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Joined: Nov 2, 2007
Points: 409

New Dyson model...any info?
Original Message   Dec 19, 2007 5:53 pm
Apparently there's a new Dyson model that will be launched in February at the VDTA Convention.  I don't know any further specifics on whether or not it's going to be a canister or upright, but apparently all attendees of the show will be able to see it and place their orders.  I wonder if the $899 pricetag will be a detriment to sales, or are Americans willing to pay a premium for superior performance and space-age motor technology?

Has anyone else heard anything yet?  I'm curious to know what it is as I bought the DC21 right when it came out in March.  That and the DC17 are the only ones that impressed me so far, it will be interesting to see how this one is.
This message was modified Dec 19, 2007 by Motorhead
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Dyson, Sebo and Bissell user

Joined: Jul 25, 2007
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Re: New Dyson model...any info?
Reply #49   Jan 11, 2008 4:15 pm
Hello Motorhead

Yes it does, I would think any new model like the DC22 will feature the new Level 3 'Core' technology and even some have the DDM as standard!  There was a web link on this post but has since been removed with some info for the DC23!?


This message was modified Jan 11, 2008 by DC18

Joined: Dec 31, 2007
Points: 5894

Re: New Dyson model...any info?
Reply #50   Jan 11, 2008 4:24 pm
Just wrote:

In an effort to not compare apples to bananas I will say that from what I have heard the Dyson is the best among the bagless machines. 


Hello Just:

While that may have been true [dyson is the best among bagless] when the DC07 was launched in 2002, I'm not sure it still is today and for the future.  Of course, "best" is in the eyes of the judge.  But more prevalent and pervasive now, almost 6 years later, are a plethora of competitive upright bagless models in a wide range of prices. 

Carmine D.


Joined: Nov 7, 2007
Points: 121

Re: New Dyson model...any info?
Reply #51   Jan 11, 2008 7:53 pm
Dyson DC25!


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Re: New Dyson model...any info?
Reply #52   Jan 11, 2008 7:54 pm
Dyson DC24!


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Re: New Dyson model...any info?
Reply #53   Jan 11, 2008 7:58 pm


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Re: New Dyson model...any info?
Reply #54   Jan 11, 2008 8:00 pm

I'm knackered, what with all this excitement! LOL


Joined: Nov 7, 2007
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Re: New Dyson model...any info?
Reply #55   Jan 11, 2008 8:21 pm
Airblade AB02:


Joined: Nov 7, 2007
Points: 121

Re: New Dyson model...any info?
Reply #56   Jan 11, 2008 8:24 pm
Airblade AB03 (in addition to the original AB01):


Joined: Nov 7, 2007
Points: 121

Re: New Dyson model...any info?
Reply #57   Jan 11, 2008 8:28 pm
DC12 (modified test application, apparently)


Joined: Dec 31, 2007
Points: 5894

Re: New Dyson model...any info?
Reply #58   Jan 12, 2008 7:02 am
I hear, haven't seen, that the City of New York opened new public bathrooms.  I presume in part for the Pope's visit in April.  I'm curious: Did dyson pitch for/win the hand drier business with the dyson AirBlade?  Anyone know and care to share with the Forum.

BTW, after 1 1/2 years on the market, I still have not seen/heard of dyson AirBlades in use anywhere in the USA.  Has anyone else?  Any major/minor dyson sales of this product to US businesses like hotels, schools, restaurants, casinos, theaters, sports complexes and/or arenas, airports,city, state, county, municipal, federal gov't buildings?  Anywhere?  Even in homes yet?

My sense is that dyson would publish and broadcast this kind of information worldwide as a product promotion to win acclaim.  Any available information on the actual sales numbers and dollars of this dyson product yet? 

Carmine D.

This message was modified Jan 12, 2008 by CarmineD
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