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Spit, Sputter, Cough,Blemph
Original Message   Feb 5, 2005 3:17 am
These are the sounds issued forth from my beloved Tecumseh engines equipped with fixed Jets. I don't own one but my friend does on a machine I recomended and he constantly rags me about it. In an effort to get him off my back I have researched the following and these are the results:

1) The replacement carb for a medium frame Tecumseh is 632334A ( this is a part # that replaces a disontinued part but the blow up diagram of the replacement shows an adjustable main jet. Therefore I ASSUME it is adjustable.

2) The carburetor repair kit for this model is 632347 

I was able to secure a blowup diagram of this carb and the list of parts in the repair kit. It APPEARS all of the main jet parts are present in the kit.I NEED VERIFICATION If this includes the needle and the jet. 

If one were to remove the fixed jet from the current carb which I believe is the green plastic tube held in by O-rings and replace it with the adjustable jet and needle from the #632347 repair kit would it work? Could you retrofit the new bowl with the adjustable assembly or would you have to buy a new bowl?

If anybody could verify or correct my assumptions I would be most appreciative.


Just for the record -theHonda GX series engine on my power washer made the same spit, sputter,cough,blemph sounds due to it's fixed jet carb. Honda has addressed this problem by producing a line of altitude related jets. Another words if you want to richen up a Honda fixed jet carb parts are available. The carb will still be fixed jet but at a richer setting.

This message was modified Feb 5, 2005 by mml4

SnapperV210P,Toro22177,TroyBilt42010Snowthrower,Craftsman Shredder,American Turbo Pressure Washer HondaGX200,Stihl011Saw,EchoPas260Trimmer Edger,EchoPB602Blower,EchoHCR150Hedge Clipper
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Bring On The White Stuff

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Re: Spit, Sputter, Cough,Blemph
Reply #1   Feb 5, 2005 4:05 am
Hi there Marc,

The carburetor that you reference has two types of jetting.  Naturally one version is for pre-EPA, the other is for later version engines that are EPA compliant.  My schematic shows (2) different main nozzles as previously described but with the same part number #40.  I even contacted M&D on this and asked if carburetor 632334A comes with the adjustable main nozzle or fixed.  They would not answer the question WITHOUT having the actual engine model and Spec number for the motor.  As you can see, even with the part numbers, and depending on whom you try to purchase these components from, it can still be frustrating.

The green tubes held in by the O-rings MAY actually be called an Emollition tube.  I too had this same idea you had, but just decided not to monkey with my original carb in the event a problem came up.  Unless the carb kit comes with a replacement tube (Emollition tube??) I don't think it can simply be removed with nothing in its place.

As for the Honda engines, I have a Troy-bilt 2,5oo PSI pressure washer with a 5 HP OHV Honda engine on it.  Mine also surges a great deal and then it'll suddenly correct itself.  The problem with ANY of these engines, whether on a snowblower or pressure washer, these tools cannot be used while surging, especially a snowblower.  One way or another, I'm getting to the bottom of it.

All I can say about reverting the carbs, the one on my snowblower is working perfectly, and although with that machine, the surging I originally experienced was in 14 degree temperatures.  I put about 2 hours on it since I added the new carb, and I have not been able to get it to surge or have any issues at all.  Only when I can use it in the same 14 degree temps, will I know for a certainty if the EPA carburetors actually caused the surging as well.  The only thing I am sure of is a poorly adjusted or built carb will never give you a smooth running engine.


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Re: Spit, Sputter, Cough,Blemph
Reply #2   Feb 5, 2005 5:01 am
Hi Rich! 

Interesting that the dealer would not give you any hard info. without your spec #. I suspect they might be "fraidy" scared of getting in trouble with the carb police for selling parts to defeat Federal Regs. Everytime I go into a shop and talk to the parts people I get the runarround on carb. issues.

If you need the spec # off a Tecumseh with an adjustable jet (medium frame) HMSK80 145555OUH should work.

Maybe " Lint",Tman or Snowshoveler(Mr. or Miss). will be able to answer some of these questions. Not looking to get anyone in hot water but I sure would like to know! 

Sure does look like part #40 on the diagram holds the key to the kingdom. As far as I'm concerned this is the best kept secret since the A-bomb.


This message was modified Feb 5, 2005 by mml4

SnapperV210P,Toro22177,TroyBilt42010Snowthrower,Craftsman Shredder,American Turbo Pressure Washer HondaGX200,Stihl011Saw,EchoPas260Trimmer Edger,EchoPB602Blower,EchoHCR150Hedge Clipper

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Re: Spit, Sputter, Cough,Blemph
Reply #3   Feb 5, 2005 5:17 am
Richie -

Just re read your post. If you drop the bowl on the modern non-adjustable carb does the green tube remain in the carb body or does it come out with the bowl? 


SnapperV210P,Toro22177,TroyBilt42010Snowthrower,Craftsman Shredder,American Turbo Pressure Washer HondaGX200,Stihl011Saw,EchoPas260Trimmer Edger,EchoPB602Blower,EchoHCR150Hedge Clipper

Bring On The White Stuff

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Re: Spit, Sputter, Cough,Blemph
Reply #4   Feb 5, 2005 5:42 am
mml4 wrote:
Hi Rich! 

Interesting that the dealer would not give you any hard info. without your spec #. I suspect they might be "fraidy" scared of getting in trouble with the carb police for selling parts to defeat Federal Regs. Everytime I go into a shop and talk to the parts people I get the runarround on carb. issues.

Sure does look like part #40 on the diagram holds the key to the kingdom. As far as I'm concerned this is the best kept secret since the A-bomb.



At this point, I've come to that same conclusion as far as defeating the EPA regulations.  The only other possibility, which must be looked upon, is that a dealer "wants" to get the correct parts for your application and not change what was originally standard for the snowblower or other OPE.  Maybe there is a ring of truth to either of the above.  I did forget to mention in my last post to you that the "bowl" is the same on these engines.  If you replace the fixed main nozzle under the bowl with adjustable, you should have no problems.  As for the adjustable main nozzle jetting working correctly with the green tube (emulsion tube??) That I can't say.  That was the exact reason I chose NOT to modify my original carb and just purchase new. 

Also, when you remove the bowl, and it doesn't matter if it's fixed jet or adjustable, that tube (emulsion tube??) does not drop out.  It is held in place with at least one O-ring, perhaps two.  There is a special Tecumseh tool designed to remove them that I should have in a few days, in addition to all the hard copies of the Tecumseh service manuals.  I even have the TEC carburetor service manual on the way.  Thank you for that Pre-EPA spec number.  It'll make ordering future parts much easier.  As usual, you are one step ahead of me.  Marc, keep all this great information coming.  Naturally I'll be forthcoming with anything else I find out.


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Points: 544

Re: Spit, Sputter, Cough,Blemph
Reply #5   Feb 5, 2005 6:28 am

Wondering if you remove the green tube if the adjustable will mate up with the hole that receives the green tube. This of course is my fervent wish. 

When you drop the bowl on the fixed jet carb and look at the bottom do you see a brass needle? That would be very encouraging.


Ps- I also looked at those two carb tools for the Tec. as well as the carb manual. I have an old medium frame repair manual with a carb section.  Let me know if you think the carb manual is worth it as well as the tools. 

This message was modified Feb 5, 2005 by mml4

SnapperV210P,Toro22177,TroyBilt42010Snowthrower,Craftsman Shredder,American Turbo Pressure Washer HondaGX200,Stihl011Saw,EchoPas260Trimmer Edger,EchoPB602Blower,EchoHCR150Hedge Clipper

Bring On The White Stuff

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Re: Spit, Sputter, Cough,Blemph
Reply #6   Feb 5, 2005 6:39 am
mml4 wrote:

Wondering if you remove the green tube if the adjustable will mate up with the whole that receives the green tube. This of course is my fervent wish. 

When you drop the bowl on the fixed jet carb and look at the bottom do you see a brass needle? That would be very encouraging.


I can't be sure it'll work that way.  My new carb has this same tube, only it appeared to be brass in color rather than a plastic tube sticking up into the throat of the carb.  As for my original fixed jet carb, I never opened the bowl on it, so I can't say.  If you find it is necessary to answer your question, I'll open it up for you and check it.  As for your friends Tecumseh making all these noises and sputters, I hope this is a new snowblower because if it isn't, I'd have him do a full rebuild on it and make sure he removes the welch plug inside the carb and confirm those holes (I believe 3 of them) are fully cleared and clean.  That welch plug area is something that tends to get missed by someone not fully qualified to rebuild them and is usually the primary reason the engine won't idle if blocked up.


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Re: Spit, Sputter, Cough,Blemph
Reply #7   Feb 5, 2005 6:41 am
Richie wrote:

Unless the carb kit comes with a replacement tube (Emollition tube??)

"Emulsion:  a suspension of small globules of one liquid in a second liquid with which the frst will not mix" - for example oil in vinegar.

The use of the word is technically incorrect in referring to a gasoline carburetor. In the emulsion tube the fuel droplets mix with air to make a frothy blend that atomizes better in the intake tract.

BTW, I just searched for "emulsion tube" and it asked me if I really meant "demolition derby"......


