Vacuum Cleaners Discussions |
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Reply #1 Jul 18, 2008 2:28 pm |
What I've found is that while many other manufacturers have tried to copy the Rainbow, both with separators and without, even the best of those can only equal the performance of a D4/SE. The E2 outcleans them every time. Ocean Blue website. -MH
This message was modified Jul 19, 2008 by Motorhead
Joined: Jul 22, 2007
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Reply #3 Jul 19, 2008 4:17 am |
Rexair's cousin? More like Rexair's inbred cousin since the Ocean Blue lacks a separator and instead uses a system of baffles to deflect the water. -MH
Hi Motorhead,
Please check out the following link -- You'll see in the cut-away view that this vacuum does have a separator. The design of the separator has been altered to whatever degree I'd supose to keep Rainbow and/or Delphin from siccing its lawyers on them. This machine is almost a dead ringer for another vac that -- forgot the name -- that was being produced in Mexico I believe. Think it got in trouble with Rainbow too. Though badly worded, the Ocean Blue claim is still the same since yesteryear for water-type canisters -- "the dirt is trapped in the water." Best, Venson
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Reply #5 Jul 19, 2008 5:18 am |
Rexair's cousin? More like Rexair's inbred cousin since the Ocean Blue lacks a separator and instead uses a system of baffles to deflect the water. I can only imagine what a mess cleaning pet hair out of that would be, and of course if the machine was pulled across the floor too fast the water would very likely end up coming out of the exhaust port.
-MH M.H. did you know that you can hold the machine upside down with the 2 qts of water in it and under power it does not leak. or come out the exhaust.
Try it sometimes with your d4c............... mole
Joined: Jul 22, 2007
Points: 1900
Reply #6 Jul 19, 2008 5:46 am |
Hello Venson,hows it going? Are you talking about HYLA,............ MOLE
Hey! I'm just fine except that besides having too many vacuum cleaners I now have one car too many. Don't ask how that came about. How are you doing?
No it wasn't the Hyla but may have been called the Robot. I know one water-type machine under this name was sold in Euroe for a time. It was almost a dead ringer for the Rainbow SE. If my recall is correct, a similar machine was put into production in Mexico and a lawsuit came out of that. I did a search and there is a U.S. Court of Appeals PDF document that I can't get to download that appears to mention the matter. What I can't recall is whether Ocean Blue is the same blue-colored machine that was being advertised on TV here and there. That machine did not have the Wessel-Werk power nozzle. Venson
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Reply #7 Jul 19, 2008 5:59 am |
Looks to me like its sold by the in home demo approach, the keep them held hostage until they buy it or stop breathing, I would say these are all sold on time payments to suit your budget, Its more than likely priced around the e2 price,1800.00 to oh my god. IT looks like they also sell other premiums,sort of like rexair,and filter queen, air cleaners and the like. Gotta love that wessel werks powerhead ,it really wakes this unit up............. MOLE
Joined: Nov 1, 2007
Points: 409
Reply #8 Jul 19, 2008 9:29 am |
Oops! Sorry guys, I was getting the Ocean Blue confused with the (gasp!) Big Power. That particular machine does not have a separator (unlike the Rainbow, Hyla, Delphin, and Ocean Blue), and is *heavily* hyped. I think it has been discussed on here before. Apologies for the confusion.
Indeed, the Ocean Blue bears a lot of similiarity to the D4/SE. I do like the Wessel-Werk powerhead it has (as is on the Hyla), very good P/N and dare I say it's better than the current Rexair P/N? The one thing I do not care for on the E2 is that Rexair still hasn't managed to incorporate a geared belt (or at the very least a lifetime quiet-drive serpentine belt). With a good belt it's great, but when that belt is stretched and starts to slip you can sure tell. Then again, Rexair seems to be up for a power nozzle redesign in the near future regardless, the E-series design has been out 10 years already.
