There are so may central vacuums to choose from, like mole was saying when you get a customers square footage you should double it. So if their home is 3,500 sq. ft. suggest a vacuum that can do up to 5,000 - 7,000 sq. ft., this will maximize the suction. When the customer is using the inlet furthest away from the unit, you do not want them to have a loss of suction. There are really some good brands out there and everyone has their preference. I personally like the Valet machines made by Lindsay. Lindsay Mfg. also makes AstroVac, Imperium, Vacu-Maid and others. The Beam unit is a great unit, and the company really supports local dealers, but their prices are pretty high. I would stay away from Nutone. In my opionion their units are crap, just not the same units from 15 years ago.