Ariens pro track 26-28- 32 Original Message Jan 30, 2011 12:07 pm
Has anyone had the opportunity to try one of Ariens tracked models? How does it fair against a Honda. I do not know is Ariens models tilt up an down like Hondas. i here Ariens has steering and Honda does not. I here a lot about Honda but nothing about Tracked Ariens. I want to hear your opinions
Re: Ariens pro track 26-28- 32 Reply #12 Feb 17, 2011 8:18 am
The cheaper model with tracks that I looked at didn't have an overhead valve motor on it and then it had the levers on both sides to help turn it around. The pro model that I have doesn't have the levers but has a lock you turn on the right side to lock both tracks. I don't have trouble with it pulling to one side much unless you catch something. I usually have it locked in the down position and then when I get to the end of the driveway I lift it up and it turns nicely.
Re: Ariens pro track 26-28- 32 Reply #13 Feb 17, 2011 8:20 am
Forgot to say you can have it locked in one of three positions, I have never used the lowest down position, guess it works for heavy scraping in that one?