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Re: Spit, Sputter, Cough,Blemph
Reply #8   Feb 5, 2005 6:43 am
JohnEDavies wrote:

"Emulsion:  a suspension of small globules of one liquid in a second liquid with which the frst will not mix" - for example oil in vinegar.

The use of the word is technically incorrect in referring to a gasoline carburetor. In the emulsion tube the fuel droplets mix with air to make a frothy blend that atomizes better in the intake tract.

BTW, I just searched for "emulsion tube" and it asked me if I really meant "demolition derby"......


I'm just glad to hear you used a dictionary, I was almost worried about you.

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Re: Spit, Sputter, Cough,Blemph
Reply #9   Feb 5, 2005 6:51 am
Have seen it spelled "emolition"

SnapperV210P,Toro22177,TroyBilt42010Snowthrower,Craftsman Shredder,American Turbo Pressure Washer HondaGX200,Stihl011Saw,EchoPas260Trimmer Edger,EchoPB602Blower,EchoHCR150Hedge Clipper

Bring On The White Stuff

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Re: Spit, Sputter, Cough,Blemph
Reply #10   Feb 5, 2005 6:54 am
Exactly the reason I said emulsion with the ???.  I've read some trouble shooting on carbs, and this tube is sometimes referred to as "emulsion tube"   For whatever reason, none of my parts views even show this component.  In any event, this is why I mentioned to Marc that the carburetor may not function correctly if removed.   How do I refer to this component? Believe it or not, before I posted the first response to Marc, I too checked the dictionary  The reason for the "????"

"BTW, I just searched for "emulsion tube" and it asked me if I really meant "demolition derby".

Jonn, that did give me a laugh


Bring On The White Stuff

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Re: Spit, Sputter, Cough,Blemph
Reply #11   Feb 5, 2005 6:58 am
mml4 wrote:
Have seen it spelled "emolition"

Marc, the reason I originally checked the dictionary was because I saw it spelled like, "Emolltion"  Even my dictionary said, I need to learn how to spell.  So I used the spelling in the dictionary as, Emulsion.  Again, we need a Smiley showing him scratching his little head


Bring On The White Stuff

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Re: Spit, Sputter, Cough,Blemph
Reply #12   Feb 5, 2005 7:01 am
Too funny, now everyone is off checking their exploded carburetor views and going through every dictionary they have. 


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Re: Spit, Sputter, Cough,Blemph
Reply #13   Feb 5, 2005 7:10 am
Main Entry: emul·sion
Pronunciation: i-'m&l-sh&n
Function: noun
Etymology: New Latin emulsion-, emulsio, from Latin emulgEre to milk out, from e- + mulgEre to milk; akin to Old English melcan to milk, Greek amelgein
1 a : a system (as fat in milk) consisting of a liquid dispersed with or without an emulsifier in an immiscible liquid usually in droplets of larger than colloidal size b : the state of such a system
2 : SUSPENSION 2b(3); especially : a suspension of a sensitive silver salt or a mixture of silver halides in a viscous medium (as a gelatin solution) forming a coating on photographic plates, film, or paper

n. 1. The act of softening or relaxing; relaxation.

What this has to do with a carb, I have no idea.

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Re: Spit, Sputter, Cough,Blemph
Reply #14   Feb 5, 2005 7:14 am

 Friends machine is new last season and runs great. Just suffers from the "fixed jet blues".

My point on the green tube is that I believe it takes the place of the adjustable jet . It's that part that you refer to as the brass tube going into the carb throat. It's the picture that Marty posts from time to time telling folks to clean the two holes with the bread wire. I may be wrong in calling it the adjustable jet but I have heard it referrd to as that in conversations with others. My hope is you pull the green tube and either refit the existing new style bowl with the the adjustable assembly  or purchase a bowl that will accept the adjustable assembly and that this will work.

If the adjustable mates up with the hole that the green tube was removed from I think you would have to leave the o-ring in the hole to prevent an air leak. The one thing that will tell if this scheme will work is to know if the green tube and the adjustable tube are the same length. Being that the bowls are the same depth and the carb housings are the same  there is a shot this will work.  

Are you sure the green tube is called an emolition tube.? I thought the emolition tube was the tube cast into the Tec. carb body that couldn't be removed. I remember it as the part you couldn't see but could hear rattling if you shook the carb next to your ear.


This message was modified Feb 5, 2005 by mml4

SnapperV210P,Toro22177,TroyBilt42010Snowthrower,Craftsman Shredder,American Turbo Pressure Washer HondaGX200,Stihl011Saw,EchoPas260Trimmer Edger,EchoPB602Blower,EchoHCR150Hedge Clipper

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Re: Spit, Sputter, Cough,Blemph
Reply #15   Feb 5, 2005 7:22 am
I thought Marty was talking about the bowl nut?

Bring On The White Stuff

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Re: Spit, Sputter, Cough,Blemph
Reply #16   Feb 5, 2005 7:28 am
mml4 wrote:

Are you sure the green tube is called an emolition tube.? I thought the emolition tube was the tube cast into the Tec. carb body that couldn't be removed. I remember it as the part you couldn't see but could hear rattling if you shook the carb next to your ear.

I am aware of the fact when shaking a carburetor, you should hear a rattling.  Whether this is the tube in question, I'm not sure now.  I only know if it doesn't rattle, a new carburetor may have to be purchased.  At least that is what I was made to understand.  I was hoping someone that actually rebuilds these carbs would, or could set us all straight.  Rebuilding automotive engines and carburetors was never this frustrating.

Also, since you are considering using parts from both an EPA carb and the adjustable type, at this point you may actually have to acquire the parts and physically install them and see what happens.  If your idea works, it would be a very inexpensive fix rather than purchase a new carb as I have done.  Sorry I can't be more help.


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Re: Spit, Sputter, Cough,Blemph
Reply #17   Feb 5, 2005 8:31 am
Hi Mints!

The bowl nut is to my understanding part of the main jet assembly. That tube with the holes in it holds a needle valve that adjusts from the bottom. Kind of like the spray bar assembly on a model airplane engine.


SnapperV210P,Toro22177,TroyBilt42010Snowthrower,Craftsman Shredder,American Turbo Pressure Washer HondaGX200,Stihl011Saw,EchoPas260Trimmer Edger,EchoPB602Blower,EchoHCR150Hedge Clipper

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Re: Spit, Sputter, Cough,Blemph
Reply #18   Feb 5, 2005 12:06 pm
nope it wont work...

the plastic tube that nobody can spell the name of is easily are the 2 o rings,that hold it in place.however the old style carb has a brass tube thats pressed in place.have never been able to get one out.

the adjustable high speed nozzle (thats on the bottom of the bowl) has a long thread and it runs up in the carb and mates in the brass tube.

the new  non adjustable also mates with the plastic tube but the lengths are different and the thread is not the same ( i think).

now that you are all dissapointed and cranky about it maybee i will just tell you how to repair the new emission style carb.

say please...

later chris 

craftsman 10/28 snowblower with tracks   husky 372xpg chainsaw   sachs dolmar bc212 bushsaw   mondo trimmer   monster tractor with trailer    cheep wheelbarro and couple shovels and a partridge in a pear tree 

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Re: Spit, Sputter, Cough,Blemph
Reply #19   Feb 5, 2005 12:14 pm
ha ha the fix is in now.

now you all understand that the PLASTIC tube is where the fuel starts bubbling up into the throat of the carb...its that whole venturi deal that we learned in school.

the fuel is supposed to be evenly atomized and the engine is supposed to run at different temps and speeds.

thats a whole lot to ask from an engine with this style carb...BECAUSE  it must meet emission guys in california are well used to this story.

so what do we do with the engine or the carb.

its basically running in a lean condition most of the time ,add some below 0 temps and its really lean.

no power and surging and hunting all over the place...

got you hooked yet

later chris 

craftsman 10/28 snowblower with tracks   husky 372xpg chainsaw   sachs dolmar bc212 bushsaw   mondo trimmer   monster tractor with trailer    cheep wheelbarro and couple shovels and a partridge in a pear tree 

tides in dirts out surfs up

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Re: Spit, Sputter, Cough,Blemph
Reply #20   Feb 5, 2005 12:36 pm
we have to richen it up somehow...

those of you that are familiar with my teachings will already be on to the cure for the carb.

we cant change a bunch of stuff  ,its illeagle (sp).so it must look like its not been tampered with.

we dont want the emission police catching us now do we.

so we know that the plastic tube has some holes in it and the bowl retaining bolt may have 1 or more holes in it depending on hp

now the fuel has to flow through the hole and up into the venturi.correct.

we also know that these parts have been gummed up with some bad gas so we have to clean everyone of them .now some of the holes might be plugged a bit and we might just have to ream them out with a fine wire cleaner usually found in the tip cleaners with the acetylene torch gear.

everyone understand now,be carefull not to ream the holes to much or your engine will be to RICH.

later chris

craftsman 10/28 snowblower with tracks   husky 372xpg chainsaw   sachs dolmar bc212 bushsaw   mondo trimmer   monster tractor with trailer    cheep wheelbarro and couple shovels and a partridge in a pear tree 

Bring On The White Stuff

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Re: Spit, Sputter, Cough,Blemph
Reply #21   Feb 5, 2005 12:53 pm
Hi Chris,

I was going through my folder, which has now grown to about 1" thick in the last week, and found, as you pointed out, the brass tube on my new carburetor is a permanent part of it.  Only the plastic tube or green one in this particular case is removable, again as you pointed out.

