2010 Ariens Platinum 24" - higher impeller speed Original Message Oct 5, 2011 1:02 pm
I have a 2010 Platinum 24. I only seem to use it for EOD duty and the occasional heavy storm. I use my singe-stage for everything else. Could I optimize my Ariens by removing the stock 250cc Polar Force engine and bolting on a bigger engine...let's say a 342cc or something similar? Is there a bigger Briggs (Polar force, Intek, etc.) that would mount on that frame and accomplish my objective without too much modification? The stock engine is ok, but if my goal is to cut down the EOD pile and be able to throw it across the street would the big motor/24" bucket combo get me there? I don't care about the warranty. Can anyone recommend a specific engine for this project and the associated parts (pulleys, belts,etc.) that might be required? And of course some extra shear pins!
Re: 2010 Ariens Platinum 24" - is a smaller impeller pulley available? Picture attached Reply #34 Oct 30, 2011 7:24 am
So let me see if I have this correct: To speed the impeller up 7% from 1010 rpm (spec. from owners manual) to 1080.7, I could simply install the 2 groove sheave for the pro models. That puts it's diameter at something like 2.65" if I'm calculating correctly. That small increase in size might even allow for the use of the stock belt cover. I guess that will depend on the width/height of the the new belt finger. Will that small of an increase make a difference worth pursuing is the question...
Re: 2010 Ariens Platinum 24" - is a smaller impeller pulley available? Picture attached Reply #35 Nov 3, 2011 6:39 pm
I have decided to stick with the stock Briggs & Stratton 1150 series engine (with ball bearings on the crank), and just install an impeller kit of my own fabrication. The Ariens impellers are a little tricky to work with due to the fact that it's a five segmented half curve shape, but I believe I've got it worked out. I'll let you all know how it works as soon as we get some white stuff...
Re: 2010 Ariens Platinum 24" - is a smaller impeller pulley available? Picture attached Reply #36 Sep 21, 2014 6:11 am
A few years after I had this idea for modding my platinum (see previous posts above), Ariens went and did it by introducing the Platinum SHO models! More hp combined with higher impeller speed = greater throw for those of us who might benefit from it. Now I just have to wait until the parts lists and diagrams show up on Ariens Parts Radar to see if they came out with a larger diameter dual-belt drive pulley that will work for my application.