, 2009 1:25 pm |
You need to get out into the real world of the vacuum cleaner stores and shops. No need to nail dysons down to the floor. Dysons do a wonderful job of not moving without the use of nails. Dysons are called the cream of the crap among vacuums! Carmine D. Carmine, Thanks for exposing the con men who call themselves Dyson Dealers out of one side of their mouth and out of the other side of their mouth, they call their Dyson inventory “cream of the crap among vacuums.” A “good as it gets” illustration confirming there are dishonest dealers/two-faced Dyson Dealers who have nailed/mostly nailed their Dyson inventory to the floor. No doubt to bait (advertise Dyson sales and service) and then switch them into higher margin, frequent bag and belt replacement vacuums. I find this life pathetic, but I'm sure you types call it... "it's just business." DIB The decision not to carry a certain brand is freedom of matter what the reason. the owner of the shop can do that,
thats why hes the is what it is. if a dyson product isnt part of the owners grand plan ...thats life.., then dyson can open up lots of his own dyson only stores ..[like oreck].. and service only dysons.....create a dyson friends network.. [but you gotta own a dyson to join] a dyson call his own. put one in every mall in america......that will solve all the problems with dishonest sales/dealers / need to wait. bottom line....when you cast your vote for who you feel has you/your family best intrests in mind ..that will be of benefit to you/your family. ..and you can do that because its your right to choose. ..fredom of choice to not vote for the other man/woman ....dyson was/has been voted out by the shop owners...get over it .
This message was modified Jul 28, 2009 by retardturtle1
Joined: Aug 21, 2007
Points: 1293
Re: View and/or Vote for the James Dyson Award [2009] entries...
Reply #34 Jul 28, 2009 4:02 pm |
The indies call them like they see them. If it works like crap, it is crap! The price doesn't change the form and function and performance, tho you would have us believe otherwise. Where you stand depends on where you sit.
BTW has dyson gotten it right yet with the $500 ball motor wiring harness? Is it true these new dysons are failing within months of purchase? Carmine D. I repeat. Dyson is following Hoover's path. How many failed switches did Hoover have to replace? Only after government intervention. Didn't Hoover's switch also cause some fires.
You need to break the old habit of throwing stones in a glass house.
Location: USA
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Re: View and/or Vote for the James Dyson Award [2009] entries...
Reply #35 Jul 28, 2009 4:54 pm |
You need to get out into the real world of the vacuum cleaner stores and shops. No need to nail dysons down to the floor. Dysons do a wonderful job of not moving without the use of nails. Dysons are called the cream of the crap among vacuums! Carmine D. Carmine, Thanks for exposing the con men who call themselves Dyson Dealers out of one side of their mouth and out of the other side of their mouth, they call their Dyson inventory “cream of the crap among vacuums.” A “good as it gets” illustration confirming there are dishonest dealers/two-faced Dyson Dealers who have nailed/mostly nailed their Dyson inventory to the floor. No doubt to bait (advertise Dyson sales and service) and then switch them into higher margin, frequent bag and belt replacement vacuums. I find this life pathetic, but I'm sure you types call it... "it's just business." DIB The decision not to carry a certain brand is freedom of matter what the reason. the owner of the shop can do that,
thats why hes the is what it is. if a dyson product isnt part of the owners grand plan ...thats life.., then dyson can open up lots of his own dyson only stores ..[like oreck].. and service only dysons.....create a dyson friends network.. [but you gotta own a dyson to join] a dyson call his own. put one in every mall in america......that will solve all the problems with dishonest sales/dealers / need to wait. bottom line....when you cast your vote for who you feel has you/your family best intrests in mind ..that will be of benefit to you/your family. ..and you can do that because its your right to choose. ..fredom of choice to not vote for the other man/woman ....dyson was/has been voted out by the shop owners...get over it . Retard, I’d suggest enrolling yourself in a reading comprehension class, I never once posted anything about dealers who choose not to carry Dyson. DIB
Joined: Aug 21, 2007
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Re: View and/or Vote for the James Dyson Award [2009] entries...
