Abby’s Guide > Outdoor Power Equipment (Lawn Mowers, Snow Blowers, Chain Saws and more) > Discussions > Wheels vs Tracks and a Honda HS928TCD
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Wheels vs Tracks and a Honda HS928TCD
Original Message Jan 20, 2011 7:35 am |
Seen a lot of questions and comments on this so I'll just post my 2 cents worth. We get a lot of HARD blown in snow around here. Just bought a Honda HS928TCD (tracks) and I think it's night and day compared to two other wheel types I have used. Yes, the Honda is (only slightly) harder to make a turn at the end of the line, but this is very much more than compensated for by not having to fight the blower through the first 200 yards of hard snow to get to the turn. The Honda just pushes ahead and and is very easy to steer. The hydrostatic drive on the Honda is good to have. It shifts on the fly (no declutching) to adjust to any speed required do get the job done right. The electric chute controls are wonderful - don't seem to have a problem freezing up. When looking to buy, I found the manual chute controls on Hondas sturdily built but a bit hard to turn compared to others. Electric....good. WIsh the Honda had heated grips (it's -36 C here today!). When going through lots of harder snow, the Honda engine is obviously working harder. I compensate by slowing down forward speed or taking a partial cut - no sense in putting undue stress on the new guy, but I suppose it's only logical that more snow to move equals harder work for the engine. The two wheelies took a lot of muscle for the hard snow - almost woulda been easier to shovel it. My old wheelie (JD 826 with chains and "summer" tires) went thru but slowly and with difficulty and lots of muscle required. The other new wheelie (since returned to dealer), equipped with "snow hog" type tires simply refused to touch the stuff. I looked into getting chains for the snow hogs, but most dealers, even those that sold chains made expressly for the snow hogs, said they didn't help much (one said they made things worse!). The Honda tracker is definitely more difficult to handle than a wheelie when in the garage on dry concrete, but I can live with that. Maybe the suggestion of putting it on a creeper would help, but I just don't have to move it around there much anyway. Come summer: prep it, store it and see ya next winter. Bottom line (for me): probably almost anything will go through soft snow, but if you need to blow hard snow, get a tracked model. I love my HS928TCD , and I imagine the new Yamahas and perhaps other tracked models (ie Ariens, but no hydrostatic drive) would work as well.
Joined: Nov 28, 2008
Points: 2434
Re: Wheels vs Tracks and a Honda HS928TCD
Reply #19 Jan 21, 2011 7:47 pm |
First year of ownership was frustrating, since I decided that my first two stage snowblower was going to be Honda's biggest model and with tracks. The HS1132. Prior experience was with a Toro Powerlite and Honda HS621 single stage, and various shovel types. Going on third year now, I'm feeling very comfortable with it. Found a new appreciation for coordinated turns and chute adjustment while the snowblower is in motion and pumping out snow. I'm not in a hurry so I try to do it smooth. I can almost place the snow in single spot while turning. Feels like flying a helicopter, requires constant minor adjustment to direction and chute, but it's fun. I would love mine to be a TCD model, it's like driving a car with power steering and power windows. Just tried something new this year. Last week, we had slushy snow, then freezing rain, then some snow on top of that. I tried to keep up clearing the pavement, but the temperature dropped so there was 1 inch of frozen ice and packed driven over snow tire tracks. The driveway was uneven with elevated tire tracks and patches of snow and ice My rear wheel drive car had a bit of trouble climbing the incline with the snow and all the ruts. The temp has been 5-15F so no chance of that 1" ice melting anytime soon, even with all the sun. Took out the Honda, put it in scraper mode, run it along the driveway length, then across. Now I have a smooth graded surface and the raised tire tracks are gone. Another plus was the serrated auger scratched up the glare ice so now I have enough traction for the car to climb. I was going to salt the driveway but now I don't have to, which I only salt when absolutely necessary. I did feel weird running the snowblower when there was no new snow on the ground, and arouse curiosity in the neighbors, but I wasn't going to spend hours chipping away at the ice layer. However, after half an hour running the snowblower in scraper mode, this little Zamboni smoothed out the driveway and made it walkable without resorting to salt. Well, chalk one up for another reason why tracks are desireable. Only with tracks can you point the auger at the ice and put lots of weight on it.
Location: Merrimack Valley/Northeastern Mass
Joined: Jun 30, 2010
Points: 587
Re: Wheels vs Tracks and a Honda HS928TCD
Reply #20 Jan 22, 2011 4:16 am |
As I have stated several times on various posts, I was apprehensive about the track drive system vs. wheel drive because of all the negative comments that have been posted. The friend I bought my slightly used HS928TA from convinced me otherwise and I'm glad I listened to him. Learning the proper technique of manuvering and handling the track drive system is really the key to smooth and painless operation. If you try to fight the tracks or use them as you would a wheel drive system you will definitely be disappointed. Operating a track drive in the showroom or on bare pavement is simply not a good method of judging the way they handle in real world (i.e. snow covered ground) conditions. Yes, it is not easy to move around your garage in the middle of summer but if it is placed on a dolly your problem is solved. Once I have my machine ready to tackle the winter, it stays off the dolly and is ready for use at a moments notice. I appreciate all makes and types of OPE and enjoy using all the toys I have in my arsenal. It's a good thing that we have many brands to choose from when we decide to go out and buy a piece of OPE. Just because one prefers brand X over brand Y does not mean that one is neccessarily better than another. Some like brunettes, some like red heads, me, I've always been a sucker for a pretty blonde! That said, it does not mean that one is better than the other.
This message was modified Jan 22, 2011 by FrankMA
Toro Wheel Horse 522xi GT, Honda HS928TA, Honda HS621AS, Honda HS520A, Toro CCR3000 (work in progress), Honda HS624WA (sold 08/23/2010), Stihl BR550 Backpack Blower, Stihl MS250, McCulloch MS1635, Honda EM6500SX Generator