Joined: Jul 22, 2007
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Reply #10 Jul 19, 2008 1:03 pm |
M.H. yes i think you are on the money with this call about the e series powerhead,and the w.w. powerhead, the edge goes to the wessel-werks lighted powerhead,this powerhead is also used in top end BOSCH, and MIELES. MOLE Hiya Mole,
Sometimes I wonder why Wessel-Werks just doesn't come out with a complete vacuum cleaner and make all our lives easier. Venson
Joined: Jul 22, 2007
Points: 1900
Reply #12 Jul 20, 2008 7:29 pm |
Hi Mole, Good stuff to know. Thanks for passing on the info on about Cen-Tec. Just checked out its website -- Cen-Tec appears to manufacture a coupe lines of vacums for Europe besides accessories. I also saw the "Sears" power nozzles in its line of products. However, how does this work? Do Cen-Tec and Wessel-Werks solicit manufacturers or is the other way round? For instance, when a new machine design is in the works by a manufacturer, does the company merely look through a catalog of some sort to pick and choose ready-made accessories? Does either Cen-Tec or Wessel-werks manufacturer to designer specifications? Best, Venson
This message was modified Jul 20, 2008 by Venson
Location: earth
Joined: Sep 29, 2007
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Reply #13 Jul 21, 2008 3:24 am |
Hi Mole, Good stuff to know. Thanks for passing on the info on about Cen-Tec. Just checked out its website -- Cen-Tec appears to manufacture a coupe lines of vacums for Europe besides accessories. I also saw the "Sears" power nozzles in its line of products. However, how does this work? Do Cen-Tec and Wessel-Werks solicit manufacturers or is the other way round? For instance, when a new machine design is in the works by a manufacturer, does the company merely look through a catalog of some sort to pick and choose ready-made accessories? Does either Cen-Tec or Wessel-werks manufacturer to designer specifications? Best, Venson Hi Venson, As far as i know cen-tec and wessel-werks are strickly in the attachment business, cen-tec is very heavily involved with the central vacuum market, they private label for a host of central manufactures,The SEARS powernozzles have been centec for many years [this is why the sears canisters were always at the top of the pack in ratings] , Wessel-WERKS is the CEN-TEC of Europe,many vacuum mfg's in europe use Wessel-Werks,[EVEN DYSON], Note, that SEBO, LINDHAUS, make their own powerheads, The market is closed to the average over the counter consumer,you are referred to your closest dealer[ usually a vac shop or central vacuum dealer]. Im currently working on buying direct from the motor manufactures. The more you buy the better the deal, you have to make it worth your and theirs time.............. later,,,, MOLE
Joined: Jul 22, 2007
Points: 1900
Reply #17 Jul 23, 2008 12:58 pm |
About the Ocean Blue: Does it have decent suction? That I'd be curious to know as well. Sounds a little off the wall but it has been explained to me that Rexair/Rainbow, for one, has never been noted for stellar suction because if suction is too high water will be sucked into fan chamber and/or motor. Separators in these machines are meant to fling away water droplets that fly up from the basin. I have heard of no formula describing the ratio of spin versus airflow required for them do their Iob.
My guess is that you'd have to increase the distance between the water line and the separator and depend more on gravity to compensate for the extra water being whipped up by higher airflow. The result, I think, would mean a not necessarily practical increase in size of the unit. These machines are not popular due to weight already. More bulk wouldn't help. Venson
"There is no BEST or PERFECT vacuum cleaner"
"Take care of your vacuum, then your vacuum will take care of you"
Joined: Nov 30, 2004
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Reply #19 Aug 1, 2008 12:48 am |
No it wasn't the Hyla but may have been called the Robot. I know one water-type machine under this name was sold in Euroe for a time. It was almost a dead ringer for the Rainbow SE. If my recall is correct, a similar machine was put into production in Mexico and a lawsuit came out of that. I did a search and there is a U.S. Court of Appeals PDF document that I can't get to download that appears to mention the matter. What I can't recall is whether Ocean Blue is the same blue-colored machine that was being advertised on TV here and there. That machine did not have the Wessel-Werk power nozzle. Venson To be brief, the lookalike Rainbow was ROBOT. I remember seeing the machine and noticing how much it looked like a Rainbow. Rexair wanted the company to make the Rainbow for them. Later, this company backed out and made their own Rainbow lookalike. Rexair did not like that, so they took them to court and vise versa. There have been other companies who have ventured on their own, to make their own version of a well known vacuum cleaner brand. This Ocean Blue is owned by a company I would not get involved with, IMHO. They sell more than vacuum cleaners and air cleaners. I have seen the Ocean Blue before under a different name. It used the same color scheme, but had a cheap hose, plastic wands, and a cheaper power nozzle. With the OB, I noticed that they added a metal panel around the machine(the previous brand had grey plastic where the metal panel is), added a better hose and deluxe W-W nozzle. The price is higher also.
Joined: Jul 22, 2007
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Reply #20 Aug 1, 2008 9:22 am |