Reply #36 Jul 28, 2009 6:44 pm |
Carmine, Thanks for exposing the con men who call themselves Dyson Dealers out of one side of their mouth and out of the other side of their mouth, they call their Dyson inventory “cream of the crap among vacuums.” A “good as it gets” illustration confirming there are dishonest dealers/two-faced Dyson Dealers who have nailed/mostly nailed their Dyson inventory to the floor. No doubt to bait (advertise Dyson sales and service) and then switch them into higher margin, frequent bag and belt replacement vacuums. I find this life pathetic, but I'm sure you types call it... "it's just business." DIB The decision not to carry a certain brand is freedom of matter what the reason. the owner of the shop can do that,
thats why hes the is what it is. if a dyson product isnt part of the owners grand plan ...thats life.., then dyson can open up lots of his own dyson only stores ..[like oreck].. and service only dysons.....create a dyson friends network.. [but you gotta own a dyson to join] a dyson call his own. put one in every mall in america......that will solve all the problems with dishonest sales/dealers / need to wait. bottom line....when you cast your vote for who you feel has you/your family best intrests in mind ..that will be of benefit to you/your family. ..and you can do that because its your right to choose. ..fredom of choice to not vote for the other man/woman ....dyson was/has been voted out by the shop owners...get over it . I am sure that most who thought Obama had our family's best interest in mind are having second thoughts.
Joined: Dec 30, 2007
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Re: View and/or Vote for the James Dyson Award [2009] entries...
Reply #37 Jul 29, 2009 2:58 am |
I repeat. Dyson is following Hoover's path. How many failed switches did Hoover have to replace? Only after government intervention. Didn't Hoover's switch also cause some fires. You need to break the old habit of throwing stones in a glass house.
You and your dyson twin need to get some new material. Your sugar coated dyson bull shine smells rancid. You compliment dyson unjustly by saying its following HOOVER's path. More correctly dyson is following the halo path to bargain basement buy-out/extinction. JUst like the ballbarrow! Carmine D.
Joined: Dec 30, 2007
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Re: View and/or Vote for the James Dyson Award [2009] entries...
Reply #38 Jul 29, 2009 3:13 am |
Retard, I’d suggest enrolling yourself in a reading comprehension class, I never once posted anything about dealers who choose not to carry Dyson. DIB DIB: What do you say about indies who carry dyson to accomodate customer inquires but refuse to sell unless customers insist. These are the silent dyson dealers who carry the brand to do the warranty/repairs because, like dysons or not, dysons come into their stores for service and parts. Can't keep that from happening. Indies are the only source of dyson repairs unless you deal directly with dyson and pay shipping and handling for a 25 pound vacuum package to get mailed back and forth. THen hope dyson got it right. Carmine D.
Joined: Aug 21, 2007
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Re: View and/or Vote for the James Dyson Award [2009] entries...
Reply #39 Jul 29, 2009 4:14 am |
I repeat. Dyson is following Hoover's path. How many failed switches did Hoover have to replace? Only after government intervention. Didn't Hoover's switch also cause some fires. You need to break the old habit of throwing stones in a glass house.
You and your dyson twin need to get some new material. Your sugar coated dyson bull shine smells rancid. You compliment dyson unjustly by saying its following HOOVER's path. More correctly dyson is following the halo path to bargain basement buy-out/extinction. JUst like the ballbarrow! Carmine D.
Are you saying that Dyson should be criticized and Hoover not for the same problem?
Location: USA
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Re: View and/or Vote for the James Dyson Award [2009] entries...
Reply #40 Jul 29, 2009 4:43 am |
DIB: What do you say about indies who carry dyson to accomodate customer inquires but refuse to sell unless customers insist. These are the silent dyson dealers who carry the brand to do the warranty/repairs because, like dysons or not, dysons come into their stores for service and parts. Can't keep that from happening. Indies are the only source of dyson repairs unless you deal directly with dyson and pay shipping and handling for a 25 pound vacuum package to get mailed back and forth. THen hope dyson got it right. Carmine D. Carmine, The men you describe are bottom feeders. I’ll ask you... what would Dyson Corp would think if a bottom feeder came in and represented their intentions as... “[we want to] carry dyson to accommodate customer inquires but refuse to sell unless customers insist. [We] are the silent dyson dealers who carry the brand to do the warranty/repairs because, like Dyson’s or not, Dyson’s come into [our] stores for service and parts.” These bottom feeders misrepresent themselves to Dyson Corp when applying for a dealership. Of their character quality... Garbage in - garbage out. DIB
This message was modified Jul 29, 2009 by DysonInventsBig
Joined: Dec 30, 2007
Points: 5894
Re: View and/or Vote for the James Dyson Award [2009] entries...
