You could have the wrong belt but you unbolt the pulley to put the belt on. No force required.
If you try to do this with the tractor tilted down you'll probably have zero success.
Get a chair and prop the traction up by the handlebars. Get it level, horizontal. Position the bucket on 2x4's a half inch from the tractor and work the bucket in slowly. Start with the bottom of the bucket to the bottom of the tractor about 1/4 in i.e. just holding the bucket. Then swing up the bucket very slowly under the top brace. It will probalby take a number of tries. Have a bolt in one hand to fit to a top bolt hole then get a right or left bottom bolt. The rest can be done with slight wiggling of the bucket.
The drive belt can just go on. The auger belt around the the bottom pulley and behind it's guide. The top can just be loose and has to be pushed out of the way so the bucket can come up fully. Once bolted the auger belt can be run under the tensioner using a long screwdriver to hold back the tensioner.
This message was modified Feb 5, 2011 by trouts2