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The Oreck vacuum and everything you wanted to know (hopefully)...
Original Message May 29, 2008 8:41 am |
ORECK - The business, the history, the machine, the man and related. (Below: Oreck 1979 to 2008)
< yr. 1979 < yr. 5/2008
This message was modified Oct 30, 2008 by DysonInventsBig
Joined: Dec 30, 2007
Points: 5894
Re: The Oreck vacuum and everything you wanted to know (hopefully)...
Reply #24 Jun 2, 2008 3:44 am |
These are your words: 'ORECK is the best in its class. HOOVER the best in its class' Are you now admitting that you exagerated the truth?
What's true for me with respect to the ORECK and HOOVER usage in my home for my cleaning needs and requirements, may not be true for you. [That sounds very much like something you posted]. Truth, like best, when applied to peoples' vacuum performance, is as much subjective as objective. That's the reason for this site. For people to express their opinions about vacuum products and performance. If it were based all on truth, there would be no need for discussion/review pages. Carmine D.
This message was modified Jun 2, 2008 by CarmineD
Joined: Aug 21, 2007
Points: 1293
Re: The Oreck vacuum and everything you wanted to know (hopefully)...
Reply #25 Jun 2, 2008 4:33 am |
Hello HARDSELL: What's true for me with respect to the ORECK and HOOVER usage in my home for my cleaning needs and requirements, may not be true for you. [That sounds very much like something you posted]. Truth, like best, when applied to peoples' vacuum performance, is as much subjective as objective. That's the reason for this site. For people to express their opinions about vacuum products and performance. If it were based all on truth, there would be no need for discussion/review pages. Carmine D. For once you told the truth. Only afte ryou were caught up in the CARMINE SHUFFLE.
You dance around likea man with diarrhea, no money and trying to get in a pay toilet.
Location: USA
Joined: Jul 30, 2007
Points: 1454
Re: The Oreck vacuum and everything you wanted to know (hopefully)...
Reply #29 Jun 2, 2008 4:49 pm |
DIB, I can't answer for Dave, but I am going to imagine his market idea is much like Kirby. If it ain't broke, don't fix it. Why does he have to invent or innovate, when he has the market that everyone else is wanting to get into. Stop by a Oreck Clean Home Center, I guarantee you will be treated well. Just, Dave can make his vacuum work or look any way he wants, but for me, 30 years and no major face lift/s make’s it a tired looking product. I understand his lightweight-ness strategies, and that’s fine, but until his vacuums win pick-up ratings, there is room for improvement. . Why does he have to innovate? He doesn't. Does Dave have all of life’s mechanical cleaning problems solved in his products? Dyson came from nowhere and has shown there’s plenty to innovate and plenty of money to be made. . I do believe there are a great many good Oreck dealers out there too. DIB
This message was modified Jun 2, 2008 by DysonInventsBig
Joined: Nov 1, 2007
Points: 409
Re: The Oreck vacuum and everything you wanted to know (hopefully)...
Reply #30 Jun 2, 2008 9:06 pm |
DIB, I can't answer for Dave, but I am going to imagine his market idea is much like Kirby. If it ain't broke, don't fix it. Why does he have to invent or innovate, when he has the market that everyone else is wanting to get into. Stop by a Oreck Clean Home Center, I guarantee you will be treated well. Hi Just, Not to derail from the original Oreck-related discussion but since you mentioned Kirby I must also point out that they are another manufacturer with the same problem, unwillingness to update and improve the design. In many ways we could say the Kirby is the polar opposite of the Oreck; the Kirby a good amount of power and does an impressive job of cleaning (especially with the Micron Magic cloth bags), but is heavy and awkward to carry. There has to be a way to reduce the weight and overall bulk without cheapening the cleaner; Royal has used durable aluminum bodies for years and they have always been considerably lighter than that of a Kirby, even before TechDrive was introduced. Oreck is indeed a very lightweight machine, however, it is incapable of anything more than surface cleaning as we all know. Ironically, both *share* some limitations as well, namely a direct air path through the fan and a belt that has to be replaced periodically (although I will admit that the Kirby's belt is a breeze to change for those who know what they are doing so that is a non-issue for the most part). Is there anything wrong with a theoretically tried-and-true design? No, except for the fact that times change and innovative "new" designs are brought out, eventually superseding the old design(s) in either convenience, performance, durability, longevity, or all of what I just mentioned. I will be adding to this thread and responding to others later when I get a chance to read through the rest. -MH By the way, I have stopped into Oreck stores before and I will attest to the fact that they *are* very friendly and courteous.
This message was modified Jun 2, 2008 by Motorhead
Joined: Dec 30, 2007
Points: 5894
Re: The Oreck vacuum and everything you wanted to know (hopefully)...
Reply #31 Jun 3, 2008 2:29 am |
Thanks Carmine D for answering my other questions. DC18 Hello DC18:
You're welcome. Carmine D.
Joined: Dec 30, 2007
Points: 5894
Re: The Oreck vacuum and everything you wanted to know (hopefully)...
Reply #32 Jun 3, 2008 2:34 am |
Hello Tom: I take exception to your categorization of Oreck as a rug surface cleaner. It is not. The proof is in separating the rug fibers and loop after vacuuming with the ORECK on a regular bases as I have done. The rug fibers and backing are clean and no debris is left in and behind. Why? Read on. If you are separating the rug fibers by grooming, which we all know ORECK does, then the suction in the ORECK cleans the dirt embedded in the carpet and rugs. Another proof if needed: Follow after the ORECK with a HOOVER WT that has an embedded dirt finder. Watch the light stay green as you pass over the ORECK's rug groomed areas. I can't say the same for other vacuums including your fave the DC07. Which I owned and used on the same carpets as the ORECK. I would say that the exceptionally high shag is the only rug type that the above is probably not true of ORECK. Then the user needs a vacuum with a rug height adjustment to clean and groom properly. Where did I hear the latter? From an ORECK store manager/staff recently in LV. Carmine D.
This message was modified Jun 3, 2008 by CarmineD
Joined: Dec 30, 2007
Points: 5894
Re: The Oreck vacuum and everything you wanted to know (hopefully)...
Reply #33 Jun 3, 2008 3:06 am |
Just, Dave can make his vacuum work or look any way he wants, but for me, 30 years and no major face lift/s make’s it a tired looking product. I understand his lightweight-ness strategies, and that’s fine, but until his vacuums win pick-up ratings, there is room for improvement. . Why does he have to innovate? He doesn't. Does Dave have all of life’s mechanical cleaning problems solved in his products? Dyson came from nowhere and has shown there’s plenty to innovate and plenty of money to be made. . I do believe there are a great many good Oreck dealers out there too. DIB Hello DIB:
Oftentimes, makers innovate by making slight modifications so as to extend the patent period longer when it is due to expire. Not really due to their need to innovate to be better. But I'm sure you are already aware of this fact. With regard to the number of ORECK stores nationwide, the most recent number [early this year] is 500 and growing. I've underestimated in some recent posts. Carmine D.
This message was modified Jun 3, 2008 by CarmineD