Re: Snowblower for James Bond - Humor Reply #5 Mar 31, 2011 5:10 am
My two-stage cleans to the pavement better than that unit was doing.
I like the tracked blower on the video that automatically plays after the first one. The tracked unit also is not shown on the website.
I think those models are probably sold somewhere in the world, but not in North America - prolly when you click on the link, it takes you to the website for whatever country that your IP address comes from.
Re: Snowblower for James Bond - Humor Reply #7 Mar 31, 2011 8:01 am
borat wrote:
I mean really??????
Who in their right mind would make a snow thrower commercial showing off their product with no snow?
If you ever didn't want a products, that's it.
I think it was showcasing the winter boots and the nice console on the snowblower. That's the only thing that differentiates it from its cousin, the Poulan Pro 621.
Re: Snowblower for James Bond - Humor Reply #10 Apr 11, 2011 6:32 am
Of course my lead in was funnier. :)
I hope "the company" redo the video with real snow to show off its performance. 200cc engine with just 1 inch of snow is hardly any workout for that machine, or any machine.