Abby’s Guide > Outdoor Power Equipment (Lawn Mowers, Snow Blowers, Chain Saws and more) > Discussions > Lawnboy lawnmower
Outdoor Power Equipment (Lawn Mowers, Snow Blowers, Chain Saws and more) Discussions |
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Lawnboy lawnmower
Original Message Mar 6, 2005 5:11 pm |
HI there I am new to this forum and I am looking for a new lawnmower. When I was at Home Depot I saw the Lawnboy model 10683. This is a push mower that was very balanced and includes features such as inset wheels, front wheels that are wide and therefore easy to turn, 3 in one, adjustable wheel height, and adjustable handle height. The only item I was curious about was the 6.5HP Tecumseh motor that they use. Does anyone have any experience with these motors and are they reliable? How about the mower in general. Is it a good quality mower? I have also looked at the Toro but did not like the push mower because it was not well balanced and the handlebar was uncomfortable. Any other mower I should look at (but not Sears)? Thanks, Frank
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Re: Lawnboy lawnmower
Reply #9 Mar 7, 2005 12:43 pm |
we sold 2 of the 2 stroke lawnboys last year.they were the last ones available in Canada...thats it no more available here ever. at least thats what we are told. the older ones were a great mower but the 2 we sold were crap plain and simple,very thin steel deck that would bend when you lifted the handle...sheesh not good. as for the 2 stroke my opinion they are a dying breed,they cant handle the no lead gas. not saying they needed the lead but somthing in the unleaded fuel makes them run a bit hotter. we get a half dozzen every year that just run out of power cause they heat up 2 much.they dont score a piston but they get tired. but when you consider that they are 20 + years old what can you say...they did well.but they are gone and we wont see the likes of them again i fear. later chris
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Re: Lawnboy lawnmower
Reply #10 Mar 7, 2005 3:51 pm |
we get a half dozzen every year that just run out of power cause they heat up 2 much.they dont score a piston but they get tired. Does rings, seals and a honing get them going well again?
Ariens 8524LE, Toro CCR2000, Jacobsen S-B S-blowers, Generac 10hp Gen-convt. to N.G., 5 L-boys(D's F's &Dura( 74,77,80,88,00), Antiq. 1960 AYP 20 in. mag w 3.5 Tech mower. Ryan/Ryobi gas Trim. AYP 205 gas blwr. Mac c-saw,Toro E-blwr, 2 Weed-E e. stg. trims. outboards, boats, util trail, 2 Jeeps
Joined: Mar 5, 2005
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Re: Lawnboy lawnmower
Reply #11 Mar 7, 2005 4:27 pm |
Thanks for all the information on the Lawnboy. I checked out the price difference on the Tecumseh verses the Honda engine and they want a 50% premium for this. The price for the Honda version seems to high and I will have to call another dealer to verify. Interesting thing, the price of the Lawnboy with the Tecumseh engine is the same price at either the small engine shop or Home Depot. I guess I know where my business will go. Here is the disclaimer on the Tec. engine that is on the web page, * This engine was manufactured and laboratory rated by the Tecumseh Power Company at 6.5 gross horsepower in accordance with SAE J1940. As configured to meet safety, emission, and operating requirements, the actual horsepower on this class of lawn mower will be significantly lower. I wonder what the actual HP actually is???
Joined: Jan 22, 2005
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Re: Lawnboy lawnmower
Reply #12 Mar 7, 2005 4:55 pm |
, isn't it funny how you can get opinions on things? I know many people that have had Lawn Boys and loved them, as for me, I was never much on them. I think it was because my folks had one when I was young and it was the first mower I ever used. Being a kid I was too short to push it properly, when I pushed on it, I would push forward and up on the handle and it make the front end end tear into the ground where the front wheel was offset. I hated that damn offset wheel. That and, it clogged badly. The problem was probably mowing grass to long or having the deck not adjusted properly but I didn't know any better. So, my memories of Lawn Boys are not good ones and those are the well thought out and scientifically based reasons I have never bought one.  IHave 3 old 2 cycles, couldnt stand them. Had the same problem with the off set wheel. Any uneven ground they would dig right in.
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Re: Lawnboy lawnmower
Reply #13 Mar 7, 2005 5:51 pm |
Joined: Mar 5, 2005
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Re: Lawnboy lawnmower
Reply #14 Mar 7, 2005 6:06 pm |
Marshall, The dealer I talked to quoted a much higher price for the mower with the Honda engine. Like I said, I will have to verify this with another Canadian dealer because the price does not seem right.
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Re: Lawnboy lawnmower
Reply #15 Mar 8, 2005 12:35 am |
Does rings, seals and a honing get them going well again? Ben07 Most of the parts for the older lawnboys are gertting hard to get. If we're lucky and get them they may run for a season.
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Re: Lawnboy lawnmower
Reply #17 Mar 8, 2005 7:23 am |
Ah, sounds like maybe a little price gouging is going on? Could he be quoting you a higher end Honda model than the Tecumseh model you're looking at thus making it seem like all of the price difference is for the engine only? The only significant difference is the motor. I did find out that the only ones they are ordering this year is the Tec. version and if the customer wants the Honda version they say that it will cost extra for shipping (probably because they have to make a special order for this). I am getting the impression they do not want you to order the mower with the Honda engine because it will be a hassle for them so they have made the price 50% more. Time to shop elsewhere.
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Re: Lawnboy lawnmower
Reply #18 Jun 14, 2019 7:51 pm |
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