Reply #41 Jul 29, 2009 4:51 am |
The men you describe are bottom feeders. I’ll ask you... what would Dyson Corp would think if a bottom feeder came in and represented their intentions as... “[we want to] carry dyson to accommodate customer inquires but refuse to sell unless customers insist. [We] are the silent dyson dealers who carry the brand to do the warranty/repairs because, like Dyson’s or not, Dyson’s come into [our] stores for service and parts.”
I would say if dyson doesn't like the indies that you attack and malign here servicing and selling dyson parts as an authorized dealer, dyson can refuse/debar them from the dyson franchise. At least the indies are honest and up front on where they stand with dyson products and customers. The option if dyson refuses these indies franchises is not to have any authorized dyson vacuum stores to do the warranty/repair work. Dyson customers would have no choice but to have to send their dyson vacuums through the mail for mail costs and weeks of waiting at a time for service. Chose dyson's poison DIB. Carmine D.
Joined: Dec 30, 2007
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Re: View and/or Vote for the James Dyson Award [2009] entries...
Reply #42 Jul 29, 2009 4:58 am |
Are you saying that Dyson should be criticized and Hoover not for the same problem?
I'm criticizing you for complimenting dyson with disengenous comparisons to HOOVER. HOOVER has always had long productions periods and sales for its products. Your fave brand changes new models every year and discontinues each previous model when it does. Dyson can't compete with HOOVER in the big box store venues. Maybe in on-line sales only for dyson as a niche product. Not in the store sales. Your brand has a rep for not selling anymore. DC07, you know the model you were gifted as a refurb and sold off to buy a bagged Royal, is probably dyson's best seller ever in the USA. It's discontinued.
Carmine D.
Joined: Aug 21, 2007
Points: 1293
Re: View and/or Vote for the James Dyson Award [2009] entries...
Reply #43 Jul 29, 2009 5:36 am |
I'm criticizing you for complimenting dyson with disengenous comparisons to HOOVER. HOOVER has always had long productions periods and sales for its products. Your fave brand changes new models every year and discontinues each previous model when it does. Dyson can't compete with HOOVER in the big box store venues. Maybe in on-line sales only for dyson as a niche product. Not in the store sales. Your brand has a rep for not selling anymore. DC07, you know the model you were gifted as a refurb and sold off to buy a bagged Royal, is probably dyson's best seller ever in the USA. It's discontinued. Carmine D.
I get it now. Discuss only the good traits of any vac that you like and do not tell the whole story about their bad traits. How many Hoover models were introduced with little or no change except the model #. So many that they had to sell. Remember all those new hoover models that would bankrupt Dyson?
Who had to sell? What a DA you are, the gifted DC07 was won on a bet from your fav vac. Of course you can't face the truth.
Joined: Aug 21, 2007
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Re: View and/or Vote for the James Dyson Award [2009] entries...
Reply #45 Jul 29, 2009 8:57 am |
You sold your DC07 while still under warranty and used the proceeds to buy a bagged Royal Emminence [and not a dyson] from your local vacuum indy. Tell the whole truth not just lies. Carmine D.
Have I ever denied selling the DC07 or buying the Royal? I also reported that I bought a Kirby. Where is the lie except in your dreams?
Yes, I bought the Royal from an indy. Otherwise I was basically limited to Hoover and Oreck. I do not personally care for either. I have used others since the DC07. Eureka Boss, DC14, Hoover Whisper. THe DC07 is still my favorite with the 14 a close 2nd. The Kirby and Royal are for sale. I am undecided on my next purchase. It will not likely be a Dyson. I have stated numerous times that I think Dyson is on a downhill ride like hoover.
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Re: View and/or Vote for the James Dyson Award [2009] entries...
Reply #46 Jul 29, 2009 9:09 am |
Have I ever denied selling the DC07 or buying the Royal? I also reported that I bought a Kirby. Where is the lie except in your dreams? Yes, I bought the Royal from an indy. Otherwise I was basically limited to Hoover and Oreck. I do not personally care for either. I have used others since the DC07. Eureka Boss, DC14, Hoover Whisper. THe DC07 is still my favorite with the 14 a close 2nd. The Kirby and Royal are for sale. I am undecided on my next purchase. It will not likely be a Dyson. I have stated numerous times that I think Dyson is on a downhill ride like hoover.
Well HS, it's nice to hear that you are still capable of some semblance of truth even if you couch your fave brand's decline disengenuously with HOOVER. Recall your brand is still in its infancy. HOOVER is over 100 years old and still going strong with sales and service.
