Ariens pro track 26-28- 32 Original Message Jan 30, 2011 12:07 pm
Has anyone had the opportunity to try one of Ariens tracked models? How does it fair against a Honda. I do not know is Ariens models tilt up an down like Hondas. i here Ariens has steering and Honda does not. I here a lot about Honda but nothing about Tracked Ariens. I want to hear your opinions
Re: Ariens pro track 26-28- 32 Reply #10 Feb 15, 2011 7:06 pm
Thanks coldfingers,
My big delima is steering. There are no showrooms here for me to test one. I herd the new pro tracks have a diferential. Yours you said has lock outs. If you unlock one side it will want to turn with the driven track RIGHT?? Wouldn't you be fighting it to turn or go streight? I herd with diferentials you dont worry about it steering . it steers like auto triggers. I just hate to have to munky a heavy machine to turn it.
Re: Ariens pro track 26-28- 32 Reply #11 Feb 15, 2011 11:40 pm
There was an older post by Snomann that mentioned that the new ones have auto traction control for wheels, but the old style handle mounted lockout levers for the tracks. He said something about the automatic not working right with the tracks. That post was from a while ago I think, so they could be different now.
Re: Ariens pro track 26-28- 32 Reply #12 Feb 17, 2011 8:18 am
The cheaper model with tracks that I looked at didn't have an overhead valve motor on it and then it had the levers on both sides to help turn it around. The pro model that I have doesn't have the levers but has a lock you turn on the right side to lock both tracks. I don't have trouble with it pulling to one side much unless you catch something. I usually have it locked in the down position and then when I get to the end of the driveway I lift it up and it turns nicely.
Re: Ariens pro track 26-28- 32 Reply #13 Feb 17, 2011 8:20 am
Forgot to say you can have it locked in one of three positions, I have never used the lowest down position, guess it works for heavy scraping in that one?