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Need a light weight vacuum
Original Message Apr 17, 2009 9:52 am |
Because of old age, arthritis and a bad back, I am retiring my Hoover which cleans OK but is hard to maneuver and weighs a ton. Was going to buy Tacony 8 LB which is purported to be the same as the Bissell Prolite. However, there were some negative reviews regarding pet hair on the Prolite so I gave up on that because it seems my dog sheds half of his fur daily :-) Then I considered the Royal MRY5000 at Amazon but cannot find reviews and Royal's website does not say if it goes from carpet to bare floors. They say the MRY6400 does but does not say the weight on the site. Next for consideration is the Oreck Oreck XL2100RHB-2. This one has 2 speeds and that is a desirable feature. But I have read some negative things about Orecks so am conflicted while at the same time, seriously considering this machine. Next, I saw a Hoover Clean and Light but don't know how good that would be either. It is supposed to be 2X the suction power of Oreck. Sounds good but why can't I find this vac on the Hoover site? One review at a seller's site makes me believe this would not be good for my use. For example, I would love to be able to vacuum throw rugs or mats without them being sucked into the cleaner. And I like the idea of going from carpet to bare floors like you can with Oreck. My dream vac is a Simplicity Freedom F3600 but the price is too steep for the budget ... especially when you add in sales tax. I don't want a Dyson because the commercials are a little too slick and frankly some reviews of their machines were not all that great. I kinda feel that if it seems to good to be true, it probably is not true. Any comments on the above mentioned vacs or suggestions would be appreciated. Chris
Joined: Dec 30, 2007
Points: 5894
Re: Need a light weight vacuum
Reply #27 Apr 24, 2009 2:46 pm |
Carmine, the box says manufactured in the USA from globally sourced components. I guess that is as good as it gets in today's corporate environment. Chris
No less than 5 Federal Agencies oversee and enforce the rules for the claim: Made in the USA. The cognizant agency [cies] depend [s] on the products. A direct 'made in the USA' claim means that 'all or virtually all' significant parts and processing are of US origin. But 'qualified' claims are also allowed, including 'made in the USA of US and imported parts.' Companies must be able to back up either type of claim. On another thread here about Tacony, the parent company of RICCAR/SIMPLICITY, I posted a site for a YouTube video about the Tacony plant in St. James, Missouri. You may want to have a look. It's a short video and worth the effort and time.
Enjoy your purchase. BTW, $460 with bags included and no sales tax on the TOL brand newest/best lightweight with an MSRP of $700 is a VERY good deal. Congrats. And best of all, it's: "Made in the USA!" Carmine D.
This message was modified Apr 24, 2009 by CarmineD
Joined: Jul 22, 2007
Points: 1900
Re: Need a light weight vacuum
Reply #28 Apr 24, 2009 3:52 pm |
The Manufacturers<span style="text-decoration: underline;"> Suggested</span> Retail Price is used more as a "feel good" technique. It is used by some vac shops to make the customer think the shop is giving them a great deal. They post the MSRP on the machine, then tell the customer they will drop the price $100.00 just for them today. That is high still. Not every vac shop uses MSRP. If you call up every Riccar/Simplicity dealer, you will find that they are not selling the TOL "8lb." upright for $700.00. That MSRP also is used to convince customers, by the manufacturer, that they have a very top-quality product. You who read and follow CR know that they are trying to convince readers that they do not have to spend alot of money for a vacuum cleaner. <BR><BR>Adding bags to a purchase is very common. It is just a part of doing business. I give extras all of the time. It does not cost alot. Wholesale price of bags are not bad.<BR><BR>Never start w/ MSRP when making a vacuum purchase.
Well -- okay -- but its my understanding that in business everything costs something. Not only rent or what it costs to turn the lights on or maintenance and salaries but even the five minutes, here ands there, an employee may stop to browse the net. In most of the places I've worked everything has been added up one way or another -- and usually not in my favor. That said, as an instance, if a vacuum shop burns down or goods are stolen does the owner claim what he actually paid for his stock or what the potential sale value was? As for give aways, if the wholesale price of bags is all that much a big deal then why are ensuing purchases for the same so high per pack for the upper-tier brands? Am I getting real value for what I am shelling out. Your point re CR's ongoing alert that you don't have to pay a lot for a good vacuum is of course well taken. Nonetheless, "good" vacuums with long warranties and sturdier builds are an enticement for consumers to anticipate more and so they are willing to invest more. However the problem is getting to a real understanding of how much "more" should cost. Simplicity's TOL canister has an MSRP of $1,500 as does the Synergy upright. Both have lots good features but what are they worth? Do they wholesale at $600, $900 or $1,200 and how can a shopper go about estimating that? As I've said many times, I don't expect to be given anything and neither do I expect vac vendors to drop their prices so low that they fall short of making a decent (fair) profit. Venson
Joined: Jul 22, 2007
Points: 1900
Re: Need a light weight vacuum
Reply #29 Apr 24, 2009 3:57 pm |
I used the Freedom 3700 this morning. The carpets look better than with the old Hoover so I'm a happy camper.
Hi Chris, In the end result, being a happy camper is all that counts. Venson
Joined: Dec 30, 2007
Points: 5894
Re: Need a light weight vacuum
Reply #30 Apr 25, 2009 3:07 am |
What is the best way to negotiate pricing?
Hi Just, Venson et al:
Look at the competition for the product in that class: In this case: Lightweights. ORECK, SEBO, RICCAR, SIMPLICITY, MIELE [recall the old Art Series], HOOVER/TTI, dyson's DC18 Slim, DC24 and DC25 Ball. What are the MSRP-s and the selling prices? Best advice is as you said Venson recently and as Just did about a year ago when he decided it was time for a lightweight. Know what you want, shop for it, ask the right questions, get the answers, compare, and wheel and deal with the one[s] who will work with you. Carmine D.
