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Spit, Sputter, Cough,Blemph
Original Message   Feb 5, 2005 3:17 am
These are the sounds issued forth from my beloved Tecumseh engines equipped with fixed Jets. I don't own one but my friend does on a machine I recomended and he constantly rags me about it. In an effort to get him off my back I have researched the following and these are the results:

1) The replacement carb for a medium frame Tecumseh is 632334A ( this is a part # that replaces a disontinued part but the blow up diagram of the replacement shows an adjustable main jet. Therefore I ASSUME it is adjustable.

2) The carburetor repair kit for this model is 632347 

I was able to secure a blowup diagram of this carb and the list of parts in the repair kit. It APPEARS all of the main jet parts are present in the kit.I NEED VERIFICATION If this includes the needle and the jet. 

If one were to remove the fixed jet from the current carb which I believe is the green plastic tube held in by O-rings and replace it with the adjustable jet and needle from the #632347 repair kit would it work? Could you retrofit the new bowl with the adjustable assembly or would you have to buy a new bowl?

If anybody could verify or correct my assumptions I would be most appreciative.


Just for the record -theHonda GX series engine on my power washer made the same spit, sputter,cough,blemph sounds due to it's fixed jet carb. Honda has addressed this problem by producing a line of altitude related jets. Another words if you want to richen up a Honda fixed jet carb parts are available. The carb will still be fixed jet but at a richer setting.

This message was modified Feb 5, 2005 by mml4

SnapperV210P,Toro22177,TroyBilt42010Snowthrower,Craftsman Shredder,American Turbo Pressure Washer HondaGX200,Stihl011Saw,EchoPas260Trimmer Edger,EchoPB602Blower,EchoHCR150Hedge Clipper
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Bring On The White Stuff

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Re: Spit, Sputter, Cough,Blemph
Reply #1   Feb 5, 2005 4:05 am
Hi there Marc,

The carburetor that you reference has two types of jetting.  Naturally one version is for pre-EPA, the other is for later version engines that are EPA compliant.  My schematic shows (2) different main nozzles as previously described but with the same part number #40.  I even contacted M&D on this and asked if carburetor 632334A comes with the adjustable main nozzle or fixed.  They would not answer the question WITHOUT having the actual engine model and Spec number for the motor.  As you can see, even with the part numbers, and depending on whom you try to purchase these components from, it can still be frustrating.

The green tubes held in by the O-rings MAY actually be called an Emollition tube.  I too had this same idea you had, but just decided not to monkey with my original carb in the event a problem came up.  Unless the carb kit comes with a replacement tube (Emollition tube??) I don't think it can simply be removed with nothing in its place.

As for the Honda engines, I have a Troy-bilt 2,5oo PSI pressure washer with a 5 HP OHV Honda engine on it.  Mine also surges a great deal and then it'll suddenly correct itself.  The problem with ANY of these engines, whether on a snowblower or pressure washer, these tools cannot be used while surging, especially a snowblower.  One way or another, I'm getting to the bottom of it.

All I can say about reverting the carbs, the one on my snowblower is working perfectly, and although with that machine, the surging I originally experienced was in 14 degree temperatures.  I put about 2 hours on it since I added the new carb, and I have not been able to get it to surge or have any issues at all.  Only when I can use it in the same 14 degree temps, will I know for a certainty if the EPA carburetors actually caused the surging as well.  The only thing I am sure of is a poorly adjusted or built carb will never give you a smooth running engine.


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Re: Spit, Sputter, Cough,Blemph
Reply #2   Feb 5, 2005 5:01 am
Hi Rich! 

Interesting that the dealer would not give you any hard info. without your spec #. I suspect they might be "fraidy" scared of getting in trouble with the carb police for selling parts to defeat Federal Regs. Everytime I go into a shop and talk to the parts people I get the runarround on carb. issues.

If you need the spec # off a Tecumseh with an adjustable jet (medium frame) HMSK80 145555OUH should work.

Maybe " Lint",Tman or Snowshoveler(Mr. or Miss). will be able to answer some of these questions. Not looking to get anyone in hot water but I sure would like to know! 

Sure does look like part #40 on the diagram holds the key to the kingdom. As far as I'm concerned this is the best kept secret since the A-bomb.


This message was modified Feb 5, 2005 by mml4

SnapperV210P,Toro22177,TroyBilt42010Snowthrower,Craftsman Shredder,American Turbo Pressure Washer HondaGX200,Stihl011Saw,EchoPas260Trimmer Edger,EchoPB602Blower,EchoHCR150Hedge Clipper

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Re: Spit, Sputter, Cough,Blemph
Reply #3   Feb 5, 2005 5:17 am
Richie -

Just re read your post. If you drop the bowl on the modern non-adjustable carb does the green tube remain in the carb body or does it come out with the bowl? 


SnapperV210P,Toro22177,TroyBilt42010Snowthrower,Craftsman Shredder,American Turbo Pressure Washer HondaGX200,Stihl011Saw,EchoPas260Trimmer Edger,EchoPB602Blower,EchoHCR150Hedge Clipper

Bring On The White Stuff

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Re: Spit, Sputter, Cough,Blemph
Reply #4   Feb 5, 2005 5:42 am
mml4 wrote:
Hi Rich! 

Interesting that the dealer would not give you any hard info. without your spec #. I suspect they might be "fraidy" scared of getting in trouble with the carb police for selling parts to defeat Federal Regs. Everytime I go into a shop and talk to the parts people I get the runarround on carb. issues.