From the information you've provided, I don't regret jumping the gun anymore having purchased a new carburetor.  I doubt any reputable shop would dare "ream" a carb in efforts to "clean" it (I understand, Chris  )  for a customer and hope that the "ream cleaning"    would yield the desired results.  Thanks again Chris for jumping in, everyone interested in this thread appreciates it 


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Re: Spit, Sputter, Cough,Blemph
Reply #22   Feb 5, 2005 2:33 pm
Hi Chris-

Man  am I glad your computer got fixed! Thank you so much for the explanation. 

As always one explanation leads to another question. You mention that depending on hp the bowl nut on the new style carbs have a different number of holes. If we ordered the bowl assembly for a larger hp medium frame engine and put it on the low hp medium frame engine could we pick up some free ponys?

In a recent thread someone explored the hp ratings of Tec. engines and shared with us a conversation he had with a tech at Tecumseh.He was told  the difference in hp between engines of the same displacement was achieved only through jetting.

We brothers of the snow flake really  those "free" ponys,


SnapperV210P,Toro22177,TroyBilt42010Snowthrower,Craftsman Shredder,American Turbo Pressure Washer HondaGX200,Stihl011Saw,EchoPas260Trimmer Edger,EchoPB602Blower,EchoHCR150Hedge Clipper

tides in dirts out surfs up

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Re: Spit, Sputter, Cough,Blemph
Reply #23   Feb 5, 2005 2:48 pm
you could yes ,

but i was speaking in general

covering more than one engine from 5 to 11 or 12 horsepower.

the ratings seem a little fudged to me anyway.

i shortblocked a snowblower and the same shortblock fits everything from an 8 to an 11 horse.

so whats the diff,carb, head ,cylinder head gasket and possibly iginition but i dont think so yet.

will check on it more.

i do know that the shortblock came with 2 headgaskets ,one being a bit thicker than the other.

later chris  

craftsman 10/28 snowblower with tracks   husky 372xpg chainsaw   sachs dolmar bc212 bushsaw   mondo trimmer   monster tractor with trailer    cheep wheelbarro and couple shovels and a partridge in a pear tree 

Bring On The White Stuff

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Re: Spit, Sputter, Cough,Blemph
Reply #24   Feb 10, 2005 8:51 am
Hi folks,

It's called, EMULSION tube.  I just checked to see exactly what Tecumseh calls this part in their service manual.  Shows exactly how to remove and replace it, at least if you have the plastic emulsion tube.

I just received 3 different hard copy service manuals for Tecumseh engines.  Tecumseh Carburetor Identification / Troubleshooting and Service manual, Tecumseh Ignition Systems, and 3-11 HP 4-Cycle L-head Engines.  I've only gone through the Carburetor manual.  The color photos showing how to rebuild them with step by step procedures are really great.  Makes the procedure almost fool proof.  Even if you don't intend to do any work on your carb, this manual really help you understand how all the different carbs work and identify the one on your OPE.  I don't know if these are downloadable, I myself just wanted hard copies.  With all the little progression holes beneath the Welch plugs, no wonder these carburetors clog so easily.


tides in dirts out surfs up

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Re: Spit, Sputter, Cough,Blemph
Reply #25   Feb 10, 2005 2:53 pm
hey Richie.

once you get the hang of all those carbs .

you will need to make sure all the ope in your neighborhood is working good.

once you have that done then you are going to have to come north ...i have a workbench with your name on it.

later chris

craftsman 10/28 snowblower with tracks   husky 372xpg chainsaw   sachs dolmar bc212 bushsaw   mondo trimmer   monster tractor with trailer    cheep wheelbarro and couple shovels and a partridge in a pear tree 

Bring On The White Stuff

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Re: Spit, Sputter, Cough,Blemph
Reply #26   Feb 10, 2005 4:10 pm
snowshoveler wrote:
hey Richie.

once you have that done then you are going to have to come north ...i have a workbench with your name on it.

later chris


You have a great job keeping OPE working at their best.  Nothing would make me happier than to work on these great machines, especially if I'm allowed to tweak  Thank you.


tides in dirts out surfs up

Location: bridgewater nova scotia...aka the swamp
Joined: Jan 2, 2003
Points: 1261

Re: Spit, Sputter, Cough,Blemph
Reply #27   Feb 11, 2005 3:03 pm
 hi Richie ...

you tweak all you  want...we will pay extra for that.

i think your clean spot on the bench just got some work put on it.

are you on your way yet.

our update courses start soon and you might as well come with us to them.

later chris

craftsman 10/28 snowblower with tracks   husky 372xpg chainsaw   sachs dolmar bc212 bushsaw   mondo trimmer   monster tractor with trailer    cheep wheelbarro and couple shovels and a partridge in a pear tree 

Bring On The White Stuff

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Re: Spit, Sputter, Cough,Blemph
Reply #28   Feb 11, 2005 4:39 pm

It'll take me a while to get there.  I decided to drive up there riding on my snowblower  I couldn't handle being apart from my big red sweet heart. 


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Re: Spit, Sputter, Cough,Blemph
Reply #29   Feb 11, 2005 6:16 pm
Richie ,  hold out for a paid lunch break,  cause I can see you ain't gonn take one anyhow.  too busy  tweaking..

Regards  Dude


Ariens 8524LE, Toro CCR2000, Jacobsen S-B S-blowers, Generac 10hp Gen-convt. to N.G., 5 L-boys(D's F's &Dura( 74,77,80,88,00), Antiq. 1960 AYP 20 in. mag w 3.5 Tech mower. Ryan/Ryobi gas Trim. AYP 205 gas blwr. Mac c-saw,Toro E-blwr, 2 Weed-E e. stg. trims. outboards, boats, util trail, 2 Jeeps 

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Re: Spit, Sputter, Cough,Blemph
Reply #30   Feb 12, 2005 4:22 am
Ben07 wrote:
Richie ,  hold out for a paid lunch break,  cause I can see you ain't gonn take one anyhow.  too busy  tweaking..

Regards  Dude

Hi there Ben,
You may be correct, but Chris said they pay extra for tweaking.  So I'll look at it as a wash   I figured I might be able to pick at Chris's food while he is busy studying the Microfiche cards trying to answer all our HP/torque questions.  See, I have it all figured out. 
This message was modified Feb 12, 2005 by Richie


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Re: Spit, Sputter, Cough,Blemph
Reply #31   Feb 12, 2005 7:41 am
Richie wrote:
Hi there Ben,
 I figured I might be able to pick at Chris's food while he is busy studying the Microfiche cards trying to answer all our HP/torque questions.  . 

Yeah Chris thanks for doing that  I appreciate it.  (it's a guy thing,  by the way are girls allowed to run SB)  na  !!!

(powder-puff Snow blowin,  don sound right)


This message was modified Feb 12, 2005 by Ben07

Ariens 8524LE, Toro CCR2000, Jacobsen S-B S-blowers, Generac 10hp Gen-convt. to N.G., 5 L-boys(D's F's &Dura( 74,77,80,88,00), Antiq. 1960 AYP 20 in. mag w 3.5 Tech mower. Ryan/Ryobi gas Trim. AYP 205 gas blwr. Mac c-saw,Toro E-blwr, 2 Weed-E e. stg. trims. outboards, boats, util trail, 2 Jeeps 

The more you know about something, the more you find there is to know.

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Re: Spit, Sputter, Cough,Blemph
Reply #32   Feb 12, 2005 10:33 am
Richie Chris  while you are on the HP carb thing,  why the He-- does my Tech on my ariens claim it is 8.5 hp.  I went into Tech. sites last year and could find nothing.  it has a model number the same as the standard snow king 8 hp.  Ariens specs say 8.5 but no marking on the engine ..  Model 8524 in this case is synonimous with 8.5hp with a 24 inch width snow box.  (i know u know that but for someone unfamiliar, figured I would make it clearer.


P.s.  Richie, no you cannot trade me carbs.

by the way looked at a toro think it was an 82?le, might be diff than yours, (i can't look to long, I get attached)

750 on sale HD.  quite impressive machine  (that joy stick worked well, couldn,t find any of those traction unlock things though,   but i was only there for a sec.

This message was modified Feb 12, 2005 by Ben07

Ariens 8524LE, Toro CCR2000, Jacobsen S-B S-blowers, Generac 10hp Gen-convt. to N.G., 5 L-boys(D's F's &Dura( 74,77,80,88,00), Antiq. 1960 AYP 20 in. mag w 3.5 Tech mower. Ryan/Ryobi gas Trim. AYP 205 gas blwr. Mac c-saw,Toro E-blwr, 2 Weed-E e. stg. trims. outboards, boats, util trail, 2 Jeeps 

Bring On The White Stuff

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Re: Spit, Sputter, Cough,Blemph
Reply #33   Feb 13, 2005 11:46 am
Ben07 wrote:
Richie Chris  while you are on the HP carb thing,  why the He-- does my Tech on my ariens claim it is 8.5 hp.  I went into Tech. sites last year and could find nothing.  it has a model number the same as the standard snow king 8 hp.  Ariens specs say 8.5 but no marking on the engine ..  Model 8524 in this case is synonimous with 8.5hp with a 24 inch width snow box.  (i know u know that but for someone unfamiliar, figured I would make it clearer.


