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~ It it it Cleans ~
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Re: Clear Sebo
Reply #45 Jun 7, 2009 4:17 pm |
Please forgive me for not posting the responses as to how the motor sucks air through the bag. Much too long and I think we've seen them several times already. If SEBO, and any by-pass dirt path system sucks air through the bag, how does the bag inflate? If air is sucked through [out] by the motor shouldn't the bag deflate? Carmine D. Are you for real, Carmine - this is a serious question? I'm really hoping for your own sake that this is some joke which I don't get because it's not funny... The bag inflates within the compartment because as the motor is sucking air out of the bag/bag compartment, an equal volume is rushing in (carrying the dirt with it) to take its place - it's a continuous process while the machine is running. However, the bag creates resistance to the airstream (more so as the pores clog with dirt), the air 'pushing' against the walls of the bag as it struggles through - an increase in pressure in the bag. This pressure difference causes the bag to inflate. The pressure dynamic changes constantly as the bag fills with dirt - as the pores clog, the resistance grows to the point where the motor can no longer move a sufficient amount of air through the bag to clean properly. A 'loss of suction', if you will...
This message was modified Jun 7, 2009 by Model2
~ However Clean - Hoover Cleaner ~
~ It it it Cleans ~
Location: England
Joined: Jan 7, 2009
Points: 155
Re: Clear Sebo
Reply #47 Jun 7, 2009 7:02 pm |
Thanks Model2. You've now added something new into the SEBO dirt by-pass system mix.  You NOW say the SEBO motor is sucking air out of the bag/bag compartment. Before you said just the bag. Did the diagram change your mind? Does the motor suck the air out of the bag and/or out of the bag compartment and/or both? If it's both, tell me which air is sucked out first: The bag air and/or the bag compartment air? Or, do you believe the motor sucks out the air in both places simultaneously at the same rate? Carmine D.
Oh dear, Carmine. Writhing around again to cover up the fact you've just - very publically - blown all your "credibility" to shreds! Ka-boom! I'm embarrassed for you.
All I've done is elaborated, at your request, on my original statement (which no one else seems to have had any trouble understanding!). I've explained the concept, Trilobite's explained the concept...if you still can't grasp this very simple idea, go and do some research, rather than demanding that everyone spoon-feed you.
~ However Clean - Hoover Cleaner ~
Joined: Dec 30, 2007
Points: 5894
Re: Clear Sebo
Reply #48 Jun 8, 2009 2:54 am |
Oh dear, Carmine. Writhing around again to cover up the fact you've just - very publically - blown all your "credibility" to shreds! Ka-boom! I'm embarrassed for you. All I've done is elaborated, at your request, on my original statement (which no one else seems to have had any trouble understanding!). I've explained the concept, Trilobite's explained the concept...if you still can't grasp this very simple idea, go and do some research, rather than demanding that everyone spoon-feed you.
Model2: I'm not demanding anything. I'm asking several pertinent questions based on what you posted then reposted. These are simple and straight forward. You made a statement that the clear SEBO motor doesn't have to suck air through the bag. I asked you to explain what you mean by that and how it works. You posted a nice diagram. Thank you. I asked you about the diagram's illustrations of air/dirt flow and your original statement. You reposted to say that the SEBO motor sucks air through the bag/bag compartment. Good. Progress. Then, I asked you: What does the clear SEBO motor draw air from first: The bag and/or the bag compartment, and/or both simultaneously? If both, then at what rate? Same, different? For an expert who understands by-pass dirt path vacuum operations, these questions and answers are basic to their knowledge. Do you know and/or don't you? If you do, post here. If not, say you don't know, and I will post for you.
Carmine D
This message was modified Jun 8, 2009 by CarmineD
Joined: Dec 30, 2007
Points: 5894
Re: Clear Sebo
Reply #49 Jun 8, 2009 3:30 am |
Carmine, the principle "Model2" speaks about, is the method used by 'clean air' uprights such as Sebo and cylinder cleaners. I think you are mis-reading the Sebo diagram.
Basically, (and you should know this), the motor expells air from its exhaust, creating a corresponding pressure drop at the motor intake and associated ducting upstream of the motor. This includes the bag chamber.
Since nature abhors a vacuum, air rushes into the bag chamber at great speed, carrying dirt and dust as it comes. Placing a filter-bag at the entry point allows the dust to be captured, but the bag has to be permeable (that is to say, the bag must allow air to pass THROUGH the bag).
If the bag sits directly upon the pre-motor filter, there is a chance that suction will be compromised as the motor will struggle to pull air through the bag which will be filling with dirt and dust. Hence the reason for the vertical tubed pre-motor filter.
With reference to the Sebo diagram, dirt-laden air is sucked up the hose (shown at the rear of the tubular pre-motor filter), into the bag. Filtered air is then sucked towards the adjacent tubular filter, then down into the motor intake, through the (unseen) motor, then expelled to the atmosphere via the micro-filter.
Thank you Trilobite. My basic question on the clear SEBO, and any vacuum motor, drawing/not drawing air through the bag was to ensure that we were all on the same page. Model2 is discussing dirt by-path vacuums, like the clear SEBO, and not the original vacuum design and operation using a fan first and bag last operation. I know the difference I wanted to make sure all others reading here know too. Some may/may not be versed in vacuum operations. The diagram by Model2 and posts by Venson about Lux and Air-Ways and retardturtle1 about RICCAR assist in clarifying Model2's post also. Thanks to all.
Carmine D.
This message was modified Jun 8, 2009 by CarmineD
Joined: Dec 30, 2007
Points: 5894
Re: Clear Sebo
Reply #50 Jun 8, 2009 4:13 am |
The great thing about the Sebo design is that the bag doesn't cover the pre-motor filter, so the motor's not having to pull air down through the bag. The filter is at the side, so the suction stays 'stronger for longer.' When you empty the bag, it's solid like a brick, packed right to the top. When you put a new one in, it's amazing how much lighter the cleaner feels! Just so we understand where we are now, Model2, I posted your original statement which says that the clear SEBO motor, due to the design of the side mount filter, doesn't have to pull air down through the bag. You revised this statement in a subsequent post to say that the clear SEBO motor draws air from the bag/bag compartment. I opined probably a result of the diagram you posted and I commented on. Thank you. On the surface, these two statements appear to be contradictory. I'll overlook the discrepancy and presume that you meant to say the clear SEBO motor draws clean air from both the bag and bag compartment [your revised answer]. I posted questions for you to answer about dirt by pass design and operations based on drawing air from both.
Carmine D.