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Dyson DC24 / DC25 Vacs: Sir James Brings his Ball back
Original Message Jan 17, 2008 10:54 am |
Location: USA
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Re: Dyson DC24 / DC25 Vacs: Sir James Brings his Ball back
Reply #337 Apr 12, 2008 6:06 pm |
M00seUK: I don't agree. Dyson sales have made gains from year to year due to increases in prices and expanding into new markets. Dyson has lost market share in units and percentages to the competition in the UK since 2004 and not gained it back. What is dyson now in the UK? About 30 percent? The ball technology of 2005 is old. What do you think is new and better from dyson in the last 6 years [in the USA] that makes dyson worthy of the 'premium' prices? It appears from the commentary on the DC25 that dyson has finally come up with a brush roll that meets US standards. After only 6 years of trying! What kind of R&D is this? No, the R&D is not spent on vacuums. It's spent on other things that have no bearing on vacuums. Carmine D. Carmine, Dyson UK sales: According to British newspapers, clones and resentment hurt Dyson sales.. The Guardian and, “Dyson’s Domestic Dilemma.” DIB
This message was modified Apr 12, 2008 by DysonInventsBig
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Re: Dyson DC24 / DC25 Vacs: Sir James Brings his Ball back
Reply #338 Apr 13, 2008 3:27 am |
DIB: Thanks for the articles. I've read both before but despite their age were worth a reread. Carmine D.
This message was modified Apr 13, 2008 by CarmineD
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Re: Dyson DC24 / DC25 Vacs: Sir James Brings his Ball back
Reply #339 Apr 13, 2008 3:32 am |
Carmine, do you think that TTI is going to get hoover back where it belongs or just let them wallow in the mess that their in now,the name of game today is quality and longevity,which the overseas vacuum manufactures except the germans just settle for peddeling mediocre overpriced plastic garbage.
IT just seems to me that product quality is of no concern anymore,just lots of hype and getting rewarded for screwing the public................
Hello Mole:
I have mixed feelings about the TTI buyout of HOOVER and future HOOVER prospects. Certainly, Maytag ruined HOOVER. But HOOVER didn't help matters going back to the 60's. As a dealer, it was evident to me and others in the business that HOOVER made the decision to cater to the bog box retailers, at the expense of the independents who were their faithful flock. It appears TTI may have proved me wrong on the Anniversary HOOVER edition. I'm still waiting to see this model and scope it out at BEST BUY. I hope it's a contender. HOOVER is still a widely recognized and renown name in floorcare. It has many acclaimed floorcare products. But the quality of these products like the HOOVER vacuums have deteriorated. Will TTI improve it? I don't know but I am hopeful. Carmine D.
This message was modified Apr 13, 2008 by CarmineD
Joined: Dec 30, 2007
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Re: Dyson DC24 / DC25 Vacs: Sir James Brings his Ball back
Reply #340 Apr 13, 2008 3:41 am |
DIB: WRT Consumer Reports and its ratings and assessment of dyson vacuums, it's noteworthy and commendable that dyson was second in reliability in March 2008 to Kirby [which has maintained the number one spot for years]. Certainly this must make Mr. Dyson smile and feel good. Even if only one of his dyson models in the last 6 years make the top 10 CR ratings [DC17]. Carmine D.
This message was modified Apr 13, 2008 by CarmineD
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Re: Dyson DC24 / DC25 Vacs: Sir James Brings his Ball back
Reply #341 Apr 13, 2008 4:08 am |
HARDSELL: I never said I invented the reasoning. I'll agree that you said it about HOOVER. And I'll say it about dyson now. You should have no problem agreeing with me/Mole, since you are the originator of the observation. One might opine that Mr. Dyson is worse off than HOOVER by not profiting from the HOOVER errors. Instead, Mr. Dyson is taking the same path. Living off his laurels. I don't take credit for making the latter observation either. Mole said it a few posts up in number 322. His later question to me about TTI and HOOVER is directly related to that post's point and this subsequent series of exchanges. Carmine D.
It seems that Mr. D has gone off the deep end. I think the DC07 was his best vacuum. He should have simply made some small improvements as opposed to reinventing a good thing. I used a DC14 and found no gain in performance. I just do not like the other models, although I have no real experience using them. I will continue to use my Royal and Kirby and buy a DC07 when they get rock bottom cheap or a decent new Dyson hits the market.
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Re: Dyson DC24 / DC25 Vacs: Sir James Brings his Ball back
Reply #342 Apr 13, 2008 8:05 am |
Carmine, It seems that Mr. D has gone off the deep end. I think the DC07 was his best vacuum. He should have simply made some small improvements as opposed to reinventing a good thing. I used a DC14 and found no gain in performance. I just do not like the other models, although I have no real experience using them. I will continue to use my Royal and Kirby and buy a DC07 when they get rock bottom cheap or a decent new Dyson hits the market. Hardsell, I agree, the DC07 is probably the best filtering (excluding Root + Core Separator) Dyson to date, and for many reasons. Dyson filed patents on both the DC07 filtration and the DC14 around the same time, but introduced the DC07 as his first multi-cyclonic. The lower handle height on the DC14 is (I’m told) the reason for its introduction. But in typical Dyson fashion, there is no sales literature or information anywhere supporting this feature. The ball pivoting in concert with an articulated nozzle like the DC15 and DC18 is very cool and yes, it makes vacuuming easier. DIB
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Re: Dyson DC24 / DC25 Vacs: Sir James Brings his Ball back
Reply #343 Apr 13, 2008 9:17 am |
DIB: WRT Consumer Reports and its ratings and assessment of dyson vacuums, it's noteworthy and commendable that dyson was second in reliability in March 2008 to Kirby [which has maintained the number one spot for years]. Certainly this must make Mr. Dyson smile and feel good. I have ot read this CR report and had know idea of Dyson rating 2nd. Thats BIG! Yes, James shouid be very pleased. Thanks for letting me know. Even if only one of his dyson models in the last 6 years make the top 10 CR ratings [DC17]. Dyson does not lead the industry at the floor and so I cannot agree with his (at times/on some vacuums) beat my carpet to a pulp concept (DC21 for example). Hear's my suggestion... on how Dyson should fix his nozzle and/or brush? Study and copy. A great deal of what manufacturers design at the nozzle and brush are not patent protected any longer, and are in the public domain. Study and copy and/or incorporate the best elements, it is that simple. DIB Carmine D.