P.s.  Richie, no you cannot trade me carbs.

by the way looked at a toro think it was an 82?le, might be diff than yours, (i can't look to long, I get attached)

750 on sale HD.  quite impressive machine  (that joy stick worked well, couldn,t find any of those traction unlock things though,   but i was only there for a sec.

Hi Ben,

Your question regarding your Tecumseh engine is basically the same I had when doing research on my engine.  All OPE engine ratings are all fudged and you can't take them at face value.  If you look at the power curve charts on these engines, you'll notice none run close to their maximum HP rated RPM.  Even my engine was 300 RPM's below it.  Depending on the RPM the factory sets the engine at, impacts on the actual HP it delivers.  There is usually a low side and a high side that would be considered operating RPM for any given engine, and the difference can easily be 300 RPM's.  If you look at the power charts, this RPM variation can easily equal 3/4 in either direction or more.  I actually have a Brigg's & Stratton 8.5 HP engine on my Chipper/Shredder.  I can tell you that this engine screams when run at operating RPM.  When the weather warms up a bit, I'm going to tach it and see how fast they have it running at.  I can tell you one thing, my ears never lie and it is running way higher than 3,300 RPM's. 

If I'm not mistaken, I've learned that Briggs & Stratton is involved in a class action lawsuit because of this engine rating practice.  In fact, if I was able to find someone that could Dyno my Tecumseh engine and was able to prove my engine isn't putting out what it should, I would go right to an attorney about it.  Contacting the engine manufacturers only seemed to raise more questions than it answered.  Believe me, there is a dirty little secret going on behind the scene not only with the engine companies, but with the OPE manufacturers that place them on their equipment.


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Re: Spit, Sputter, Cough,Blemph
Reply #34   Feb 13, 2005 12:00 pm

      You remind me of what a good knife is!!

You go right to the heart and your "SHARP" ! !

I think the OPE makers on HP are blowing smoke also!!!


Husqvarna STE927(11.5HP) snowblower,  MTD Pro Series 18/42 Lawnmower, MTD 6.5 HP  Self Prop Lawn Mower,  Weedeater 1500 Blower, Web Gensis  2000 

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Re: Spit, Sputter, Cough,Blemph
Reply #35   Feb 13, 2005 12:49 pm
jubol wrote:

      You remind me of what a good knife is!!

You go right to the heart and your "SHARP" ! !

I think the OPE makers on HP are blowing smoke also!!!


Hi Fred,

I appreciate that comment, thank you.  I'm no different than anyone else on this forum.  I spend good money on OPE and when I come across these engine output power curve charts only to find that my 8 HP engine is not putting out that much HP, which in my mind I paid for an 8 HP, well, I've got a problem with that.  Add to the fact, as Ben mentioned, he tried to find specifications for his 8.5 HP Tecumseh engine, yet his research determines it's an 8 HP.  Well, I say these engine companies are really pushing their luck these days.  They had better get it into their little heads that the consumer is armed with the internet, not to mention forums such as this where we can all compare notes. 

What good is it for an engine to be rated at a certain HP if they are NEVER run that high.  Snowblowers and tractors and such are designed to run at a fixed RPM or operating RPM.  THAT is the RPM the engines should be rated, real world conditions and RPM and NOT some fictitious off the scale RPM that is determined under laboratory conditions.  I'm really getting sick of these manufacturers selling the same engine yet rate it at numerous different HP ratings and prices.  I think Sears/Craftman is the worst of all, and I call that fraud at some level.   When I see walk-behind lawn mowers rated at something like 7 HP, it really makes you wonder how out of control it has gotten.  A doubt a single blade mower actually requires more than 3 HP to do the job.  They are always trying to find better ways to pull the wool over our eyes with their marketing and hype crap. 

It doesn't take a rocket scientist to see that we are reliving decades ago, back when the automotive manufacturers were in the HP race between each other.  You are now seeing it in the OPE industry. 

This message was modified Feb 13, 2005 by Richie


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Re: Spit, Sputter, Cough,Blemph
Reply #36   Feb 13, 2005 1:04 pm
"I'm really getting sick of these manufacturers selling the same engine yet rate it at numerous different HP ratings and prices.  I think Sears/Craftman is the worst of all"

No doubt about this statement, they have been doing that for years. I'm waiting for their 8.9HP reel mower to arrive, you know, the kind with no engine.

Joined: Oct 21, 2004
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Re: Spit, Sputter, Cough,Blemph
Reply #37   Feb 13, 2005 2:04 pm
there was a class action against a well known compressor maker a year or so ago. this co. made craftsman compressors also. they were rating the compressors at peak hp not hp at there regular cycle. a friend of mine received a letter in the mail and was awarded a choice of 1 of 5 differents tools from this co. or a small cash refund. if enough people complain about the engines there will be a similar type thing i bet


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Re: Spit, Sputter, Cough,Blemph
Reply #38   Feb 13, 2005 3:27 pm
TheKneebiter wrote:
there was a class action against a well known compressor maker a year or so ago. this co. made craftsman compressors also. they were rating the compressors at peak hp not hp at there regular cycle. a friend of mine received a letter in the mail and was awarded a choice of 1 of 5 differents tools from this co. or a small cash refund. if enough people complain about the engines there will be a similar type thing i bet

Well, I really don't require a dynamometer to tell me that none of the engines on my OPE are producing the rated HP at the factory set engine speed.  Those engine performance charts show that without question, no matter what brand engine you have.  Whether it be Briggs, Tecumseh, even Honda.  It amazes me they even have the "brass" to put it in writing for all to see.  If the manufacturers want to sell you a piece of OPE with a 9 HP sticker on it, it should be putting out the rated HP at the governed factory set RPM.  If they want to start selling them by the rated torque, do so as previously stated.


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Re: Spit, Sputter, Cough,Blemph
Reply #39   Feb 13, 2005 4:45 pm
Richie,   You are quite right about actual horsepower in service being less than rated horsepower.  However, I believe all manufacturers test the same way in accordance with SAE J1940 (Small Engine Power and Torque Rating Procedure) so one should be able to compare motors fairly.  If anyone cheats on this they would expose themselves to a huge class action suit.    -Bob

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Re: Spit, Sputter, Cough,Blemph
Reply #40   Feb 13, 2005 5:59 pm
Hi there Bob,

Yes, you are correct and thank you for bringing that important point up.  Still, I consider it a despicable advertising practice.  Using this LawnBoy ad to make my point, and why I'm making such a big deal about all of this, the consumer believes they are buying a 6.5 hp lawnmower and paying good money for it.  If you take the time to read the fine print, well, it's as you pointed out.  From this ad, it appears LawnBoy plays on both sides of the fence.  On one side they are telling you you're getting a very potent walk-behind mower, yet they are stating in the fine print it's a farce.  I don't recall seeing this disclaimer on any of my higher hp OPE with a Tecumseh engine on it.  LawnBoy has a slight conscience.




Insight SeriesMSRP:
$339.00 - $459.00

Model 10683
Model 10684
Model 10685
Model 10686
Compare All Models
6.5 hp Easy Start Tecumseh® Engine*
Push, Variable Speed, and Sens-a-Speed™ Self-Propel System
21" Steel Deck
Compact Storage
Exclusive Features Designed to Fit You
Outstanding Ease of Use Features
3-n-1 System
2-Year Complete Coverage Warranty

* This engine was manufactured and laboratory rated by the Tecumseh Power Company at 6.5 gross horsepower in accordance with SAE J1940. As configured to meet safety, emission, and operating requirements, the actual horsepower on this class of lawn mower will be significantly lower.

This message was modified Feb 13, 2005 by Richie


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Re: Spit, Sputter, Cough,Blemph
Reply #41   Feb 13, 2005 7:39 pm
Hi Richie

To quote you 

and why I'm making such a big deal about all of this, the consumer believes they are buying a (blankety blank)

I don't think you are making a big deal out of it at all. Your just investigating a complicated issue. 

Lot of stuff involved that is neither white or black.  It's gray.  Needs to be understood if your interested.  I think you would be quite surprised on the number of viewers following your issues.  Nice point on the Lawnboy post. 

I think you got lot of interest following along, and you will get counter points posted, lot of time they are just actually helping you get to the bottom of it,  (playing the devils advocate thing) I believe and I know you know the prev post on the testing standard was a devil's advocate help thing. 

Sure sometimes your gonna get some who may or may not know more on the subject,  or just are irritated and don't think it is important to get that deep into it.  They can voice their opinion, and then go out and buy a "Blankety Blank." because that is about how much they know about what they are actually buying.   Maybe close to nothing.

At least that's the way I'm lookin at it.

You go guy, don't have to knock yourself out, just stay steady, one piece at a time.

