2 cycle mantis tiller problem (HELP) Original Message Apr 16, 2012 7:29 am
I have a mantis 2 cycle tiller. it is about 12 or so years old. I NEVER had a problem with it till last week. It starts and runs ok but I must have the choke at least half way in for it to rev up full throttle. I played with the carb adjustments. The stops make it impossible to a gust property, it needs the high to be opened beyond its stop. Do I need to cut or melt the stops out of the way or do I finally need a carb? I always use sea foam through it. The filter in the tank looks clean, I changed the spark plug . Any suggestions?
Re: 2 cycle mantis tiller problem (HELP) Reply #4 Apr 19, 2012 4:58 am
Skip the snake oils and get the carb kit as previously suggested.
Diaphragms weaken over time and cannot pump fuel. Before ordering the kit, if it has a pulse line, make sure it's connected from the engine to the carb and is in good condition. I.e. no cracks. Also ensure the carb is tightly fastened to the engine.