No tell us, please. If you, as a once satisfied dyson DC07 user, lost faith in James and his brand [and will likely not buy an existing dyson model] do you believe more dyson customers/dyson dealers are following your [and TOM's] path away from dyson? Especially with the higher prices and lesser performance! Carmine D.
Joined: May 15, 2009
Points: 358
Re: View and/or Vote for the James Dyson Award [2009] entries...
Reply #47 Jul 29, 2009 10:21 am |
The decision not to carry a certain brand is freedom of matter what the reason. the owner of the shop can do that, thats why hes the is what it is. if a dyson product isnt part of the owners grand plan ...thats life.., then dyson can open up lots of his own dyson only stores ..[like oreck].. and service only dysons.....create a dyson friends network.. [but you gotta own a dyson to join] a dyson call his own. put one in every mall in america......that will solve all the problems with dishonest sales/dealers / need to wait. bottom line....when you cast your vote for who you feel has you/your family best intrests in mind ..that will be of benefit to you/your family. ..and you can do that because its your right to choose. ..fredom of choice to not vote for the other man/woman ....dyson was/has been voted out by the shop owners...get over it . I am sure that most who thought Obama had our family's best interest in mind are having second thoughts. True..i second that.
Joined: May 15, 2009
Points: 358
Re: View and/or Vote for the James Dyson Award [2009] entries...
Reply #50 Jul 29, 2009 11:02 am |
The decision not to carry a certain brand is freedom of matter what the reason. the owner of the shop can do that, thats why hes the is what it is. if a dyson product isnt part of the owners grand plan ...thats life.., then dyson can open up lots of his own dyson only stores ..[like oreck].. and service only dysons.....create a dyson friends network.. [but you gotta own a dyson to join] a dyson call his own. put one in every mall in america......that will solve all the problems with dishonest sales/dealers / need to wait. bottom line....when you cast your vote for who you feel has you/your family best intrests in mind ..that will be of benefit to you/your family. ..and you can do that because its your right to choose. ..fredom of choice to not vote for the other man/woman ....dyson was/has been voted out by the shop owners...get over it . Retard, I’d suggest enrolling yourself in a reading comprehension class, I never once posted anything about dealers who choose not to carry Dyson. DIB i sure do thank you for your concern....your soooo sweet. but my fault. ...i have no clue where i got the idea for that post....nope. no idea
This message was modified Jul 29, 2009 by retardturtle1
Joined: Dec 30, 2007
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Re: View and/or Vote for the James Dyson Award [2009] entries...
Reply #51 Jul 29, 2009 2:06 pm |
DIB i sure do thank you for your concern....your soooo sweet. but my fault. ...i have no clue where i got the idea for that post....nope. no idea
DIB and HS are rubbing off on you. They have no clue either on vacuums/dyson past products/inventions. They spew garbage here like a dyson dirt bin being dumped and think they invent history as they go along and pass it off here as fact. When you call them on it, they digress, divert and become conspicously absent by their silence.
Carmine D.
Joined: Aug 21, 2007
Points: 1293
Re: View and/or Vote for the James Dyson Award [2009] entries...
Reply #53 Jul 29, 2009 4:16 pm |
i sure do thank you for your concern....your soooo sweet. but my fault. ...i have no clue where i got the idea for that post....nope. no idea
DIB and HS are rubbing off on you. They have no clue either on vacuums/dyson past products/inventions. They spew garbage here like a dyson dirt bin being dumped and think they invent history as they go along and pass it off here as fact. When you call them on it, they digress, divert and become conspicously absent by their silence.
Carmine D.
No need to respond to your copied quotes. I have accused you for years of half truths (sometimes lies), diversion and doing the sheet in your pants dance when you can't answer a question directed to you. Your repeated BS does not warrant any comments.
Again thank for al the Dyson flattery. If Dyson was not a threat you would not compare every vacuum to them.
Joined: Dec 30, 2007
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Re: View and/or Vote for the James Dyson Award [2009] entries...
Reply #54 Jul 30, 2009 2:40 am |
No need to respond to your copied quotes. I have accused you for years of half truths (sometimes lies), diversion and doing the sheet in your pants dance when you can't answer a question directed to you. Your repeated BS does not warrant any comments. Again thank for al the Dyson flattery. If Dyson was not a threat you would not compare every vacuum to them.
All the dyson flattery I can lavish upon it and James doesn't change the fact that disguised under the non-traditional look is a mediocre performer at best that costs luxury prices. No need any longer to compare any vacuums to dyson [as James, dyson, you and your twin and others before you like TOM done]. Why? Dyson has a rep in the industry. The cream of the crap!