Sure does look like part #40 on the diagram holds the key to the kingdom. As far as I'm concerned this is the best kept secret since the A-bomb.



At this point, I've come to that same conclusion as far as defeating the EPA regulations.  The only other possibility, which must be looked upon, is that a dealer "wants" to get the correct parts for your application and not change what was originally standard for the snowblower or other OPE.  Maybe there is a ring of truth to either of the above.  I did forget to mention in my last post to you that the "bowl" is the same on these engines.  If you replace the fixed main nozzle under the bowl with adjustable, you should have no problems.  As for the adjustable main nozzle jetting working correctly with the green tube (emulsion tube??) That I can't say.  That was the exact reason I chose NOT to modify my original carb and just purchase new. 

Also, when you remove the bowl, and it doesn't matter if it's fixed jet or adjustable, that tube (emulsion tube??) does not drop out.  It is held in place with at least one O-ring, perhaps two.  There is a special Tecumseh tool designed to remove them that I should have in a few days, in addition to all the hard copies of the Tecumseh service manuals.  I even have the TEC carburetor service manual on the way.  Thank you for that Pre-EPA spec number.  It'll make ordering future parts much easier.  As usual, you are one step ahead of me.  Marc, keep all this great information coming.  Naturally I'll be forthcoming with anything else I find out.


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Re: Spit, Sputter, Cough,Blemph
Reply #5   Feb 5, 2005 6:28 am

Wondering if you remove the green tube if the adjustable will mate up with the hole that receives the green tube. This of course is my fervent wish. 

When you drop the bowl on the fixed jet carb and look at the bottom do you see a brass needle? That would be very encouraging.


Ps- I also looked at those two carb tools for the Tec. as well as the carb manual. I have an old medium frame repair manual with a carb section.  Let me know if you think the carb manual is worth it as well as the tools. 

This message was modified Feb 5, 2005 by mml4

SnapperV210P,Toro22177,TroyBilt42010Snowthrower,Craftsman Shredder,American Turbo Pressure Washer HondaGX200,Stihl011Saw,EchoPas260Trimmer Edger,EchoPB602Blower,EchoHCR150Hedge Clipper

Bring On The White Stuff

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Re: Spit, Sputter, Cough,Blemph
Reply #6   Feb 5, 2005 6:39 am
mml4 wrote:

Wondering if you remove the green tube if the adjustable will mate up with the whole that receives the green tube. This of course is my fervent wish. 

When you drop the bowl on the fixed jet carb and look at the bottom do you see a brass needle? That would be very encouraging.


I can't be sure it'll work that way.  My new carb has this same tube, only it appeared to be brass in color rather than a plastic tube sticking up into the throat of the carb.  As for my original fixed jet carb, I never opened the bowl on it, so I can't say.  If you find it is necessary to answer your question, I'll open it up for you and check it.  As for your friends Tecumseh making all these noises and sputters, I hope this is a new snowblower because if it isn't, I'd have him do a full rebuild on it and make sure he removes the welch plug inside the carb and confirm those holes (I believe 3 of them) are fully cleared and clean.  That welch plug area is something that tends to get missed by someone not fully qualified to rebuild them and is usually the primary reason the engine won't idle if blocked up.


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Re: Spit, Sputter, Cough,Blemph
Reply #7   Feb 5, 2005 6:41 am
Richie wrote:

Unless the carb kit comes with a replacement tube (Emollition tube??)

"Emulsion:  a suspension of small globules of one liquid in a second liquid with which the frst will not mix" - for example oil in vinegar.

The use of the word is technically incorrect in referring to a gasoline carburetor. In the emulsion tube the fuel droplets mix with air to make a frothy blend that atomizes better in the intake tract.

BTW, I just searched for "emulsion tube" and it asked me if I really meant "demolition derby"......


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Re: Spit, Sputter, Cough,Blemph
Reply #8   Feb 5, 2005 6:43 am
JohnEDavies wrote:

"Emulsion:  a suspension of small globules of one liquid in a second liquid with which the frst will not mix" - for example oil in vinegar.

The use of the word is technically incorrect in referring to a gasoline carburetor. In the emulsion tube the fuel droplets mix with air to make a frothy blend that atomizes better in the intake tract.

BTW, I just searched for "emulsion tube" and it asked me if I really meant "demolition derby"......


I'm just glad to hear you used a dictionary, I was almost worried about you.

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Re: Spit, Sputter, Cough,Blemph
Reply #9   Feb 5, 2005 6:51 am
Have seen it spelled "emolition"

SnapperV210P,Toro22177,TroyBilt42010Snowthrower,Craftsman Shredder,American Turbo Pressure Washer HondaGX200,Stihl011Saw,EchoPas260Trimmer Edger,EchoPB602Blower,EchoHCR150Hedge Clipper

Bring On The White Stuff

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Re: Spit, Sputter, Cough,Blemph
Reply #10   Feb 5, 2005 6:54 am
Exactly the reason I said emulsion with the ???.  I've read some trouble shooting on carbs, and this tube is sometimes referred to as "emulsion tube"   For whatever reason, none of my parts views even show this component.  In any event, this is why I mentioned to Marc that the carburetor may not function correctly if removed.   How do I refer to this component? Believe it or not, before I posted the first response to Marc, I too checked the dictionary  The reason for the "????"

"BTW, I just searched for "emulsion tube" and it asked me if I really meant "demolition derby".

Jonn, that did give me a laugh

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