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Name Chris Isme
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Date Joined Apr 16, 2009
Date Last Access Apr 24, 2009 12:00 pm
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Re: Need a light weight vacuum
#1   Apr 24, 2009 12:00 pm
Venson wrote:
Actually she got an even bigger discount than the $150 or so I'd hoped for. With bags and seven-percent sales tax all worked into the final price of the F3700 against the larger MSRP the saving is $240 higher or better. That's just about what I saved on my Miele but I think I may start asking Chris for shopping lessons. She did indeed do well.


Right you are Venson. The sales tax was $30. If the bags are worth $17, I got it pretty close to $400. Now we could have driven to Delaware where there is no sales tax or to one of the state's urban enterprise zones where sales tax is 3.5% but how do I know we would have gotten as good a deal. This shop is 10 minutes away and look what a good deal we were given! If I have any problems, I can take my machine in easily.
I did contemplate buying - - off the internet but could not get past the idea that once it was here, it would be my dime if I had to send it back. And of course it would not have all the features on the F3700.

Carmine, the box says manufactured in the USA from globally sourced components. I guess that is as good as it gets in today's corporate environment.

I used the Freedom 3700 this morning. The carpets look better than with the old Hoover so I'm a happy camper.


Re: Need a light weight vacuum
#2   Apr 23, 2009 10:37 am
My vacuum search is over. I bought a Simplicity Freedom 3700 for $460 which includes 6 bags and sales tax. We got something off the original quoted price by paying cash. My husband, who vacuums on those occasions when my back is really bad, is disappointed it does not have an adjustable handle because he is tall and has to hunch over to use any vacuum. I love that the belt never needs changing. Also there is some type of sensor which shuts off the motor if the roller gets jammed ... at least that's my understanding of how it works. It seems a bit loud but we can always use ear plugs or in my case, turn off the darn hearing aids ;-) The gentleman who sold it to us knows more about vacuums than I would ever need to know but overall, it was a pleasant experience ... no high pressure tactics ... a very helpful, friendly shop.

I appreciate all the advice and suggestions on this forum.

When we have used the machine a while, I'll write a review.


Re: Need a light weight vacuum
#3   Apr 20, 2009 7:56 am
Well, I have not decided anything yet. The plan is to go to the Simplicity store tomorrow.

The responses here lead me to more questions.

Carmine, the HSUS now has the Oreck silver for $199 and free shipping. What do you think of this one? The only issue I have with the consumer model is that - from what I have read - they only have a 20 ' cord. I have a stick vac with a 20' cord and it is an annoyance to have to keep plugging it in to another outlet.

And this is the 2 speed I was considering.

The Halo on the Costco website has negative reviews. Your good review of the Oreck is one reason I am strongly considering it.

Mike W, the Simplicity that I would like is the 3600. You disagree with Venson that $400 is an acceptable price? The $569 MSRP is really too high, especially adding in the 7% sales tax. I crossed the Clean and Light off the list because of the reviews I have read by people who actually own it ... very negative. Reviews on the Tacony 8 lb. were not good either.

Just, if I could get the RSL4 for $299 I would think I died and went to vacuum cleaner heaven :-) It is exactly what I want ... the same as the Simplicity 3600.


Re: Need a light weight vacuum
#4   Apr 18, 2009 7:03 am
Thanks Venson. Now I can take the U4707 and Royal off my list knowing they have issues. There is a Simplicity dealer about 10 minutes from here and a Riccar about 30 minutes. From their websites, they are basically the same vac. The one I would want is $569. Too bad there is not a Kelly Blue Book for vacuums - then I would know how much it is possible to negotiate of the MSRP. Sales tax will add 7% to any machine I buy locally.

Carmine, thanks for telling me about your Oreck. You got a good deal. The Oreck I am considering is a commercial machine, blue in color with the switch on the handle and it does have two speeds. If this is the one I eventually decide to get, it would be an internet purchase. I like the longer cords on the commercial Orecks. My current Hoover has tools on board so I could always use that if the need arises for tools. Thirty years ago, I had a two speed vacuum and low speed was good for going over throw rugs so that is why I would like that feature.

Appreciate the input ... I will report back when I make a purchase.


Need a light weight vacuum
#5   Apr 17, 2009 9:52 am
Because of old age, arthritis and a bad back, I am retiring my Hoover which cleans OK but is hard to maneuver and weighs a ton.

Was going to buy Tacony 8 LB which is purported to be the same as the Bissell Prolite. However, there were some negative reviews regarding pet hair on the Prolite so I gave up on that because it seems my dog sheds half of his fur daily :-)

Then I considered the Royal MRY5000 at Amazon but cannot find reviews and Royal's website does not say if it goes from carpet to bare floors. They say the MRY6400 does but does not say the weight on the site.

Next for consideration is the Oreck Oreck XL2100RHB-2. This one has 2 speeds and that is a desirable feature. But I have read some negative things about Orecks so am conflicted while at the same time, seriously considering this machine.

Next, I saw a Hoover Clean and Light but don't know how good that would be either. It is supposed to be 2X the suction power of Oreck. Sounds good but why can't I find this vac on the Hoover site? One review at a seller's site makes me believe this would not be good for my use. For example, I would love to be able to vacuum throw rugs or mats without them being sucked into the cleaner. And I like the idea of going from carpet to bare floors like you can with Oreck.

My dream vac is a Simplicity Freedom F3600 but the price is too steep for the budget ... especially when you add in sales tax.

I don't want a Dyson because the commercials are a little too slick and frankly some reviews of their machines were not all that great. I kinda feel that if it seems to good to be true, it probably is not true.

Any comments on the above mentioned vacs or suggestions would be appreciated.


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