Carmine D.
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Re: View and/or Vote for the James Dyson Award [2009] entries...
Reply #56 Jul 30, 2009 11:18 am |
VOILA!!! And has been for over a week. Right around the time MOLE posted incorrectly. As I said at the time, much to the chagrin and objections of some posters here, MOLE's was a computer/user error, not intentional. MOLE as his usual self jerked your chains a bit to get reactions and true to form he did. Carmine D. Can you demonstrate (reproduce) how the server software selects and then deletes only one word/a keyword, so to change the entire meaning of a phrase? Mole already owned up to the change. Have some self-respect. DIB
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Re: View and/or Vote for the James Dyson Award [2009] entries...
Reply #58 Jul 30, 2009 1:20 pm |
Come on DIB you know computer hiccups and poster's revisions in the heat of the moment are not reproducable on demand. Have some common sense instead of non-sense. The quote feature here has been acting up on and off for the last week. MOLE got the best of you and a few others here. Laugh it off and move on. You're cry baby routines are getting rancid. Carmine D. Am I rattling your cage? DIB
This message was modified Jul 30, 2009 by DysonInventsBig
Joined: Aug 21, 2007
Points: 1293
Re: View and/or Vote for the James Dyson Award [2009] entries...
Reply #60 Jul 30, 2009 4:33 pm |
Come on DIB you know computer hiccups and poster's revisions in the heat of the moment are not reproducable on demand. Have some common sense instead of non-sense. The quote feature here has been acting up on and off for the last week. MOLE got the best of you and a few others here. Laugh it off and move on. You're cry baby routines are getting rancid. Carmine D.
I would say that mole was on the losing end as everyone else but you has said. I really don't picture mole as a liar. I think he was just trying to irritate. You really should get back on your medications before you lose it. The fact that you blamed his altered quote shows what you are made of. You will defend anything to make yourself look knowledgeable. Others see through better.
Yes DIB he is rattled. Even to the point that he is twisting more than ever and making accusation of others that he has been so guilty on every forum he has participated, Carmine exagerates to the point that he believes his own tall tales.
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Re: View and/or Vote for the James Dyson Award [2009] entries...
Reply #61 Jul 30, 2009 7:16 pm |
I would say that mole was on the losing end as everyone else but you has said. I really don't picture mole as a liar. I think he was just trying to irritate. You really should get back on your medications before you lose it. The fact that you blamed his altered quote shows what you are made of. You will defend anything to make yourself look knowledgeable. Others see through better. Yes DIB he is rattled. Even to the point that he is twisting more than ever and making accusation of others that he has been so guilty on every forum he has participated, Carmine exagerates to the point that he believes his own tall tales. He does look to be cracking. DIB
Joined: Dec 30, 2007
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Re: View and/or Vote for the James Dyson Award [2009] entries...
Reply #62 Jul 31, 2009 2:44 am |
So now we have it. The dyson twins have had their dialogue and judged all who are wrong and flawed. Now that's authoritative sources of wisom: Two paid product pushers on the same page here! Who can't address the facts of the products they hawk except thru rose color glasses. DIB, we are all cracked vessals [read your scriptures]. Tell me something DIB why is it that you never inherited the 3 restaurant businesses from your father? Did he use dyson vacuums too and was upset with your dyson path in life? Carmine D.
Joined: Feb 7, 2008
Points: 264
Re: View and/or Vote for the James Dyson Award [2009] entries...
Reply #63 Jul 31, 2009 4:42 pm |
Dyson has a rep in the industry. The cream of the crop! Carmine D. Gee Carmine...I'm surprised to hear you're softening your stance :-) Dusty
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Re: View and/or Vote for the James Dyson Award [2009] entries...
Reply #67 Aug 1, 2009 2:29 am |
Anyone here know where i can get a switch for a FAIRFAX S1, How about a control valve for an epic 6000 sr, and while your at it can anyone explain to H.S. and DUB, DYSON CAN KISS THE USA market goodby.
I'll second that, James is finished in the USA market as his best seller. Probably niche and he needs to find an venue for sales since he's burned his bridges with the indies in the USA. I suspect a limited number of retailers like Bed Bath and Beyond, Macy's etc. And still to determine if by store sales or internet sales. Carmine D.
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Re: View and/or Vote for the James Dyson Award [2009] entries...
Reply #69 Dec 17, 2009 9:07 am |