Appreciate your insight and investigation


PS all the lawn boys from bout early 70's up to the newer 4 cycle (d-400, d-600, F series, Duraforce) were designed to work in the neighborhood 0f 2800 to 3100 rpm. When I say designed, I think they always tried to make their operating range close to the peak output,  (not 100 percent certain on the duraforce as never rebuilt one of them yet )  when they would exceed that they would say in their literature in the case of a three and 1/2 hp it would say 3.5+  (that plus thing started with the F series, and believe me it don't mean plus  a tenth of a hp,  they are strong running engines,  I'd bet they are closer to 5 )so if they take a 6.5 that has a rated  peak at say 3800 RPM then there would be less at the 3100,  which is exactly one of your points.  (and this is a little better area to make your point as there is no gearing involved, the blade speed is 1 for 1 with the rpm of the engine,  when your dealing with the Snow blower engines, the overall issue gets clouded by gearing involvement etc.  So it is easier for the manufacturer to do a spin on  what actually is happening.  Sorry if that's too deep for anyone.

This message was modified Feb 13, 2005 by Ben07

Ariens 8524LE, Toro CCR2000, Jacobsen S-B S-blowers, Generac 10hp Gen-convt. to N.G., 5 L-boys(D's F's &Dura( 74,77,80,88,00), Antiq. 1960 AYP 20 in. mag w 3.5 Tech mower. Ryan/Ryobi gas Trim. AYP 205 gas blwr. Mac c-saw,Toro E-blwr, 2 Weed-E e. stg. trims. outboards, boats, util trail, 2 Jeeps 

Snow is good,
Deep snow is better!

Joined: Dec 30, 2003
Points: 544

Re: Spit, Sputter, Cough,Blemph
Reply #42   Feb 13, 2005 10:15 pm
Hi Guys-

Been mulling over the question of hp ratings for a few days as this thread has developed and wonder if we really want our engines turning at max hp (rpm) all the time. Certainly we don't use our auto engines at max hp when we are going 30mph.

If most of the time my blower will do a satisfactory job at 90% of it's rated hp. and then when I hit the EOD the governor kicks in and allows for the development of max hp I have no problem. Do we really want the wear associated with running at max hp. all the time?

The other issue of course is are we really being charged for something that is there anyway when we buy the higher hp. model of the same displacement?Auto engines of the same displacement with the same heads etc. have been rated at different hp. by changing the carb or ignition or "chip" or exhaust manifold or distributor as long as I can remember. You don't need me to explain to you it's a matter of marketing. But in a way we as consumers benefit.

I am looking to purchase a unit for my son and took a look at the Simplicity line. They offer two nice units built on the same 24 inch frame. One is a 9hp. and the other is a 10hp. The difference in MSRP is $200. I assume the two engines are the same displacement Briggs with different tuning . The more expensive unit offers as standard equiptment other features such as light, handwarmers etc. along with the "larger engine". My point is how much more would that unit cost if the engine was a completely different model? 

 The manufacturers I believe would limit the # of hp choices available because the cost of producing so many "different" models is not warranted by the size of the market . If they can't increase hp through tuning then we aren't going to have the number of choices we now enjoy. Would you want to have to choose between an 8hp and 13hp with nothing in the middle when you go to buy your next machine?

Someone PLEASE send some snow to Long Island,


SnapperV210P,Toro22177,TroyBilt42010Snowthrower,Craftsman Shredder,American Turbo Pressure Washer HondaGX200,Stihl011Saw,EchoPas260Trimmer Edger,EchoPB602Blower,EchoHCR150Hedge Clipper

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Re: Spit, Sputter, Cough,Blemph
Reply #43   Feb 14, 2005 2:51 am
mml4 wrote:
Hi Guys-

Been mulling over the question of hp ratings for a few days as this thread has developed and wonder if we really want our engines turning at max hp (rpm) all the time. Certainly we don't use our auto engines at max hp when we are going 30mph.

If most of the time my blower will do a satisfactory job at 90% of it's rated hp. and then when I hit the EOD the governor kicks in and allows for the development of max hp I have no problem. Do we really want the wear associated with running at max hp. all the time?

Hi Marc,

I found your comment very interesting.  I can tell you that I would never want my engine turning at the maximum RPM range required to achieve the HP rating of my engine, at least that fictious RPM manufacturers rate them at.  The fact is that our engines NEVER achieve it, not even close.  They are set to run at a much lower RPM, and governor or not, they will never even spike to the peak HP RPM. 

You made another interesting comment about the governor kicking in at the EOD.  I always assumed when I use my snowblower in very deep snow, such as what Long Island had not long ago, when I hear the engine under load, is when I figured the governor is doing the job it was designed for.  With that said, you have to remember that on my machine I have a tachometer.  While in use, I'm looking at it and I found that even with my governor reset to turn the no-load engine speed at 3,400 RPM's, under load, the engine will drop down to say, 2,900 RPM's, which is now very far below the engine rated HP.

What this means to me is that at 2,900 RPM's, this supposedly 8 HP engine is making something in the 6 HP range.   But if you look at torque, it was being held at 2,900 RPM, which is the peak torque range.  This is why recently I started putting more concern into the torque rating rather than the HP the engine is rated for.  The measure of horsepower depends on torque, the amount of real work that an engine is capable of producing.  Real work to me is EOD.  Without torque, how could these machines stay running when you hit the EOD?

Another point is that if you look carefully at the LawnBoy ad I posted above, you'll notice something in the fine print that I myself discovered when I installed an old style adjustable carburetor on my snowblower. 

"As configured to meet safety, emission, and operating requirements, the actual horsepower on this class of lawn mower will be significantly lower"

That statement gives credible proof that the emission carburetors rob important power from the engine, any OPE engine.  Yet, those engine performance charts do NOT reflect that fact.  What LawnBoy is telling you is that the rated 6.5 HP engine is significantly lower.  I haven't seen a single disclaimer on any of the engine performace charts stating that they reflect the very lean condtion caused by the emission carburetors.  Again, the consumer being taken advantage of.

Bottom line, purchase a snowblower or any other piece of OPE for the options you feel you want, NOT for the engine size.  I myself walked into the Toro dealer to purchase the 826 LE.  However, that model didn't have the power steering feature, which was most important to me, so I purchased the 828 LXE instead.  Add to the fact the carburetor modification I made, costing $74.00, gave me a far better running machine, still costing less than the 1028 LXE, and would run rings around it.  Fight back by getting the lower rated HP engine and let the manufacturers sit on the high end powered machines.  Help send the correct message back to them.

BTW Marc, I ordered some snow for us in the coming weeks


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Re: Spit, Sputter, Cough,Blemph
Reply #44   Feb 14, 2005 3:16 am
mml4 wrote:
Hi Guys-

 Certainly we don't use our auto engines at max hp when we are going 30mph.

and then when I hit the EOD the governor kicks in and allows for the development of max hp I have no problem.

Hi MM14..

A car is different because you vary the speed to the load or speed you choose,  If you want to Run ia at peakRPM, on a straight say a straight road you could do it all day. However if it had a governor on it, it would not let you..  I know you know peak does not mean Red Line.

However a governor will never let one of these machines run at peak if the governor setting is at a lower RPM than peak.  The governor only tries to keep the machine from slowing down (remember I said "Try" there for the slown process") when under a load.  It also keeps the machine from turning higher than the goverened RPM.  It never shoots for more RPM.  It dumps more gas into it, but it never tries to exceede the rpm.  If you manually excede the RPM  by forcing the throttle open It will do the same as the load condition, however in reverse it will lower the throttle back.

Analagy like driving on a 65 mph highway in 4th gear, standard trans.  you come to a hill, steep  going up the hill you got to floor the accelerator to try and maintain the speed. you do that however speed drops to 40  , now even if you are able to maintain 40 you are going to heat the motor up real fast.  You have an alternative, you can downshift , using the gearing advantage bring the car back up to 65, only difference is the motor is now running at a higher rpm , closer to peak etc. 

However with the governor setting you don't have the same choice, cause it only opens the accelerator to maintain an rpm.

In the same analagy as above now with a governor in the motor,  The same thing would have happened at first the car would have dropped speed to 40 mph.  so you do a quick down shift.  you will never get the car back up to 65 mph, cause it takes more RPM's than the goverened RPM. (so you will have this big powerfull engine crawling up a hill like it's a wimp, ) 

The whole point  here is, once you put a governor on it, you got to look at it differently.  there could now be anything under that hood of that car. A weak engine to a strong engine,.  A lot of it is how much they want to charge for it,  they make a one size fits all . get their manufacturing cost advantage there and then label the engine as the price will bear. 

This can all be summarized by saying there is a fudge factor involved in how these engines are related to power caused by the way they can and are required to rate their engines.  The manufacturer takes advantage of it to reduce their manufacturing costs.  And to get into the pockets with fatter wallets.  And to help the EPA gain controll, they go to the same country clubs.

Now the assasins are coming to my house as we speak.  That's ok they can pry it out of my cool dead hands to quote C. Heston.