This message was modified Apr 13, 2008 by DysonInventsBig
Location: USA
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Re: Dyson DC24 / DC25 Vacs: Sir James Brings his Ball back
Reply #345 Apr 13, 2008 6:52 pm |
DIB Wrote: I have not read this CR report and had know idea of Dyson rating 2nd. Thats BIG! Yes, James shouid be very pleased. Thanks for letting me know. Your welcome. Now, perhaps, you have another perspective on Consumer Reports. Carmine D. I do absolutely. CR has moved up my “Do they have credibility scale.” . For those interested, here is the Mechanical Test advert by Dyson. And Web page. DIB
This message was modified Apr 13, 2008 by DysonInventsBig
Electrolux UltraOne EL7070, Bissell BigGreen Deep Cleaning Machine
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Re: Dyson DC24 / DC25 Vacs: Sir James Brings his Ball back
Reply #346 Apr 21, 2008 7:13 am |
Well, I am in the process of moving into a new place that happens to have soft delicate carpeting that my current DC17 would simply destroy. So this weekend I had to get a new vacuum. I was considering the upcoming DC23 canister, however, the inability to attach tools directly to the hose, coupled with the use of a less aggressive motorhead from the DC18, as well as the steep price tag and lack of DDM has led me to the DC25. There are several things that should be noted about the DC25. First, the brushroll is simply heads and shoulders above anything else dyson has used in any upright. Its bristles are aggressive enough to deep clean without tearing your carpet up. When vacuuming carpet, you can definitely feel the aggressive nature of the brushroll with a slight vibration that resonates all the way up the handle. This is something that I have not felt on other models such as the DC07, DC14, DC15, DC17, and DC18. The brushroll, coupled with the redesigned motorhead, creates a tight seal between the carpet and the soleplate. To further test this finding, I took out a bathroom rug and used my DC17 and DC25 on it. The 17 was able make a few passes while tearing many fibers out of the rug. However, the 25 could not roll on the rug without bunching it up because the tight seal between the rug and sole plate would not permit it to roll smoothly on the rug. In addition, some may think that the DC18 and DC25 will perform the same because of their similarly sized brush rolls; they don't. The DC18 doesn't have that tight suction feel in the motorhead as the DC25, nor do you feel a slight vibration in the handle generated from the brushroll as you would with the 25. In addition to much improved agitation, the tool system has also been redesigned. Gone are the old attachments that you have to twist on cleaning wand/hose to insure a tight fit for use. Instead, a new "snap-on" system has been implemented so that tools simply snap into place, either on the cleaning wand or hose, withouth having to tightly twist them on. Pressing a small button located on the receptor end releases the attachment. A small lamintated foam seal within the receptor ends of the cleaning wand and hose insure a tight seal between it and the attachments. This may seem like a welcome change for the better, however, those with tools like the U-bend brush, or the dusting brush will need to have smaller connector adapters (the same size used for the DC16 hand held). Those other attachments such as the hard floor tool and the turbo brush are useless with this machine, unless there is some sort of adapter made available soon for use with the DC24/DC25. The redesigned tools (upholstery brush, combination crevice/dusting brush tool) no longer have the "high-velocity" holes in them, with allows for much more air flow to pass through them. This has definitely improved performance, especially with the dusting brush, that creates a very tight seal between it and the surface it comes in contact with. A new air valve system has been implemented to allow airflow to pass through the cleaning wand/hose only when the wand and handle are released and pulled off the machine. Because of this, the air is constantly flowing through the motorhead, even when upright, and now longer do you hear noisy air flow coming though the top of the handle. As far as size and weight is concerned, the DC25 is very small in comparison to the DC15 and DC17, as well as other full size models. It is noticably light weight, like the DC18 Slim, the model of which the small cleaning bin is sourced from. I believe dyson wanted to go the compact/lightweight direction with the new Ball models because many felt the DC15 looked too big, bulky, and complicated. When comparing the DC15 Animal to the DC25 on the showroom floor, the DC15 definitely looks less ergonomic than the DC25, which has a far more simplistic look. Overall, I think the DC25 is a great machine that should bode well for the company. It is compact, lightweight, easy to steer, but it is very powerful as well. In regards to ergonomics, I find the DC25 easier to use in comparison to every other dyson model currently available. The new brushroll/motorhead should definitely score well with Consumer Reports, and I am eager to see what's in store for the next comparison. The DC15 may not have been as great of a machine as it could have been, however, I strongly feel that the DC25 is "the greater dyson."