Joined: Dec 30, 2007
Points: 5894
Re: Need a light weight vacuum
Reply #31 Apr 25, 2009 3:22 am |
I think you're so right. The "big boxers" have a more take it or leave it attitude.
Yet, BestBuy surprised me a few weeks ago when I picked up a new external drive. The sales person apparently was allowed to negotiate and dropped the price. PC Richard has done the same in past but those purchases too involved electronic goods.
Recently, my Son-in-law and I went to the local Lowes to buy a water softener, actually 2 one for him and one for me. They give you the paperwork in the plumbing department and you go to the cashier to pay. Kiddingly, I asked the young lady at the cashier desk if they give Senior Citizen Discounts. No, she said. Then, kiddingly I asked if they give Veteran discounts. She looked at me and said: Well, yes we do but we are not allowed to tell customers UNLESS they ask, which I did. It was 10 percent off the total. Just need proof: Military ID, or DD214 [honorable discharge]. If you don't have it at the time of purchase, you can go back after the sale with the proof and get the credit retroactively. I put the purchase on my Lowe's credit card so it was easy.
BTW, Lowes isn't alone. Like Dunkin Donut coffee and donuts? Don't forget to ask for the Senior Citizen Discount. 10 percent. No proof necessary just have to look like an Old Timer. Carmine D.
"There is no BEST or PERFECT vacuum cleaner"
"Take care of your vacuum, then your vacuum will take care of you"
Joined: Nov 30, 2004
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Re: Need a light weight vacuum
Reply #33 Apr 25, 2009 11:49 pm |
Well -- okay -- but its my understanding that in business everything costs something. Not only rent or what it costs to turn the lights on or maintenance and salaries but even the five minutes, here ands there, an employee may stop to browse the net. In most of the places I've worked everything has been added up one way or another -- and usually not in my favor.
That said, as an instance, if a vacuum shop burns down or goods are stolen does the owner claim what he actually paid for his stock or what the potential sale value was?
As for give aways, if the wholesale price of bags is all that much a big deal then why are ensuing purchases for the same so high per pack for the upper-tier brands? Am I getting real value for what I am shelling out. I"m not sure what you are trying to say here. When a business makes a purchase, they mark it up for retail. Yes, there is cost in doing business, but giving away a pk of bags or a belt is a part of doing business. You are advertising. You want that person to leave w/a happy memory, so they will come back. You also want that person to tell others about his/her business. Aren't you surprised that Carmine is keeping silent right now. He has given bags, belts, service.. Ask him if anyone has come in to purchase a belt. Did he ever then put it on for free? There is a purpose for "giveaways".. I just opened a new checking acct. w/another bank and they gave me something. It cost them, but its purpose "pays more" to them. In the longrun, it is not a big deal.
Your point re CR's ongoing alert that you don't have to pay a lot for a good vacuum is of course well taken. Nonetheless, "good" vacuums with long warranties and sturdier builds are an enticement for consumers to anticipate more and so they are willing to invest more. However the problem is getting to a real understanding of how much "more" should cost.
Simplicity's TOL canister has an MSRP of $1,500 as does the Synergy upright. Both have lots good features but what are they worth? Do they wholesale at $600, $900 or $1,200 and how can a shopper go about estimating that?
As I've said many times, I don't expect to be given anything and neither do I expect vac vendors to drop their prices so low that they fall short of making a decent (fair) profit. Venson It is very simple. When looking to make a purchase, you do price comparisons. I have said it countless times before. When you look for a Simplicity or a Riccar, find the other brand in another shop and see what they are selling the comparable model for. Work w/the salesman and tell him that you were at the other brand's shop. When looking for a vacuum, shop around. That is very old advice from many. After a shopper has done the research, he/she can go to the shop and see what the shop owner can do.
When you purchase a tube of toothpaste, do you find out what the MSRP is. What about coffeemakers and TV sets? No. You see what everyone is selling them for. So why should vacuum purchases be different? Look at auto purchases. Do you start at the MSRP when you want to make a deal w/the salesman? Experts tell you not to. MSRP is, in a sense, artifically high. About a month ago, I did research for a new LCD TV. I researched the different brands and their features. I searched cost of product, and s/h if applicable. I found a quality brand TV w/1080p on clearance. When I was still thinking, the salesman asked me what he could do. Well, he lowered the price. I took it and have been very happy since. The point I am trying to make is how often do you really look at MSRP when making a purchase?
Joined: Dec 30, 2007
Points: 5894
Re: Need a light weight vacuum
Reply #34 Apr 26, 2009 3:12 am |
The point I am trying to make is how often do you really look at MSRP when making a purchase? Typically new product on the market especially TOL sells for MSRP [or close to it] and does so until the market [consumers] meets the demand for the new product. Then, the product prices are lowered from MSRP and set more in line with competition. Basic marketing and sales/price theory.
In the case in point, a TOL SIMPLICITY model 3700 sold for $240 off MSRP. That's a discount of 34 percent. That's a very excellent price discount for an independent vacuum store. A sign of the times, no doubt. Chris got a buy for the times. Look too at the HOOVER TEMPO price. Sold before the Consumer Reports MARCH 2009 ratings for $50-$70. Now big box stores are selling for $79.99. Higher than even the HOOVER MSRP for the model. Another case in point, the EUREKA Boss Smart Vac. Two consumer magazines consistently rate it a BEST BUY year after year. Sells always at the MSRP $140-$150. Never discounted. And its been around for 6-8 years maybe more, just like the HOOVER TEMPO. Both are consistently top sellers among big box stores. Again, it's sales/price theory at work in the market place. Carmine D.
This message was modified Apr 26, 2009 by CarmineD