I'm not keen on any power head for Miele cylinders and that's because of the points already raised. The air driven turbo brush is a far better bet and it has a air outlet hole/slider on the top that makes it easier to glide - its also considerably a whole lot cheaper if you buy from EBay. You could therefore sell the electro-head and get yourself some custom floor heads if you really don't need that electro brush. I also think the electro brushes add a heck of a lot of weight onto the S100 range too.
I have to differ here. The issue basically depends on what your daily cleaning tasks are. I do not like air-turbine nozzles as there alway has to be x-amount of free airflow allowed to power the turbine properly. Otherwise it stalls or stops turning. This means a certain amount of sacrifice regarding suction and thus turbo-nozzles are not suitable for so-called "deep cleaning".
I like electric PNs because their drive motors deliver a consistent source of power to brushroll that does not depend upon whether the cleaner's bag is empty or near empty for best performance.
I own a Miele Capricorn along with a Miele SEB 236 power nozzle. I have been more than satisfied with the combination. The SEB 236's height is easily adjustable and if suction is too high, it is just a matter of pushing a button on the hose handle to reduce the vac's motor speed for less suction.
I would not want to face issues of deeply embedded dirt or serious pet hair with a turbo-nozzle. Weight to me is not an issue and Miele does provide parking slots to make moving the machine and components easier.
My only gripe with Miele remains the cost of tool options and bags.