So after all that has been discussed on this subject  How bout we get a feel for other's opinions  Make a quick post , in agreement or not.  It would be interesting


This message was modified Feb 14, 2005 by Ben07

Ariens 8524LE, Toro CCR2000, Jacobsen S-B S-blowers, Generac 10hp Gen-convt. to N.G., 5 L-boys(D's F's &Dura( 74,77,80,88,00), Antiq. 1960 AYP 20 in. mag w 3.5 Tech mower. Ryan/Ryobi gas Trim. AYP 205 gas blwr. Mac c-saw,Toro E-blwr, 2 Weed-E e. stg. trims. outboards, boats, util trail, 2 Jeeps 

As Long As There Are Tests, There Will Be Prayer In Public Schools. ;- )

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Re: Spit, Sputter, Cough,Blemph
Reply #45   Feb 14, 2005 4:43 am
I could care less myself. I can look at charts and graphs and know what  I need. Even in cars it's a pain, 200HP is one car is not going to provide the same thing as 200HP in another car, too many considerating factors to throw into the mix on what you'll end up with.

That's just my personal opinion.


As Long As There Are Tests, There Will Be Prayer In Public Schools. ;- )

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Re: Spit, Sputter, Cough,Blemph
Reply #46   Feb 14, 2005 7:00 am
Let me qualify that a little bit.

Yes, I would like to see engine manufacturers have the true HP ratings of the engines, advertised. What I don't really care about is a class action law suit, I have no need for that myself. As long as the spec's are published and easily found, I'm good to go.


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Re: Spit, Sputter, Cough,Blemph
Reply #47   Feb 14, 2005 7:06 am

. If they can't increase hp through tuning then we aren't going to have the number of choices we now enjoy. Would you want to have to choose between an 8hp and 13hp with nothing in the middle when you go to buy your next machine?

Someone PLEASE send some snow to Long Island,


Actually that is what some of us are saying you may be actually getting. less choices than actually implied by the seller

A choice between 8 and a 13. (over 50 percent in BHP between the two almost identical engine. however the rasting is at  a much higher operating rpm that the machine can't run at with a governor)  Big bucks in the differences, sure some more features, which does kind of camoflague and confuse the issue,  There is still a big free percent left over for the engine charge going back to the MFG for the low cost internal slight carb differences. 

also when you run them under load and rpm, drops to peak torque RPM  and you will find that there is no where close to a 50 plus percent increase in power between them there.  So do you actually have like five choices or do you only have in essence only like two?  


This message was modified Feb 14, 2005 by Ben07

Ariens 8524LE, Toro CCR2000, Jacobsen S-B S-blowers, Generac 10hp Gen-convt. to N.G., 5 L-boys(D's F's &Dura( 74,77,80,88,00), Antiq. 1960 AYP 20 in. mag w 3.5 Tech mower. Ryan/Ryobi gas Trim. AYP 205 gas blwr. Mac c-saw,Toro E-blwr, 2 Weed-E e. stg. trims. outboards, boats, util trail, 2 Jeeps 

The more you know about something, the more you find there is to know.

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Re: Spit, Sputter, Cough,Blemph
Reply #48   Feb 14, 2005 7:14 am
Marshall wrote:
Let me qualify that a little bit.

. As long as the spec's are published and easily found, I'm good to go.

100 percent agreement  (relavent specs)
This message was modified Feb 14, 2005 by Ben07

Ariens 8524LE, Toro CCR2000, Jacobsen S-B S-blowers, Generac 10hp Gen-convt. to N.G., 5 L-boys(D's F's &Dura( 74,77,80,88,00), Antiq. 1960 AYP 20 in. mag w 3.5 Tech mower. Ryan/Ryobi gas Trim. AYP 205 gas blwr. Mac c-saw,Toro E-blwr, 2 Weed-E e. stg. trims. outboards, boats, util trail, 2 Jeeps 

Location: Dover, De
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Re: Spit, Sputter, Cough,Blemph
Reply #49   Feb 14, 2005 7:24 am

How much of a HP increase did you think you got with your

 new carb on your 8HP engine??

Also, what is the part number on the carb, or is it top seceret??


Husqvarna STE927(11.5HP) snowblower,  MTD Pro Series 18/42 Lawnmower, MTD 6.5 HP  Self Prop Lawn Mower,  Weedeater 1500 Blower, Web Gensis  2000 

Bring On The White Stuff

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Re: Spit, Sputter, Cough,Blemph
Reply #50   Feb 14, 2005 8:19 am
jubol wrote:

How much of a HP increase did you think you got with your

 new carb on your 8HP engine??

Also, what is the part number on the carb, or is it top seceret??


Hi there Fred,

I'd love to answer your question but I can't since I don't have access to a Dyno. I'd love to find one and run the engine with the original carb and then the adjustable version that is on it now.  Any comment on my part would be completely subjective based on my opinion, which means nothing.  I've been trying to keep these posts as objective and scientific as possible. 

As stated on one of the other treads, I will say the engine runs so much better not being starved of fuel and I have not been able to get the engine to surge at all.  Furthermore, if you take that disclaimer that LawnBoy posts, it would seem that emission carbs may affect power in some way.  The difference is a leaned out carburetor as opposed to one that can be metered correctly and allow the engine to run well.  I also don't want to confuse the horse power / torque issue, which is something else.

As for the carburetor, the actual part number is, TEC-632334A, and the rebuild kit for it which includes the adjustable main nozzle (bowl nut) is, 632347, and costs about $12.27 plus s/h.   Hope this helps and sorry if I had to be somewhat vague. 


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Re: Spit, Sputter, Cough,Blemph
Reply #51   Feb 14, 2005 8:27 am
I think it was a great answer to his question. 

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Re: Spit, Sputter, Cough,Blemph
Reply #52   Feb 14, 2005 8:32 am

 Thanks for the numbers.

Also when you were at the Tulsa engine site, did you check the specs on the Tec HMSK 8, graph shows about 6.4 HP out of 8.

The 10 shows 8HP, which is about a 20% loss due to the EPA carb.

I think that your good carb got you back at least 1 HP,  maybe more, so now your 8 is at least about 7.4HP.


Husqvarna STE927(11.5HP) snowblower,  MTD Pro Series 18/42 Lawnmower, MTD 6.5 HP  Self Prop Lawn Mower,  Weedeater 1500 Blower, Web Gensis  2000 

Bring On The White Stuff

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Re: Spit, Sputter, Cough,Blemph
Reply #53   Feb 14, 2005 9:17 am
jubol wrote:

 Thanks for the numbers.

Also when you were at the Tulsa engine site, did you check the specs on the Tec HMSK 8, graph shows about 6.4 HP out of 8.

The 10 shows 8HP, which is about a 20% loss due to the EPA carb.

I think that your good carb got you back at least 1 HP,  maybe more, so now your 8 is at least about 7.4HP.



I'd have to verify the graph you are referring to, but I believe that is the one I have.  As for additional HP due to my adjustable carb, it stands to reason something good came out of it, beyond the fact it runs better, but what makes me hesitant about me commenting further is the fact these engines run at a governed speed.  For whatever it's worth, if I had to do it all over again, I'd still make the carb switch

Marshall, if you were referring to me in the way I answered Fred's previous question about HP verses the new carburetor, thanks.


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Re: Spit, Sputter, Cough,Blemph
Reply #54   Feb 14, 2005 9:37 am
I was sir, and you're welcome!

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Re: Spit, Sputter, Cough,Blemph
Reply #55   Feb 14, 2005 9:54 am
What is also fish about that tulsa site they will only give you one full graph of the hp to torque chart per category of same cube engines  I.E. are both 19.43 cubes.  so no graph on the nine.  Strange also important to notice two reference points on the graph,  operating rpm on my 8 hp is 3600, under load it can drop to 2800.  at 3600 it developes 11.5 ft pounds of torque and at the lower rpm it increases to 12.9 foot pounds.  however it looses the meaningless HP number as it decreases by like 1.25 hp  .. Torque is much more important ref  here and it is what is keeping the engine runnin under load Would be willing to bet the nine developse it's hp at a higher rpm above 3600 and it could be very well the same engine  that has the same torque at the 3600 and the 2800 rpm's  .  bore an stroke are the same cept seems they decided to write one of them in decimal and the other in SAE.  same weight to the motor etc,  everything they do always looks like a shell game. 

If it looks like a duck

an walks like a duck,

maybe it is a duck


This message was modified Feb 14, 2005 by Ben07

Ariens 8524LE, Toro CCR2000, Jacobsen S-B S-blowers, Generac 10hp Gen-convt. to N.G., 5 L-boys(D's F's &Dura( 74,77,80,88,00), Antiq. 1960 AYP 20 in. mag w 3.5 Tech mower. Ryan/Ryobi gas Trim. AYP 205 gas blwr. Mac c-saw,Toro E-blwr, 2 Weed-E e. stg. trims. outboards, boats, util trail, 2 Jeeps 

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Re: Spit, Sputter, Cough,Blemph
Reply #56   Feb 14, 2005 10:27 am
What's the difference in price on the 8 & 9 HP?

Oh, you guys have a link to the 8-9-10,etc. HP engine charts?

This message was modified Feb 14, 2005 by Marshall

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Re: Spit, Sputter, Cough,Blemph
Reply #57   Feb 14, 2005 11:31 am
Can't give it you exact Marshall, cause it is kind of mixed up in a hodge poge, as they do not have all the engines for sale, so you can't actually compare an hmsk 8 to an hmsk 9,  you can get a generathought though, but different engines have diff bolt-ons,  like air cleaner no aircleaner, some fixed linkage with a governor  and others no fixed linkage, say for like a go cart etc. 

