echo PB-250 Blower carb adjustment Original Message Apr 14, 2013 4:57 am
I bought this blower the other day. Going through my second tank of gas mix. It revs slow and does not rev that high to me compared to my trimmer or Mantis. It wants to die wile revving somtimes too. I do not see any carb adjustment. Anyone else with this problem. Should I take it to a dealer for warranty? I am upset with it. I tried a Huskavarna blower before the Echo. It was acting much worse. Anyone with this problem
I had a Echo Pb-250 that i was working on for a guy, it was a month old and did not like the way it ran.. I took a look at the carb before i tried to adjust it, in the factory the carb to insulator block gasket was put on backwards. This caused the pulse port to be blocked on the carb / insular block. Turned it around and it worked fine , no adjustment needed.. They are quiet compared to some other echo products (older stuff)... but they should not die..