Vacuum Cleaners Discussions |
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Original Message Dec 23, 2008 7:44 am |
This message was modified Aug 18, 2011 by ainstalshia
Joined: Aug 21, 2007
Points: 1293
Re: I need help choosing a new vacuum
Reply #20 Dec 24, 2008 9:37 am |
You are quick to recommend the ultra expensive vacs sold at independents and say that they last 20 or more years. Yet you use disposable $50 vacs. What gives?Hello HARDSELL: I am a vacuum man: All makes and models from the least to the most expensive. Recall in my first post on this thread, I recommended a dyson if bagless is a prerequisite. BTW, off topic of vacuums for a brief moment: How's toyota doing lately? A loss after 70 years? From a $25 billion profit last year to a several billion loss this! Let me finally get this out of my craw after being stuck there awhile: I told you so! Months ago and even as early as a year ago! Merry Christmas my friend! Carmine D. Don't choke Carmine. All auto makers are suffering. At least Toyota is not depending on taxpayers to bail them out of financial woes because of top management greed.
Joined: Dec 30, 2007
Points: 5894
Re: I need help choosing a new vacuum
Reply #21 Dec 24, 2008 10:28 am |
Hello HARDSELL: My, my friend how you have changed your tune. Going back to 2006 when you were singing the praises of toyota, I shot you/it down with BMW. BTW, how's BWM doing? You, like others including toyota, bought into the myth that the Japanese giant had developed a water tight strategy that would yield profits through thick and thin, making it the subject of managerial guides like the 2004 book: "The Toyata Way." You scoffed when I said more than one year ago that the USA and global economies are on the brink of the precipice and will take toyota and others down with it! I believe at the time your posts mocked that I was Mr. doom and gloom. Carmine D.
Joined: Aug 21, 2007
Points: 1293
Re: I need help choosing a new vacuum
Reply #22 Dec 24, 2008 11:42 am |
Hello HARDSELL: My, my friend how you have changed your tune. Going back to 2006 when you were singing the praises of toyota, I shot you/it down with BMW. BTW, how's BWM doing? You, like others including toyota, bought into the myth that the Japanese giant had developed a water tight strategy that would yield profits through thick and thin, making it the subject of managerial guides like the 2004 book: "The Toyata Way." You scoffed when I said more than one year ago that the USA and global economies are on the brink of the precipice and will take toyota and others down with it! I believe at the time your posts mocked that I was Mr. doom and gloom. Carmine D. If you recall you had to retract your positive statements about BMW. Do you recall that I directed you to the sites showing the poor quality of BMW?
What are you gloating about. BMW sales in the US were down 26.8% in November. Of course this is better than the 29.5 % drop in September. Any fool can predict a drop in auto sales during the worst economy in years. BTW, nice diversion from vacuums. I see you can still do the pay toilet shuffle. I should have mentioned that Honda sales were down over 30%. Do I need to tell you how the big 3 US manufacturers are doing?
This message was modified Dec 24, 2008 by HARDSELL
Joined: Dec 30, 2007
Points: 5894
Re: I need help choosing a new vacuum
Reply #23 Dec 24, 2008 12:13 pm |
Bad memory again, my good friend! After our 2006 exchanges, as I recall BMW [my pick] tied toyota [your pick] by both the Wall Street Journal and Consumer Reports for the best in luxury sedan.! Forgot?? BMW is still profitable!! Merry Christmas, my good friend. Go new car shopping. You can get a good deal on a new discounted toyota!! Carmine D.
This message was modified Dec 24, 2008 by CarmineD
Joined: Aug 21, 2007
Points: 1293
Re: I need help choosing a new vacuum
Reply #26 Dec 24, 2008 2:43 pm |
Bad memory again, my good friend! After our 2006 exchanges, as I recall BMW [my pick] tied toyota [your pick] by both the Wall Street Journal and Consumer Reports for the best in luxury sedan.! Forgot?? BMW is still profitable!! Merry Christmas, my good friend. Go new car shopping. You can get a good deal on a new discounted toyota!! Carmine D.
Carmine, there is no luxury car with the Toyota name plate.
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Re: I need help choosing a new vacuum
Reply #27 Dec 24, 2008 2:52 pm |
Carmine, there is no luxury car with the Toyota name plate. MERRY CHRISTMAS TO YOU MY FRIEND. STAY OUT OF THE EGG NOG. YOUR MIND IS FOGGY ENOUGH. Hi H.S. happy holidays, Isnt the toyota avalon considered their luxury flagship model.It has a lot of LEXUS TO IT??? MOLE
Joined: Dec 30, 2007
Points: 5894
Re: I need help choosing a new vacuum
Reply #29 Dec 25, 2008 1:55 am |
Carmine, there is no luxury car with the Toyota name plate. Hello HARDSELL:
You're right. What was I thinking? It's just an overpriced camry with some extra doo dads and cup holders. BMW won the luxury class straight out! Hope Santa is good to you. Carmine D.