But in general seems to go from like 400 to 460 in the average diff between 8 and 9  would more research to get better info,  will prob be unavail to do that  at this time    just tryin to give you a general feel etc.

(also remember you go from an 8 to a nine on a SB  an there could be hundreds of dollars diff,  but some of that is extras, like drift cutters, heated grips , lil wider auger box..

 I am not talking things like differentials 

1120 1457

Like on the ariens deluxe line the 8.5 is 1.120 dollars and the 11 is 1457  (no differential on either


This message was modified Feb 14, 2005 by Ben07

Ariens 8524LE, Toro CCR2000, Jacobsen S-B S-blowers, Generac 10hp Gen-convt. to N.G., 5 L-boys(D's F's &Dura( 74,77,80,88,00), Antiq. 1960 AYP 20 in. mag w 3.5 Tech mower. Ryan/Ryobi gas Trim. AYP 205 gas blwr. Mac c-saw,Toro E-blwr, 2 Weed-E e. stg. trims. outboards, boats, util trail, 2 Jeeps 

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Re: Spit, Sputter, Cough,Blemph
Reply #58   Feb 14, 2005 11:36 am
Thanks Ben, I do appreciate it!

Well, that's not too bad if it's around 60 bucks. Even if I spent an extra 75 for a 1/2 HP, I wouldn't be upset if it's a true 1/2 HP.


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Re: Spit, Sputter, Cough,Blemph
Reply #59   Feb 14, 2005 2:05 pm
Ben07 wrote:
Hi MM14..

Analagy like driving on a 65 mph highway in 4th gear, standard trans.  you come to a hill, steep  going up the hill you got to floor the accelerator to try and maintain the speed. you do that however speed drops to 40  , now even if you are able to maintain 40 you are going to heat the motor up real fast.  You have an alternative, you can downshift , using the gearing advantage bring the car back up to 65, only difference is the motor is now running at a higher rpm , closer to peak etc. 

However with the governor setting you don't have the same choice, cause it only opens the accelerator to maintain an rpm.

In the same analagy as above now with a governor in the motor,  The same thing would have happened at first the car would have dropped speed to 40 mph.  so you do a quick down shift.  you will never get the car back up to 65 mph, cause it takes more RPM's than the goverened RPM. (so you will have this big powerfull engine crawling up a hill like it's a wimp, ) 

So after all that has been discussed on this subject  How bout we get a feel for other's opinions  Make a quick post , in agreement or not.  It would be interesting


Down shifting has less to do with horsepower and more to do with a multiplication of torque. Not anything like a govenor.

tides in dirts out surfs up

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Re: Spit, Sputter, Cough,Blemph
Reply #60   Feb 14, 2005 3:06 pm
hey guys ...

all a governor is supposed to do is maintain i desired speed.

if your engine is set at 3600,the governor will try to maintain that same 3600 rpm regardless of load.if your engine drops to 2800 rpm i would say thats too much of a drop.either go down a gear or have a look at your governor settings.somthing aint quite right.

not trying to upset anyone but this is my job here and i wouldnt be happy with an 800 rpm should work better i would like to see it go no lower than 3200 for an engine speced out at 3600.

now just to mix it up a bit when i was looking at torque charts some engines are set at 3750 max rpm...yikes that scares even me.

the torque peak of all the tecumseh engines i looked up was right in the 2450 to 2550 range and it was a broad flat curve.

another interesting that i noted was cubic inches of displacement. there math is not good.

if you look at the bore and stroke ,some have smaller bore with same stroke and still have same displacement.

its not quite right to me.

there is a note in the fiche cards about pistons,you have to measure old one to get correct replacement,there is up to 1/4 inch difference in diameter on same size engines.

later chris 

craftsman 10/28 snowblower with tracks   husky 372xpg chainsaw   sachs dolmar bc212 bushsaw   mondo trimmer   monster tractor with trailer    cheep wheelbarro and couple shovels and a partridge in a pear tree 

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Re: Spit, Sputter, Cough,Blemph
Reply #61   Feb 14, 2005 3:24 pm
You know, this I agree with whole heartedly.

I would say that if the engine is dropping that much it is either not right or you don't have enough engine for the job at hand. If an engine is constantly running in the 2800 RPM range because of the amount of snow, you either need to push less snow at a time or need more engine to handle the amount you're blowing. Snow, grass, 600 lb man in a go-cart  ,anything.

tides in dirts out surfs up

Location: bridgewater nova scotia...aka the swamp
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Re: Spit, Sputter, Cough,Blemph
Reply #62   Feb 14, 2005 3:25 pm
im thinking a 5lb bottle of nitros should do the trick

later chris

craftsman 10/28 snowblower with tracks   husky 372xpg chainsaw   sachs dolmar bc212 bushsaw   mondo trimmer   monster tractor with trailer    cheep wheelbarro and couple shovels and a partridge in a pear tree 

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Re: Spit, Sputter, Cough,Blemph
Reply #63   Feb 14, 2005 3:26 pm
snowshoveler wrote:

if you look at the bore and stroke ,some have smaller bore with same stroke and still have same displacement.

its not quite right to me.

there is a note in the fiche cards about pistons,you have to measure old one to get correct replacement,there is up to 1/4 inch difference in diameter on same size engines.

later chris 

Yeah, that Tecumseh 11 hp OHV engine seems like a weird one.  It shows it as a 318cc engine, the same displacement as an 8 & 9 hp. The horse power and torque charts these retailers show on their websites must be different from the microfiche cards.  Every chart I've seen shows differences between engines.  An 8 hp l-head has a nice upward swing from 2,400-3000 RPM's, than starts to drop off as RPM is increased.  The 10 hp l-head peaks at 2,400 and drops off as RPM increases.  I'd go by the microfiche cards if it was a toss-up between the two.  This is too confusing.  Still, a great way to keep the consumer off balance. 


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Re: Spit, Sputter, Cough,Blemph
Reply #64   Feb 14, 2005 3:28 pm
robmints wrote:
Down shifting has less to do with horsepower and more to do with a multiplication of torque. Not anything like a govenor.

You are correct Rob.
I was just using this example in that way to better see how no matter what happens the govenor trys to keep the RPM of the engine the same.  Some of the concepts don't get understood, and or not explained well..  cause they inter-mingle and it is confusing .   In this case I am sure it is my fault


Ariens 8524LE, Toro CCR2000, Jacobsen S-B S-blowers, Generac 10hp Gen-convt. to N.G., 5 L-boys(D's F's &Dura( 74,77,80,88,00), Antiq. 1960 AYP 20 in. mag w 3.5 Tech mower. Ryan/Ryobi gas Trim. AYP 205 gas blwr. Mac c-saw,Toro E-blwr, 2 Weed-E e. stg. trims. outboards, boats, util trail, 2 Jeeps 

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Re: Spit, Sputter, Cough,Blemph
Reply #65   Feb 14, 2005 3:30 pm
Ok, a 600lb man on a Nitrous Go-cart, that would leave a mark.


tides in dirts out surfs up

Location: bridgewater nova scotia...aka the swamp
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Re: Spit, Sputter, Cough,Blemph
Reply #66   Feb 14, 2005 3:31 pm

your workbench took a direct hit with a large amount of OPE its a mess,im so sorry.

for all i know you could be posting from under it.

if you are in there could you stick out a hand or somthing.

ill bring coffee for you in the do you prefer it built.

later chris 

craftsman 10/28 snowblower with tracks   husky 372xpg chainsaw   sachs dolmar bc212 bushsaw   mondo trimmer   monster tractor with trailer    cheep wheelbarro and couple shovels and a partridge in a pear tree 

As Long As There Are Tests, There Will Be Prayer In Public Schools. ;- )

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Re: Spit, Sputter, Cough,Blemph
Reply #67   Feb 14, 2005 3:39 pm
Ben07 wrote:
You are correct Rob.
I was just using this example in that way to better see how no matter what happens the govenor trys to keep the RPM of the engine the same.  Some of the concepts don't get understood, and or not explained well..  cause they inter-mingle and it is confusing .   In this case I am sure it is my fault


No no no, it's called communicating thru type, I'm the worst!  

As Long As There Are Tests, There Will Be Prayer In Public Schools. ;- )

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Re: Spit, Sputter, Cough,Blemph
Reply #68   Feb 14, 2005 3:42 pm
Oh yea, I think you do a great job of it too!

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Re: Spit, Sputter, Cough,Blemph
Reply #69   Feb 14, 2005 3:47 pm
Marshall wrote:
. If an engine is constantly running in the 2800 RPM range because of the amount of snow, you either need to push less snow at a time or need more engine.

It doesn't run there constantly it picks up and maintains at a higher rpm. within an instant  The drop is only noticable with a tac.  With your ear when you are running it it seem's like the govenor kicks in seamlessly and without a tac you could easily think your engine is running faster cause of the sound of the engine woking under increased throttle.   The governor hardly ever kicks on this machine cept for starting point in deep heavy stuff.  Without a tac would not know there was that much rpm loss.  so if it is not suppose to work tat way maybe I do need to do a governor rod or spring adjustment.


