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Dyson DC24 / DC25 Vacs: Sir James Brings his Ball back
Original Message   Jan 17, 2008 10:54 am
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Re: Dyson DC24 / DC25 Vacs: Sir James Brings his Ball back
Reply #420   Jun 25, 2008 1:14 pm
dusty wrote:
Let me re-phrase. 

CarmineD wrote:
Hello Dusty:

Better.  I call it wordsmithing.  You're very good at it.  Like some else I use to know.

Carmine D.


Back off.  I like hearing what Dusty has to say and saying it from Canada.  You and the countless of other bad-mouthing anti-Dyson dealers (and retired) have had you way on these types of forums, youtube and review sites for many years.  Disagree with the guy (Dusty), just don’t insult him.        DIB


P.S.  Please back off from calling Motorhead someone he is not, too.  Burning people out is not the object of this forum.  Spirited disagreement, yes.  Burning them out with insults, no.

This message was modified Jun 25, 2008 by DysonInventsBig


Joined: Dec 30, 2007
Points: 5894

Re: Dyson DC24 / DC25 Vacs: Sir James Brings his Ball back
Reply #421   Jun 25, 2008 1:33 pm
DysonInventsBig wrote:


Back off.  I like hearing what Dusty has to say and saying it from Canada.  You and the countless of other bad-mouthing anti-Dyson dealers (and retired) have had you way on these types of forums, youtube and review sites for many years.  Disagree with the guy (Dusty), just don’t insult him.        DIB


P.S.  Please back off from calling Motorhead someone he is not, too.  Burning people out is not the object of this forum.  Spirited disagreement, yes.  Burning them out with insults, no.


Are you speaking to me on behalf of yourself?  Using others?

I like hearing what Dusty and Motor say!  As well as MOLE!  And others, including you.   

I'm the poster child for insults on this Forum.  I get them all the time and have for years from all the dyson fans.  Why?  Dyson fans outnumber the 2 lone dyson critics here [Mole and I].  Mole and I don't cry foul over it.  We're here.  We're not running and hiding.  

Maybe you're afraid that the dyson fans may leave you here by your lonesome to defend yourself and your dyson drivel.  Don't like those odds then?

Explain the reason that filtering has suffered on the latest dysons while the prices stay the same and go up?  Can the ball answer.  I ain't buying it.  Why should people spend $500 for a dyson and not get the best dyson filtering?  Have an answer to that question?  Afraid to answer?

You backed off, big time on the above challenge to answer.  By your silence and absence, you speak louder than your words. 

Carmine D.

This message was modified Jun 25, 2008 by CarmineD

Joined: Feb 7, 2008
Points: 264

Re: Dyson DC24 / DC25 Vacs: Sir James Brings his Ball back
Reply #422   Jun 25, 2008 1:51 pm
CarmineD wrote:
Hello Dusty:

Better.  I call it wordsmithing.  You're very good at it.  Like some else I use to know.

Carmine D.

word·smith  (wûrdsmth)
1. A fluent and prolific writer, especially one who writes professionally.
2. An expert on words.

I'll take that as a compliment :-)


Joined: Dec 30, 2007
Points: 5894

Re: Dyson DC24 / DC25 Vacs: Sir James Brings his Ball back
Reply #423   Jun 25, 2008 1:53 pm
dusty wrote:
word·smith (wûrdsmth)
1. A fluent and prolific writer, especially one who writes professionally.
2. An expert on words.

I'll take that as a compliment :-)


THANK YOU, Dusty.  That's exactly as it was meant.  You are one of the best writers of posts here. 

Carmine D.

This message was modified Jun 25, 2008 by CarmineD

Joined: Nov 1, 2007
Points: 409

Re: Dyson DC24 / DC25 Vacs: Sir James Brings his Ball back
Reply #424   Jun 25, 2008 3:15 pm
CarmineD wrote:
Hello Dusty:

Better.  I call it wordsmithing.  You're very good at it.  Like some else I use to know.

Carmine D.

Would that be Tom G. by any chance?  I'm sure he would appreciate the complement, he always prides himself on being well-versed in the written (well, in his case posted) word


Location: USA
Joined: Jul 30, 2007
Points: 1454

Re: Dyson DC24 / DC25 Vacs: Sir James Brings his Ball back
Reply #425   Jun 25, 2008 4:10 pm
Motorhead wrote:
Would that be Tom G. by any chance? 