Ariens 8524LE, Toro CCR2000, Jacobsen S-B S-blowers, Generac 10hp Gen-convt. to N.G., 5 L-boys(D's F's &Dura( 74,77,80,88,00), Antiq. 1960 AYP 20 in. mag w 3.5 Tech mower. Ryan/Ryobi gas Trim. AYP 205 gas blwr. Mac c-saw,Toro E-blwr, 2 Weed-E e. stg. trims. outboards, boats, util trail, 2 Jeeps 

As Long As There Are Tests, There Will Be Prayer In Public Schools. ;- )

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Re: Spit, Sputter, Cough,Blemph
Reply #70   Feb 14, 2005 3:53 pm
Ben07 wrote:
It doesn't run there constantly it picks up and maintains at a higher rpm. within an instant  The drop is only noticable with a tac.  With your ear when you are running it it seem's like the govenor kicks in seamlessly and without a tac you could easily think your engine is running faster cause of the sound of the engine woking under increased throttle.   The governor hardly ever kicks on this machine cept for starting point in deep heavy stuff.  Without a tac would not know there was that much rpm loss.  so if it is not suppose to work tat way maybe I do need to do a governor rod or spring adjustment.


Ben, sounds like it's doing what it should be doing to me. Somewhere I got that it was running using full torque the whole time your blowing, I thought. Maybe in that torque/HP thread?  My bad.

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Re: Spit, Sputter, Cough,Blemph
Reply #71   Feb 14, 2005 3:54 pm
Marshall wrote:
Oh yea, I think you do a great job of it too!


Ariens 8524LE, Toro CCR2000, Jacobsen S-B S-blowers, Generac 10hp Gen-convt. to N.G., 5 L-boys(D's F's &Dura( 74,77,80,88,00), Antiq. 1960 AYP 20 in. mag w 3.5 Tech mower. Ryan/Ryobi gas Trim. AYP 205 gas blwr. Mac c-saw,Toro E-blwr, 2 Weed-E e. stg. trims. outboards, boats, util trail, 2 Jeeps 

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Re: Spit, Sputter, Cough,Blemph
Reply #72   Feb 14, 2005 3:59 pm
No prob Marshall.  It may be dipping lil too low on initial impact.  First thing I will try and do is put it at the center of recommender operating RPM  which is stated at 3600 plus or minus 150.  It is running at 3450 which is min but ok, and bein it is new I decided to leave it alone for awhile. so that min could affect the initial hit onthe governor assist.   Didn't spell that all out before as was  trying to save keystrokes.


This message was modified Feb 14, 2005 by Ben07

Ariens 8524LE, Toro CCR2000, Jacobsen S-B S-blowers, Generac 10hp Gen-convt. to N.G., 5 L-boys(D's F's &Dura( 74,77,80,88,00), Antiq. 1960 AYP 20 in. mag w 3.5 Tech mower. Ryan/Ryobi gas Trim. AYP 205 gas blwr. Mac c-saw,Toro E-blwr, 2 Weed-E e. stg. trims. outboards, boats, util trail, 2 Jeeps 

Bring On The White Stuff

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Re: Spit, Sputter, Cough,Blemph
Reply #73   Feb 14, 2005 4:00 pm
snowshoveler wrote:

if you are in there could you stick out a hand or somthing.

ill bring coffee for you in the do you prefer it built.


Nice of you to finally notice    I don't know who did it, but while kneeling down sweeping up under my work table, someone decided to roll a big heavy snowblower over my back   It wouldn't have been all that bad if not for the tire chains, man those things really smarts on the back of my head.  Come morning, if you'd be so kind to bring me a large coffee, light and sweet, and a few aspirins, I'd appreciate it 


As Long As There Are Tests, There Will Be Prayer In Public Schools. ;- )

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Re: Spit, Sputter, Cough,Blemph
Reply #74   Feb 14, 2005 4:04 pm
Ben07 wrote:
No prob Marshall.  It may be dipping lil too low on initial impact.  First thing I will try and do is put it at the center of recommender operating RPM  which is stated at 3600 plus or minus 150.  It is running at 3450 which is min but ok, and bein it is new I decided to leave it alone for awhile. so that min could affect the initial hit onthe governor assist.   Just trying to save keystrokes.


You know, you have a point. it's not beyond reason that it will free up 100 rpm's after it's broken in well.

tides in dirts out surfs up

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Re: Spit, Sputter, Cough,Blemph
Reply #75   Feb 14, 2005 4:08 pm
hi Ben...

dont touch the spring...please

its a simple enough job to do but explaining it with a keyboard is somthing else for me.

you have a tecumseh engine .. if its less than 20 years then this is it

with the heater box removed from engine

you will be able to see the governor arm and linkage.

there is an arm with 2 rods .

 1going to the carb and 

1 rod going to the throttle control or box.

this arm has a small 1/4 inch bolt in it.where it fastens to the governor.

adjustment is as follows.

with engine off...

place throttle in fast position.

loosen the 1/4 inch bolt and pull the arm and the little lever away from the engine block.

hold in this position

you should notice the throttle open all the way.

tighten the lil bolt and reassemble the heat shield.start the engine and then set your max speed.

like i said its a simple job and if i showed you ,you would have no problem...

however.. words sometimes are confusing.

later chris 


craftsman 10/28 snowblower with tracks   husky 372xpg chainsaw   sachs dolmar bc212 bushsaw   mondo trimmer   monster tractor with trailer    cheep wheelbarro and couple shovels and a partridge in a pear tree 

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Re: Spit, Sputter, Cough,Blemph
Reply #76   Feb 14, 2005 5:19 pm
Thx I printed that.  Cause I can't even get to that snow blower.  LOL  we got so much rain and warm weather here in Pittsburgh, I wolld be afraid to ramp it down out of my shed, The Ground is sopping wet. it would prob sink in the mud. .  If It was snow, I could really had some enjoyable SB-ing.

That ground is so mushy " I am half tempted to pull it out and Rototille the garden with it."

Thx Again Ben07 

Ariens 8524LE, Toro CCR2000, Jacobsen S-B S-blowers, Generac 10hp Gen-convt. to N.G., 5 L-boys(D's F's &Dura( 74,77,80,88,00), Antiq. 1960 AYP 20 in. mag w 3.5 Tech mower. Ryan/Ryobi gas Trim. AYP 205 gas blwr. Mac c-saw,Toro E-blwr, 2 Weed-E e. stg. trims. outboards, boats, util trail, 2 Jeeps 

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Re: Spit, Sputter, Cough,Blemph
Reply #77   Feb 15, 2005 12:18 pm

Snowshoveler  Chris

Cloging Tech Carbs

Bein you posted some of the problems with the dissimilar metals in carb

Somethin I found related to clogging of Tech engines carbs, might be worth mentioning. I'm sure you have seen it, and someone probably already covered it.


When the carb starts to get partially clogged, and still runs, and operator keeps priming tryin to start a clogged carb, you get a back pressure up the priming line and it squirts back, and even the vapors that come up into it over time can cause this. (granted the primer only pushes air into the carb then pushes some gas thru the venturi,  but on this clogged one there was a split in the hose at the bottom low end, covered split with my finger, pumper bulb and gas squirted back out around my finger)  It deteriorates the hose, crumbling effect, get all those little pieces of hard to dissolve, rubber , or neopreme/ whatever in the float  bowl, working their way in to the orifices.There may be a screen there? Can't remember now, but it gets thru, also think it can seep thru another back area or vent hole.  The reason, I think is it is not fuel compatable hose.  Then you have to remove the motor shroud to get up to the primer connection to run new hose,(( the one I did was actually pretty much shot far up the hose) that can be a time consuming unpleasant chore, when the motor is mounted to the machine. 

I can never find fuel compatable hose with that small of an O.D., cause it has to have that small of an OD to fit over the carborator lip to attach.  So what I do if I have to replace the whole hose is put the larger O.D. fuel compatable hose from the primer bulb, almost to the carb connection, then piece in the smaller stuff.  That way if it goes again I don't have to remove the flywheel shroud etc.    What I will do on my newer machine is not go thru that trouble, just cut the hose from carb connection up to where it goes under the shroud and replace , I don't know every couple years or something, as most of the deterioration is closer to the carb. 

Does that sound like a good idea or a waste of time,  it would be about a ten second job,  (not many of them around)   Could install one of those lil in-line fuel filters or porus fiber in the line before the adapter that would be used at the pieced in area.

Question is do they have fuel type hose in that O.D. (I know it is out there, I just can never find anyone who carries it.) ,  and is it only Tech. That doesn't use it, (Maybe I just ran into some bad hose, wasn't my machine I was working on, as a guess 10 yrs old.)  Never had those type hoses crumble on me in like say a lawnboy that is 20 years old.  Their small hoses seem little stiffer material and sort of transparent.



This message was modified Feb 15, 2005 by Ben07

Ariens 8524LE, Toro CCR2000, Jacobsen S-B S-blowers, Generac 10hp Gen-convt. to N.G., 5 L-boys(D's F's &Dura( 74,77,80,88,00), Antiq. 1960 AYP 20 in. mag w 3.5 Tech mower. Ryan/Ryobi gas Trim. AYP 205 gas blwr. Mac c-saw,Toro E-blwr, 2 Weed-E e. stg. trims. outboards, boats, util trail, 2 Jeeps 
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