That’s the way I read it.  Carmines intense dislike for “all things Dyson” and/or his dealers is legendary.  My before posting was based on the below definition which was not a glowing definition as Dusty’s.      DIB Home
English Dictionary - With Multi-Lingual Search

Your Query of 'wordsmithing' Resulted in 1 Matches
Displaying Items 1 through 1
  1. The making of changes to a text to improve clarity and style, as opposed to content.
We've drafted an agreement, but there's still a bit of left to do.

This message was modified Jun 25, 2008 by DysonInventsBig


Joined: Dec 30, 2007
Points: 5894

Re: Dyson DC24 / DC25 Vacs: Sir James Brings his Ball back
Reply #426   Jun 25, 2008 4:39 pm
Motorhead wrote:
Would that be Tom G. by any chance?  I'm sure he would appreciate the complement, he always prides himself on being well-versed in the written (well, in his case posted) word



For me to know and you to find out!

Carmine D.


Joined: Dec 30, 2007
Points: 5894

Re: Dyson DC24 / DC25 Vacs: Sir James Brings his Ball back
Reply #427   Jun 25, 2008 4:43 pm

There you go again with your mind readings.  You have to tell me where you had that course so I can enroll.

I like your definition of wordsmithing too.  But I prefer Dusty's.  Why?  Dusty's is the exact same definition as mine.  Word for word. 

No apology necessary for shooting from the hip [again].  Like calling criticism of the u-bend airway joint just a pot shot at Mr. D, which is not worthy of criticism.  Why?  Woe is Mr. D, according to you.  He had so much to worry about with the launch.  WRONG!  Shooting from the hip again.  It was a major deal breaker for the dyson launch.  It was poised to derail the product launch.  That's the reason dyson corrected it quick like.  A buck item that kills the $500 product sale. 

Now..........enough diversion.  Don't avoid the question any longer.  Answer it!   Swallow hard.  Take a deep breadth.  Tell us what you know about the compromised dyson filtering and when you you knew it!  Don't fall into the category of liar and/or stupid.  Sooner or later the truth comes to light.  And the light is shining on you now.  Tell the truth.

Carmine D.

This message was modified Jun 25, 2008 by CarmineD

Joined: Feb 7, 2008
Points: 264

Re: Dyson DC24 / DC25 Vacs: Sir James Brings his Ball back
Reply #428   Jun 25, 2008 6:19 pm
Motorhead wrote:
Hi Dusty,

Interesting the DC25 isn't in Canada, first time I've heard that.  I agree with you that the DC24, while a compact yet powerful machine good for apartments, condos, and such, is limited by its bin capacity in most applications.  I've also heard rumors about its brushroll not being aggressive enough either, but I inspected one at Target and didn't see (or feel) anything wrong there.

The DC25 to me would be much more practical out of the two; larger bin capacity and full-width nozzle yet still small enough to be considered a lightweight.  As I mentioned in my previous post, it's roughly the size of the DC18 Slim, yet the carrying handle is positioned much lower so it is less awkward to lift.  


I believe because Canada is such a heavy canister market Dyson held off on the DC25 and gave us the DC20 (aimed specifically at Quebec) and DC23 in it's standard version as well as an Animal version.  To be fair, we sell far more of the cans than the uprights but I look forward to getting the 25 into stock, especially if it handles as well at the DC24.


Joined: Dec 30, 2007
Points: 5894

Re: Dyson DC24 / DC25 Vacs: Sir James Brings his Ball back
Reply #429   Sep 11, 2008 9:09 am
Consumer Reports in the October 2008 ratings gives the dyson DC24 a drubbing.  CR labels it with the same criticism of the original DC15 Ball: Design trumping performance.  Pet hair removal comes in at a luckluster Fair and tool use gets a Poor.  Of the dysons rated [DC17, DC14, DC07, DC18, DC21, and DC24],  the DC24 fares the worse of all, a characteristic it shares with the DC15 CR ratings.

CR to date is not impressed with the dyson ball technology with strikes one and two for the DC15 [full size] and DC24 [lightweight].  Still due to come to bat at CR is the DC25 ball.  Based on the past record by CR for the dyson ball technology, there are reasons not to be even guardedly optimistic. 

Tho these ball dysons are just a few months new, most big box stores are already offering gift cards for DC24/DC25 purchases [dyson's latest and greatest] and the 2008 Holiday Season is still a quarter of the year away.   

Carmine D.

This message was modified Sep 12, 2008 by CarmineD
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